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Avant-Garde Ideas That Expand Minds & Inspire a Change of Heart

Change doesn't care whether you like it or not. It happens without your permission.


Anders Sörman-Nilsson is a visionary futurist and a global authority at the intersection of digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and sustainability. As the founder of the avant-garde think tank, Thinque, Anders offers data-driven insights and strategic foresight to global brands, helping them navigate the complexities of the modern world.

With an impressive client roster that includes industry giants such as Apple, Meta, Google, McKinsey, Lego, and Rugby New Zealand Anders is trusted by leaders across four continents to provide guidance on the cutting edge of technology and innovation.

Holding a Global Executive MBA and an LLB, Anders' unique blend of strategy and entrepreneurial acumen, combined with his forward-thinking approach, makes him a sought-after and awarded Keynote Speaker of the Year. He specialises in decoding complex trends and turning challenging questions into actionable strategies, inspiring audiences to embrace change and future-proof their organisations.

Anders is the acclaimed author of three pivotal books on digital transformation and innovation: 'Aftershock' (2020), 'Seamless' (2017), and 'Digilogue' (2013). He is a Brand Ambassador for Adobe, and his thought leadership extends to impactful trend reports like "How Artificial Intelligence is Powering Australian Retail," commissioned by Microsoft, and the creation of marketing award-winning tools like the Adobe Creative Intelligence test, and brand collaborations with Meta, ING Bank, Jaguar Land Rover and Zurich.

A recognised figure in global thought leadership circles, Anders is a member of TEDGlobal and the Entrepreneurs Organisation, where he serves as the Leadership Impact Chair for the Sydney Chapter. His nomination to the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders in 2019 underscores his influence and commitment to shaping a sustainable future.

Anders' insights have been featured in prestigious publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the BBC, establishing him as a leading voice in the realm of futurism. As the host of the 2nd Renaissance Podcast and the Entrepreneurs Organization's Scaling Impact podcast, he continues to explore and share revolutionary ideas that expand minds and inspire a change of heart.

Engaging Anders Sörman-Nilsson for your next event guarantees an enlightening experience that will leave your audience equipped to sustainably lead in an ever-evolving digital and AI-driven landscape.

Talking Points

The Future is AI with a Human Soul: Nurturing Ethical Technology for a Humane Tomorrow

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) shapes every facet of our lives, the quest for technological advancement raises profound ethical questions. "The Future is AI with a Human Soul" delves into the heart of this technological evolution, advocating for a future where AI not only mimics human intelligence but also embodies our deepest values and ethical principles.

This keynote explores the delicate balance between harnessing the power of AI to solve complex global challenges and ensuring these technologies are developed and deployed with a deep sense of responsibility, empathy, and ethical integrity. Anders Sörman-Nilsson, a futurist with a keen eye on sustainable and ethical innovation, guides us through a visionary journey where AI and humanity converge to create a more compassionate and inclusive world.

Key Takeaways:
- Understanding AI's Ethical Landscape: Unpack the critical ethical considerations in AI development, from data privacy to algorithmic bias, and learn how to navigate these challenges with foresight and wisdom.
- Empathy and AI: Explore how AI can be designed with empathy at its core, enhancing human experiences and relationships rather than diminishing them.
- Sustainable AI Integration: Examine strategies for integrating AI into society in ways that promote environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic equity.
- The Role of Human Creativity: Discover how human creativity and AI can synergize to solve problems that neither could tackle alone, fostering innovation that reflects the best of human values.
- Navigating Risks and Rewards: Balance the transformative potential of AI with a cautious awareness of its risks, ensuring that the path forward safeguards human dignity and freedom.

"The Future is AI with a Human Soul" is more than a presentation; it's a call to action for leaders, innovators, and communities to collaborate in shaping an AI-enhanced future that honours our collective humanity. Join Anders in envisioning and working towards a world where technology serves as a bridge to a more understanding, sustainable, and compassionate society.

Digilogue Dynamics: Winning Digital Minds and Analogue Hearts in the Age of AI and Conscious Consumerism

As we navigate a world where Generative AI, the Metaverse, and conscious consumerism redefine engagement, the concept of "Digilogue" offers a compelling path forward. This keynote delves into the fusion of digital innovation and analogue authenticity, essential for captivating the hearts and minds of tomorrow's consumers.

What You'll Discover:
- Generative AI's Role: Learn how AI can personalize experiences to captivate tech-savvy minds while preserving the human touch that resonates with our hearts.
- Metaverse for Engagement: Explore how brands can utilize the Metaverse to create immersive experiences that blend digital and physical realms, fostering community and connection.
- Sustainability in Innovation: Understand the importance of sustainable practices in digital strategies, aligning with the values of environmentally and socially conscious consumers.
- Bridging Digital and Analogue: Strategies to blend digital efficiency with the bespoke charm of analogue interactions, ensuring technology enhances rather than replaces human connections.

Key Takeaways:
- Mastering the Digilogue Space: Insights into creating experiences where technology complements human touch, strengthening customer relationships.
- Ethical Tech Integration: Principles for adopting AI and virtual realities responsibly, focusing on sustainability and ethical considerations to meet the expectations of conscious consumers.

This keynote offers a roadmap for businesses aiming to thrive in a digital future without losing the essence of human connection, ensuring a deep resonance with the evolving landscape of consumer values and expectations.

Sustainable Futures: Crafting a World Worth Inheriting Through Innovation

In our race against time to safeguard our planet, innovation and technology emerge as our most potent allies. "Sustainable Futures" is not just a call to action; it's a roadmap to innovating a world where ecological balance, social equity, and economic viability converge to create a sustainable legacy for generations to come.

This keynote delves into the heart of sustainability, transcending traditional environmental concerns to embrace the holistic ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) framework. It's about harmonizing planet, people, and profit to forge organizations and cultures that not only survive but thrive in the face of global sustainability challenges.

Key Takeaways:
- Innovative Decoupling: Explore cutting-edge technologies and practices that allow us to enhance our productivity and quality of life while minimising environmental impact, truly having our "planetary cake and eating it too."
- UN SDGs as Creativity Catalysts: Discover how the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) serve as a framework for innovation within constraints, inspiring creative solutions to complex global challenges.
- Economic Advantage of Green Transformation: Understand the compelling return on investment (ROI) for businesses that commit to the green economy, demonstrating that sustainability leaders consistently outperform their less proactive counterparts.
- Circular Economy Insights: Learn about the principles of the Circular Economy and how they enable businesses to develop resilient, innovative, and sustainable models that reduce waste and foster regeneration.
- Conscious Consumerism: Gain insights into the rising tide of conscious consumers who demand ethical practices and sustainability commitments from brands, influencing companies to act before regulation mandates change.
- B-Corp and Supply Chain Transformation: Explore how aligning with B-Corp standards and fostering sustainable supply chain ecosystems can accelerate your company's transformation towards sustainability at an exponential pace.
- Narrative Crafting for Sustainability: Master the art of communicating your sustainability journey in a way that engages and inspires stakeholders, without resorting to shaming, by crafting compelling narratives that resonate on an emotional and intellectual level.

This keynote will not only enlighten but also equip you with the strategies and insights needed to lead your organisation towards a sustainable future, where doing good for the planet and society is synonymous with doing well in business.

2nd Renaissance: Unleashing Human Creativity Through AI Empowerment

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a tool but a partner in our creative processes, we stand on the brink of a new age of human creativity and innovation. As we move beyond the challenges of the pandemic, our focus shifts towards how AI can enhance human potential, liberating us from the mundane to embrace the profound and impactful.

This keynote delves into the symbiotic relationship between humans and machines, exploring how AI is becoming the canvas and catalyst for human creativity. We are entering a 2nd Renaissance, reminiscent of the historical flourish of art, culture, and science, but this time powered by digital intelligence.

Key Takeaways:
- Human-AI Collaboration: Understand how AI is not replacing but augmenting human creativity, enabling us to achieve more with less and pushing the boundaries of innovation.
- Sustainable Innovation: Explore how technology, particularly AI, is instrumental in driving sustainable practices, ensuring that our strides in innovation are ecologically responsible and aligned with the principles of the Circular Economy.
- Human-Centered Design: Learn the importance of crafting stories and experiences that resonate on a human level, using AI to deepen connections and enrich the customer journey.
- The Rise of Conscious Consumerism: Gain insights into the evolving expectations of consumers who demand purpose-driven brands that leverage technology for positive impact.
- Diversity as a Catalyst: Discover how inclusive approaches in AI and technology development are unlocking new perspectives and driving disruptive innovation.
- Creative Expression in the Digital Age: Witness examples of how the fusion of creativity and technology is leading to unprecedented forms of art, design, and storytelling, making what was once deemed science fiction a tangible reality.
- Empowering the Creative Economy: Learn how the future belongs to those who can blend creativity with technological prowess to create solutions that resonate both emotionally and practically with global audiences.

This keynote will not only inspire but also provide practical frameworks for leveraging AI to enhance human creativity, ensuring that your brand or organization is at the forefront of this new, dynamic era of innovation and human expression.
Thank you so much for a wonderful session - the whole team felt incredibly inspired and optimistic after your talk. A pleasure to meet you - can't wait to work together again soon. Meta/Facebook

We had the great pleasure to be with Anders at Google for his 2nd Renaissance presentation at the Google Think Education vertical. There he opened up different perspectives on how we are going to deal with technology and innovations in the educational process in the future, which is very important for everyone in the world. In addition, he is a very approachable, polite, kind, and curious person who really wants to hear other ideas and thoughts from others. At different times, we were able to discuss also about, that what branding goes beyond marketing strategies, in which Anders raised seemingly simple but very pertinent questions to think.


Anders possesses a remarkable depth of knowledge in his field and consistently provides valuable insights. What truly sets him apart is his unique ability to distill complex concepts into easily understandable ideas, making his presentations not only informative but also captivating.

CPA Australia Board

Wonderful collaboration with Anders on creating an exclusive series for Microsoft’s top customers in Central and Eastern Europe... Bringing the fun and engaging stories of data, digital, and AI for sustainability and business impact.


Thanks for the note, and I truly appreciate the time you spent with us at the Innovation and Learning Conference. Your perspectives on balancing the digital interactions with the human interactions were 'spot-on'. We’ve received very positive feedback on your presentation.


Highly recommended. Anders helped guide our Q1 2023 Management & Emerging Leaders Forum as our keynote speaker. Suitably energetic and engaging, Anders helped guide our workshops and open forum discussions involving our Asia teams focused on ESG, the link to business strategy, and a futuristic look at customer needs and demands. Enlightening couple of days and we look forward to welcoming him back next year.

Lockton Insurance

Highly recommended! Anders was once again highly insightful, considerate of our business and market trends, and on point with broader future trends. The team thoroughly enjoyed the event and was super relevant to our business. Thanks, Anders and enjoyed your humor too.


Anders thank you for such exceptional work in curating an engaging Keynote for our CyberArk Impact event. You masterfully brought the whole day together, with multiple global keynotes and wrapping up the day with your inspiring 2nd Renaissance session. Having the pleasure of working with you on a few client events now, you always seem to raise the bar. Your skills and flair are greatly appreciated.


In over 25 years of CRMC and nearly 100 Keynotes, Anders was easily one of our top ten presenters. Engaging, charismatic yet humble, his topic was spot-on and curated for our particular audience of 800 brand marketers from Fortune 1000 companies. If you are looking for a great partner to bring your event theme to life, Anders is a home-run.


Anders is a true professional and was a great partner for our conference. He was actively involved in the pre-planning and gave an extraordinary keynote that was relevant to our audience. This was the second time we used Anders in 5 years, and he did a wonderful job linking the two presentations and highlighting what has changed in 5 years (which was a lot). I would highly recommend Anders for future keynotes.


Anders delivered a Keynote at a recent event and received excellent feedback. If there was one complaint, it was that the audience did not get enough Anders time! His session covered a huge and pivotal topic, which he delivered with such an engaging, enthusiastic and authoritative style, that the audience could happily have heard more. “Inspirational”, “engaging” and “relevant” seem to be the theme of the feedback and made for a hugely impactful session on CX and emerging tech.

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