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Customer centric business

We moved from a world where we didn't know, to a world where we do know


Dr. Andreas Weigend's expertise is to turn data into decisions. He was the chief scientist at Amazon where he worked with Jeff Bezos on the company's data strategy. In 2018, Angela Merkel appointed him to Germany's Digital Council ("Digitalrat") to help create a positive mindset towards digital transformation ("Digitalisierung").

As advisor and consultant, he helps organizations ask the right questions, leveraging data and analytics. His clients include airlines, banks, telcos, retail and healthcare companies.

His goal is to empower leaders to build data literate and customer-centric organizations. At conferences and company events, he likes to challenge the audience with new possibilities of data and AI for people, business, and society.

Previous experience

Education: Andreas studied electrical engineering, physics and philosophy in Karlsruhe, Cambridge and Bonn, before moving to Stanford for his Ph.D. in neural networks. His book “Data for the People” (2017) has been translated into eight languages. He has taught at NYU/Stern, Stanford, UC Berkeley and in China. He lives in San Francisco, Bangkok

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