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Founder, Life in Flight Training.


Andrew Staniforth, as the creator of Life in Flight Training (LIFT), has spent almost 30 years working in aircraft cabins and observing the best and worst humanity has to offer.

As Andrew puts it: "I can't think of any other job where your customers, management team, staff, service, product, office and destination all change 3 or 4 times a day … and that's if and when everything goes to plan! In my world I travel at 900 km/h. If a problem with a customer or staff member arises, or if an unexpected event occurs, I have minutes, not hours, to help solve it."

This unique perspective provided him with the opportunity to hone his skills in the fields of conflict resolution, leadership, team dynamics, customer service and attitude.

Andrew's LIFT Talks are fast paced and enthralling keynote style presentations that run for 60 minutes and are packed with captivating stories, insights and observations into human behaviour. He is a compelling keynote speaker whose experience, dry sense of humour and common sense approach energises his audience. In fact, LIFT Talks has been referred to as Entertaining Training' because it's��s so much fun you won't even realise you're learning!

Time to board…This is one flight you'll be glad you took!

Talking Points

Piloting People

¢ How to influence people
¢ How to bring out the best in people
¢ The difference between leaders & managers
¢ How your actions define your leadership

Attitude at Altitude

¢ How to remain positive in the face of negativity
¢ How attitudes affect outcomes
¢ How to affect attitudes
¢ The attitudes of successful people

Fight or Flight

¢ How to defuse conflict situations
¢ How to help people focus on solutions instead of problems
¢ How to recognise potential conflict before it escalates
¢ How to remain calm in conflict situations


¢ Why people are more important than product
¢ How to provide exceptional service without burning out
¢ How to use product and service failures to your advantage
¢ How to turn a detractor into an advocate
Everyone has been buzzing about Life in Flight and saying how much they were able to take away from it. Now I know what they were all so excited about. What a gift Andrew has, a true people person and all learnt from the 'Book of Life'! How lucky are we he chose to share! An incredibly insightful person. LIFT (Life in Flight Training) participant

I just wanted to relay to you how much I enjoyed our Life in Flight training sessions. I have come out of these sessions feeling invigorated with a very positive attitude and I'm sure this is overflowing to not only my team but to my personal life. I really connected with Andrew and Amanda and their style of training. They were able to encourage me out of my comfort zone, as role-play is not normally my forte, to the point where I was the first to volunteer for presentations, etc. I truly found these sessions valuable and I hope we have further contact with Andrew.

LIFT (Life in Flight Training) participant

Thank you so much for taking the time to follow up with me. I found your session just as valuable as the initial session. Life In Flight has allowed me to channel back all the great quality and leadership skills that were hiding behind the wall. Your sessions are truly engaging and challenging. I'm often reminded about Life in Flight, weather I'm crossing the road, buying food or hanging out with friends. I consider myself very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to participate in Life in Flight. This was a fantastic gift that was given to me and will now be the gift I am able to give.

LIFT (Life in Flight Training) participant

I would like to say a big thank you for a great two days, two days that now impact my day-to-day activities on a daily basis. Your workshop is the gift that keeps giving. Your sessions really empowered me. I always liked to think of myself as a glass half full girl, however your sessions illustrated to me that there is always room for improvement. On a professional note you have empowered me with the tools to approach any situation. No matter how hard, tough or uncomfortable.

LIFT (Life in Flight Training) participant

Comments from attendees include... I found Andrew's talk to be relevant, insightful, inspiring, not to mention funny and witty. He quickly felt very much a part of the team, which was impressive considering everyone, only had only met him for the first time that same morning. Watching my wife pore over his book in fits of laughter last night only highlighted the wealth of life experience he has lived, and his skill at delivering these experiences as inspiring anecdotes for the benefit of others. Andrew had us hooked right from the start. His stories were inspiring, however conveyed in a way that I could make use of the examples in my world. I don't think there would be one person that would not benefit from Andrew's experience and stories. It is a real credit to him and we felt very privileged to have him attend! I am nearly finished his book and there's only one word to describe it: inspiring! I was very impressed with Andrew. Everything was so relevant to us in so many ways. He was the right ingredient for our group. It was so refreshing to see someone stand up there and talk honestly, naturally and with a passion for what he does. Andrew was a great speaker - very engaging, and very interesting to listen to. I think that I could relate to every one of his stories, and could think of a similar situation with a colleague or client for each one! Attitude is all-important in this industry, and it was great to be reminded of that in such a humorous way. Andrew was great. I like his sense of humour and the way that he narrated his experiences.

LIFT Keynote at the Travel with Kidz National Conference
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