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Leader & Educator.


Adam Voigt is first and foremost a skilled classroom practitioner and highly successful Principal. Earning his first Principalship at the age of 35, Adam has personally led full school turnarounds and also the design and establishment of a brand new school as its inaugural Principal.

Adam’s experience is peppered with lessons and case studies from a career spanning more than a quarter of a century. What Adam doesn’t know about making the magic of learning happen in schools … is possibly not worth knowing.

Adam is a real leader who walks the talk. His speaking offerings are filled with stories, messages, tools and hope developed from years of successful School Leadership as a Principal in some of Australia’s most challenging locations. Adam is a leader & speaker who has genuinely ‘been there and done that’.

Adam is now connecting with leaders and educators locally and internationally with bias for long-term Partnerships that sustain change. His determination to impact and empower all leaders with this message is endless and this shines through each and every presentation.

He has a passion for empowering as many dedicated leaders and educators as possible with the tools, skills and attitudes necessary to build meaningful, productive relationships wherever they are. And for these relationships to be leveraged for a new level of performance and leadership potential.

Adam is now taking his message about schools and leadership to a new level and also providing high quality interactive training for School Leaders and Teachers through Real Schools.

Talking Points

No More Anti-Bullying Programs

Adam’s powerful keynote “No More Anti-Bullying Programs” is a confronting look at how we’ve gotten our approach to bullying wrong and exactly what each school can do to turn the scourge of bullying around.

Leading School Culture

Perfect for inspiring your next Principal or School Leadership conference “Leading School Culture” is a rollicking journey from confusion about School Leadership to clarity, purpose and vision.

Leading Whole School Behaviour Improvement

“Leading Whole School Behaviour Improvement” is a levelling up of current efforts, matrices, hypotehtcials and programs tethered to the outdated notion of ’Behaviour Management’ and an awakening of what happens when conduct, language and mindset are instead the focus.

Restorative Practices Works

Restorative Practices works. It’s a philosophy that sits neatly with almost every educator’s purpose for working with young people. But it hasn’t always been implemented well in schools. “RP2.0” is a keynote about addressing that. It’s time for your school to have a truly restorative future.

The Grown-Ups in the Room

“The Grown-Ups in the Room” is a practical, hilarious and actionable look at staff cohesion. It’s about communication, cohesion and a staff of educators in your school who are mobilised fully behind your vision. Sounds ok … am I right?

Restorative Classrooms, Strong Classrooms

“Restorative Classrooms, Strong Classrooms” is about unleashing the teacher within. When teachers learn to shed the teacher they through they had to be in preference for the teacher they knew they could be (through ridiculously easy and practical shifts) everyone wins. This keynote is high impact and high engagement.
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