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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Still have one or
two questions?

What is Saxton Voice-Over’s Process?

  1. Press play and listen to our talented voice artists on our website
  2. Select your preferred voice
  3. Upload the script and details of your requirements here
  4. Sit back while Saxton Voice-Over develops your project
  5. Secure delivery of your voice over
  6. Make payment
  7. Press play and listen to your tailored voice-over

How long are my voice-over usage rights?

TV, radio, and online commercials are supplied with a 12-month usage license. Usage for over 12-months will incur an additional 100% charge of the initial job fee.

Which voice over categories does Saxton Voice-Over offer?

At the moment our most popular categories are:

Don't see the category you are after? Send us an enquiry and we will provide you with the perfect voice to suit your needs!

What is e-learning?

Conducted online, e-learning provides a versatile and simple way for students to access education and learning resources. E-learning can be accessed via most electronic devices including a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

How soon will my voice-over be ready?

We want to ensure your voice-over is perfect, therefore expect a turnaround time of usually 1 business day for projects up to 2,500 words.
Please note, bigger projects may take longer to develop.

What are your terms and conditions?

You can find our terms and conditions here.

What is your privacy policy?

You can find our privacy policy here.

Can music be added to the recording?

We can absolutely add music to your recording, just make a note of this in your enquiry and we will provide you with some options.

I have more specific questions that have not been listed here

If you have a specific query about your recording, head over to our contact page and you can either send us a message or give us a call on +61 3 7031 5880

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