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Dr Anika

Farmer, Scientist, Storyteller, Future Shaper


Dr Anika Molesworth is smashing the status quo and inspiring change for a better future.

As a young, female farmer tackling the world’s biggest challenges, Anika is inspiring thousands through engaging and empowering conversations. Her infectious optimism is shifting mindsets and behaviours, leaving audiences motivated and empowered to act.

It was the decade-long Millennium drought on Anika's family's farm that spurred her interest in climate change. It led her to ask, "How are we going to feed a rapidly growing global population well, in a climate-challenged world?" With a passion for rural communities and healthy ecosystems, she is committed to helping create sustainable and vibrant farming landscapes now and in the future.

Anika is a thought leader in agroecological systems resilience and has a PhD in international agricultural development.

Anika's dedication to raising awareness of climate change, and most importantly, what action can be taken to reduce emissions and adapt to changing conditions, has gained her widespread notability. Anika’s career has taken her around the world to every continent (including Antarctica!), meeting with farmers, global leaders and royalty. She is a sought-after keynote speaker and educator, who brings heartfelt warmth, authenticity and optimism to complex global challenges.

She is the author of the book, Our Sunburnt Country, which won the Royal Societies of Australia and New Zealand Writer’s Award for Outstanding Writing on Social Change.

Anika is passionate about inclusivity and community empowerment. Anika founded Climate Wise Agriculture in 2014 as a knowledge-sharing platform for climate change in global food systems. She also helped established Farmers for Climate Action, a national network of nearly 8,000 Australian farmers championing climate change solutions.

Anika wholeheartedly believes that we can create an exciting, sustainable and regenerative future, by courageously facing our big challenges and collaboratively working together.

Previous Experience:

After being named the 2015 Young Farmer of the Year, Anika went on to be awarded the 2017 Young Australian of the Year NSW Finalist, and the 2017 NSW Young Achiever Award for Environment and Sustainability. In 2018 she was awarded the Green Globe Awards Young Sustainability Champion, the NSW/ACT Regional Achievement and Community Award for Agricultural Innovation, and the Heroes of a Low-Carbon Economy Youth Champion.

In 2019 she was recognised as a Future Shaper by InStyle and Audi, and a Women of Influence by the Australian Financial Review.

In 2020, she was awarded the Emily Hensley Award for self-discipline, integrity, compassion and contribution to the broader community. In 2022, she was recognised in the Top 100 Green Power Players and was named Young Conservationist of the Year by Australian Geographic.

Talking Points

It's not game-over, it's game on: The frontline of climate change impacts and solutions

The enormity and complexity of the climate challenge seems daunting however, with the right skills and know-how the solutions are at hand. This eye-opening and inspiring presentation leaves the audience educated, engaged and empowered.

Key Takeaways:
- Understand the latest climate science.
- Be engaged by personal stories of those on the frontlines of climate impacts.
- Feel empowered to help create a better future.

Feeding the future: Innovation in the food and farming system

With a rapidly growing global population, we need to transform the food system to one that is good for both people and the planet. Changes can be made from the paddock to the plate, and by doing so we can create a more just, equitable and sustainable food system.

Key Takeaways:
- Know the risks in the modern food system.
- Identify the cracks and how they can be fixed.
- Dare to imagine the food system of the future and how you can help make it.

Empowering people: Rural communities stepping up to global challenges

In the words of Margaret Mead, Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.� Individuals, businesses, community groups through to large organisations need to shift mindsets and behaviours in the face of global challenges. With confidence, inspiration and collaboration people can change the world for the better.

Key Takeaways:
- Together we are louder, together we go further.
- Building a movement and sustaining progress.
- Individual empowerment and collaboration for good causes.

Advocating for a better world: Intergenerational equity and climate change

Holding the megaphone isn't easy. How does one remain resilient in the face of criticism and self-doubt? Learning how to be visible and ensuring personal longevity is essential to make positive change. With nurturing and collaborative mindsets, individuals can step up to be leaders and make a large-scale impact.

Key Takeaways:
- You are the leader you've been waiting for.
- Know your values and how to use them.
- Speaking up for a brighter future.

Cultivating resilience: looking after self in order to look after what matters

In our fast-paced lives, we often feel under-resourced and overwhelmed. In order to tackle big challenges like climate change, food security and community stability, we need to build mindsets of resilience and work environments that help us thrive.

Key Takeaways:
- Be kind to self and others.
- Adaptability is key.
- Resilient leaders create resilience around them.

Cultivating Climate Courage

We are living in a time when we need to grow courage to overcome the challenges we face. This inspiring visionary talk leaves the audience feeling empowered and motivated.

Key Takeaways:
- We can all find courage from within.
- Our visions should be bold and courageous.
- Together a beautiful and bright future is possible.
Anika is an incredible up-and-coming Australian leader. She bridges the gap, as no one else quite can, between women, farming, science and activism. She is able to speak in an insightful way about the challenges faced both at the personal and global levels, using storytelling, evidence and personal perspectives in a compelling way. She has a magnetic presence as a speaker and presenter and is able to simplify complex topics and inspire her audiences with clear takeaways. Anika is the face of our future. Homeward Bound

Having called on Anika to moderate or speak at a range of both our physical and online NextGen events around food and nutrition security, I did so with great confidence for our recent National Science Week event. Anika presents with knowledge, passion and purpose and is an accomplished communicator who is able to judge her audience to pitch her address accordingly. She is also very organised and quick to respond to requests for info, so is a delight to work with!

Crawford Fund

Her presentation title aptly named 'Fighting for Love' was inspirational, passionate, educational and powerful!! Anika was a pleasure and a true professional to work with from the time of initially contacting her.

Global Smart Energy Summit

Anika was an absolute pleasure to have involved in the National Climate Emergency Summit. She was reliable and responsive in the leadup to the event. As a presenter, Anika was engaging and informative, easily linking her personal perspective and experience to the impacts of climate change on rural communities in Australia and more broadly. Her contribution to the panel discussion was insightful uplifting, and important, and we had lots of positive feedback on the session with Anika being the stand out for many people in the audience.

National Climate Emergency Summit

Anika Molesworth is a passionate, knowledgeable and articulate speaker on how climate change affects farming and farming communities in Australia. Her story comes from personal farming experience and academic research. The audience senses that she knows what she is talking about. I highly recommend her to conferences focusing on agriculture, food security, climate change and the future of rural Australia.

Past Australian Chief Scientist

[Anika's] work on sustainable agriculture is inspiring and directly contributes to the success of tens of thousands of our members directly involved in agriculture. We have been thrilled with the event feedback, much of which has included a request to bring Anika back... When you get an encore' and you're a super fund something has gone right. Anika is a delight to work with and we hope to continue to work with her in the future.

Prime Super

Anika was an amazing and inspirational speaker. Her story resonates with many across the country, and to hear it coming from such a young, passionate mind is something which the audience loved. From the moment I invited her to speak at the NT Soil Symposiums, Anika was easy to engage and communicate with, and was dedicated to making her presentation as perfect as it could be for the expected audience. Across the entire week, she met with the audience during lunch breaks, and was more than happy to have a discussion on the future of soil, farming, the climate, and Australia.

Northern Territory National Resource Management

Anika moderated the Disrupting Climate Change' conference session at Global Table 2019. She was fantastic at leading the panel of international industry leaders including exceptional policy makers, corporations, innovators and activists who are dedicated to helping the agri-food sectors meet the new challenges ahead. Anika lead the discussion on how collaborations in both public and private sectors hold the key to ensure global food security and achieve sustainable development. Anika was terrific to work with; collaborative and responsive and the session was well researched and delivered on the day. We are looking forward to working with Anika at Global Table 2020.

Global Table

We were very grateful to have Anika as guest speaker at the Sydney 2019 Women for the Environment Breakfast. Her insights as a woman, a farmer and a sustainability advocate are incredibly honest and uplifting. Her dedication towards a collaborative and adaptable approach for complex issues are what makes her an extremely compelling presenter.

Bush Heritage

Anika shared her passion for a sustainable agriculture at the Ag to 2030 Brave New World Conference in 2018. She challenged thought leaders in mainstream Australian agriculture and gained their respect as a credible voice in how a changing climate is impacting Australian primary production systems.

Ag Institute Australia
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