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Creative Evangelist obsessed with using creativity to change the world for good.

Creativity has the power to change the world. It's time to unleash that power.


Alex Wadelton holds the official Guinness world record for the longest duration touching tongue to nose.

He’s also danced a marathon in his living room during the world’s longest COVID lockdown, plucked his hair out for charity, convinced a comedian to become an Instagram model, launched the Big Bash League, won more than a hundred international advertising awards, helped convince Australian supermarkets to stop their short-term plastic promotions, got a statue made of the iconic stance against racism by Nicky Winmar with the AFL, won “The Pitch” on ABCTV’s Gruen, appeared on The Project five times, raised over a million dollars for charity in his spare time, been described as “one of the world’s best-paid advertising engineers” on a Hungarian website, been labelled “an obvious nut job liberal” on the front page of The Daily Mirror UK website, and co-authored two best-selling books with creative visionary Russel Howcroft titled The Rightbrain Workout Volumes 1 & 2.

All because of his consistent use of the ‘c’ word: creativity.

With his advertising background, Alex is well-versed in bringing his presentations to life with a colourful mix of evidence-based research, self-deprecating humour, and light-hearted openness with a sprinkling of inspiration.

He has presented keynotes and workshops across Australia for organisations as diverse as PWC, Monash University, KPMG, Who Gives A Crap, Luminary, Deakin University, BWS, and an array of

secondary schools.

Alex believes passionately that creativity can change the world.

His mission is simple: to help everyone unlock their inner creative genius, so they too can make the world a better place.

Talking Points

Change the way your staff think about thinking.

Studies show 98% of five-year-olds have a genius level of creative problem-solving.
But by adulthood, this figure falls to only 2%¦ what a tragedy!

So, imagine if there was a way could get 10% of your staff back to their true creative genius level.
Or 20%¦
Or 50%.
Or 98%!?

Join Alex Wadelton, co-author of the best-selling The Right-brain Workout books with business visionary Russel Howcroft, as he helps the audience to unlock the inner creative genius laying inside almost every single one of us.

Through a history of creativity, evidence-based research, and a series of practical right-brain tips, this is a fun-filled masterclass in doing things differently, standing out, and making a real difference in the world.

You won't just be inspired, you'll be instigated to get out there and make great things happen, for yourself, your company, and your world.

Audience: Businesses

Change the way your students think about thinking.

It feels like the world is on a knife's edge. Climate change, global poverty, obesity, starvation, overpopulation, endangered species, pollution, ideological wars- every day it seems like another crisis bubbles to the surface.

How will we solve these problems? The answer is simple- encouraging the children of today to be as creative as possible. Because creativity is not just about art. It's about science, music, maths, politics, entrepreneurship, and life itself.

Creativity has brought forth every great invention, every great business, and every great breakthrough in the history of humankind.

Yet it seems as we grow up, we grow out of being creative. Studies show 98% of five-year-olds have a genius level of creative problem-solving. But by adulthood, this figure falls to only 2%¦ what a tragedy!

Join Alex Wadelton, co-author of the best-selling The Right-brain Workout books with business visionary Russel Howcroft, as he shows how any student can enhance, ignite, and harness their inner creativity to change the world.

Through a history of creativity, evidence-based research, and a series of practical right-brain tips, this is a fun-filled masterclass in doing things differently, standing out, and making a real difference.

Audience: Schools

Unlocking the meaning of life (with a little help from advertising)

How advertising's most famous slogans can help you, your staff and your organisation be more fulfilled, make a difference in the world, and achieve more balance than ever before. That's not an overclaim. Why?

Because when you start following the advice of advertising you start to Think different (Apple). When you Just do it (Nike) you can achieve incredible things. Because when you believe in The Power of Dreams (Honda), you reframe everything.

When you put this newfound power into action, you soon realise that the Impossible is Nothing (Adidas). Before too long, you'll be thinking I'm lovin' it!� (McDonald's).
Why? Because You're Worth It (L'Oreal).

Join one of Australia's most lauded advertising Creative Director's Alex Wadelton as he details how has used this approach to raise millions for charity, put an end to ecologically dangerous supermarket promotions, get a statue made of an iconic moment in Australian racial history, break a world record, and dance a marathon in his living room during the world's longest lockdown.

Now he can show you how anyone can achieve greatness too. This is a truly unique blend of Western commercialism and Eastern philosophy not to be missed. Hurry, stocks won't last!

Audience: Marketing/Advertising and Schools

Conscious Creativity

There are thousands upon thousands of Charities, Not-For-Profits, for-good movements, and governmental departments in Australia, all vying for the attention of the same, tired eyeballs.

So, how can you stand out in a sea of information overload?

With liberal use of the C- word- creativity.
With creativity you can create emotional stories that really resonate, educate the masses, and get people digging into their wallets to support your cause.

Join social activist and advertising visionary Alex Wadelton, co-author of the best-selling The Right-brain Workout books with Gruen's Russel Howcroft, as he shows how any organisation can grab the attention of the public through emotional storytelling, how the people who work for your the company can ignite their own inner creative genius with a series of helpful creative tips, and why
making a difference in the world is the path to a truly fulfilling life.

Audience: Charity/NFP and Government

The Mindful Tangerine

Aren't we all looking for a little more peace in this busy world we inhabit?

Be you a high-flying corporate CEO, a student at the beginning of your journey in life, an ambitious graduate, a parent, a full-time professional, or anything in between, after the stresses of the last couple of years, we could all do with a dose of calmness, mindfulness, and space.

Join Alex Wadelton as he merges the learnings of his twenty-plus-year creative career with the teachings of the inspirational Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh's active mindfulness philosophy to encourage a sense of calm, a wonder for the simple, and an appreciation of the magic of life in this session perfect for the open-hearted and the open-minded.

Open yourself up to be challenged, to be uplifted, and to think deeply about your perspective on the world around. Peace is waiting for you. You just have to walk towards it.

Audience: Business/Schools and anyone
Alex is a rare triple threat: a personal growth story that inspires, a professional success story that supports bold thinking, and a philanthropic approach that delivers the warm and fuzzies. This unique combination resulted in an incredibly inspiring and interactive session, with a planned follow-up to ensure that we can continue learning from his life story and approach for months to come. TikTok Australia & New Zealand
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