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Working Hard and Working Kind



Anna Sheppard, is a social entrepreneur, impact expert, and producer with a deep commitment to equality.

Anna believes in a future where every leader and organisation is committed to creating a sustainable world of equality and opportunity for everyone.

Anna Sheppard, Founder and CEO of Bambuddha Group, strongly believes in the world-changing power of Kindness. With a deep commitment to creating equality based on their lived experience, Anna initiated Bambuddha Group to empower corporate leaders and their teams in learning how to 'work kinder.' The team at Bambuddha has developed an evidence-informed kindness curriculum that minimizes risk and improves outcomes across all organizational areas. Bambuddha Group stands as a multi-award-winning social enterprise providing impact and people advisory leadership coaching, training, and ESG programs.

In the backdrop of Anna's life, they grew up in a caravan park on the northeast coast of England, one of five sisters, several of whom face physical and learning disabilities. Their childhood was marked by a relentless battle against prejudice, and for a brief period, they entered the care system before taking on the world alone at the young age of 16. As a neurodiverse gay individual, Anna has always faced the challenge of fitting into societal systems.

The good news is that Anna was fortunate enough to discover and understand their purpose from a young age. Early life experiences fueled a profound passion for equality and a compelling vision for change. Anna worked diligently and optimistically, putting themselves through college, and university, eventually earning a master's degree.

Following their experiences on various community development projects across Europe, Africa, and Asia, Anna conceived an enterprise with a clear vision for driving social and environmental change. Thus, Bambuddha Group was born, with a mission to pay forward a percentage of business profits to work towards achieving balance and equality.

Anna has enriched thousands of companies and inspired leaders by demonstrating how to 'work kinder.' They are also the visionary behind several significant initiatives, including The Kind Business Awards, Working Kind Collective (the world's first kind business center), Impact Studios, and The Corporate Kindness Project. The latter is an Australian-based research study focused on exploring the business benefits of working with kindness. The initiative, which began with the release of its first white paper in 2019, has evolved into an upbeat, honest, and feel-good podcast show called 'Project Good Boss.'

Anna Sheppard and Bambuddha Group have garnered multiple awards in recognition of their impactful work in this space. They have been acknowledged as one of the 'Top 10 Leadership Development Training and Coaching Companies in APAC,' a 'Top 50 leading light for APAC,' and one of the 'Top 50 most impactful LinkedIn Influencers.' Anna's accolades include the 2022 Best Speaker, being a finalist for the Telstra Best of Business Awards, and earning the prestigious Stevie award.

Throughout their career, Anna has raised millions in funds for charities through mutually beneficial partnerships designed to reduce inequalities. Anna is a seasoned hand at showing industry leaders how to give back and thrive while doing so.

Anna likes to keep things simple ‘If you work as hard as you do kind’ success is inevitable’.

Talking Points

Kindness as a source of Competitive Advantage (How to make your brand a movement)

Through their own story, Anna explores the interplay between kindness in businesses and their success. Social Responsibility and ESG entail more than just giving back to the community; it's about integrating kindness and a commitment to systemic change at the core of everything they do.

In this keynote, we delve into the vast impact businesses can create, while returning to the everyday acts of kindness that collectively drive monumental change. Anna will also share evidence-informed insights, the pillars of the Corporate Kindness Curriculum, and strategies for harnessing the power of kindness to future-proof businesses for generations. Brimming with examples, laughter, and an abundance of good vibes, this keynote is precisely what your audience needs at this moment.

This keynote will cover:
- Anna's inspirational story of resilience
- Overview of current business landscape
- Changing trends in consumer preferences
- Key kindness pillars: kind leadership, inclusion, resilience, impact, and authenticity
- Examples of businesses working hard at working kind
- Call to action of your choice

Perfect for: Inhouse Strategy Days, High schools and higher education, stakeholder engagement events. Team/leadership development

The 5 Pillars of Kind Leadership

In the realm of leadership, a profound shift is underway. Leaders aspire to transcend mere significance in the eyes of their employers; they aim to become champions of global change, coaches who empower their teams, all while meticulously crafting their personal brand. In this enlightening keynote, we embark on a deep exploration of "The Pillars of Kind Leadership" and the myriad benefits they bestow upon individuals, profitability, and the planet.
Anna will share a treasure trove of evidence-based advice, practical tips, and strategic strategies for harnessing the formidable power of kindness to future-proof your business. Infused with vivid examples, hearty laughter, and an abundance of positivity, this keynote stands as the remedy your audience yearns for in these times.

Keynote Highlights:
- Anna’s story
- A profound dive into "The Pillars of Kind Leadership."
- Unpacking the substantial advantages for individuals, profit margins, and our shared planet.
- Evidence-based counsel, actionable insights, and astute strategies.
- Inspiring, real-world instances showcasing kindness in leadership.
- Uplifting and laughter-infused content designed to deeply resonate with your audience.

Ideal for leaders and teams aspiring to elevate their leadership prowess, while embracing kindness as a potent catalyst for fostering positive change. This keynote guarantees to inspire and empower, providing invaluable wisdom for those committed to personal and organizational growth through kind leadership.

Meet you at the intersection (Diversity & Inclusion starts with kindness)

In a world where Diversity & Inclusion serve as the epicenter of progress, we invite you to the intersection where it all begins – a place where kindness reigns supreme. This keynote, titled "Meet You at the Intersection (Diversity & Inclusion Starts with Kindness)," unravels the powerful connection between these elements.
Anna, who identifies as non-binary and grew up in a caravan park, knows firsthand the journey of 'otherness.' Along their path, they have acquired invaluable strategies for building confidence and advocating for inclusion and intersectionality. Through their heartwarming story, Anna navigates the profound relationship between leadership infused with kindness and the road to success, while dissecting the pivotal role of inclusion in safeguarding the future of businesses.

Anna will generously share evidence-based advice, illuminating insights, and effective strategies for harnessing the transformative power of kindness and inclusion. Packed with real-world examples, contagious laughter, and an abundance of positive energy, this keynote caters precisely to the needs of your audience.

Keynote Highlights:
- Anna's inspirational narrative of resilience.
- An insightful overview of the current business landscape.
- Navigating shifting trends in consumer preferences.
- Deep dives into Diversity & Inclusion in business.
- Compelling examples of businesses dedicated to the pursuit of kindness.
- Evidence-based counsel, actionable tips, and strategic insights.
- A customizable call to action tailored to your objectives.

This keynote is tailor-made for occasions such as Mardi Gras, International Women's Day (IWD), Diversity events, In-house Strategy Days, High Schools and Higher Education, Stakeholder Engagement Events, and Team/Leadership Development sessions. It promises to inspire, empower, and illuminate the path towards a future rooted in kindness and inclusion.

How to build a culture of Kindness

In today's dynamic business landscape, building a culture of kindness is not just a choice—it's an imperative. As leaders and organizations strive for excellence, it's increasingly clear that success goes beyond profit margins. It hinges on cultivating an environment where kindness thrives, and values align with actions.
Anna, a beacon of resilience, shares a deeply personal journey that explores the profound connection between kindness and organizational success. Drawing from real-world experiences, Anna delves into the intricate relationship between leadership infused with kindness and the path to lasting impact.

Through this keynote, we embark on a transformative journey, embracing the "5 Pillars of Kind Leadership" and unlocking their vast potential to enhance individual well-being, boost profitability, and contribute to a sustainable planet. Anna shares evidence-informed insights, actionable tips, and strategic approaches to harness the remarkable power of kindness, shaping a brighter future for businesses and communities alike.
This presentation resonates with a diverse range of audiences, from corporate teams to educational institutions and stakeholder gatherings. It inspires, empowers, and paves the way for organizations to not only thrive but also leave a lasting legacy of kindness.

In the pursuit of excellence, remember: Building a Culture of Kindness isn't just a strategy; it's the heart and soul of a brighter tomorrow.

The Role of Kindness in Accelerating Gender Diversity

In a world where the momentum of gender diversity is paramount, we invite you to delve into "The Role of Kindness in Accelerating Gender Diversity." This keynote, led by Anna, a gay, neurodiverse individual, and advocate for gender diversity in leadership and on boards, unveils the transformative power of kindness in this pursuit.

Anna, who has experienced the journey of 'otherness' firsthand, has honed strategies for building confidence and championing inclusion, particularly in the realm of gender diversity. Through her heartwarming story, Anna explores the intricate relationship between leadership infused with kindness and the trajectory towards success. She delves deep into the pivotal role of inclusion and gender diversity as indispensable strategies for future-proofing businesses.

In this captivating keynote, Anna generously shares evidence-based advice, illuminating insights, and effective strategies for harnessing the remarkable power of accelerating gender diversity. The presentation is brimming with real-world examples, contagious laughter, and an abundance of positive energy—a transformative experience designed to meet the precise needs of your audience.

Keynote Highlights:
- Anna's inspirational narrative of resilience.
- An insightful overview of the current business landscape.
- Navigating the shifting trends in consumer preferences.
- Empowering gender diversity advocates who are catalysts for global change.
- Compelling examples of businesses dedicated to the pursuit of kindness and gender diversity.
- Evidence-based counsel, actionable tips, and strategic insights.
- A customizable call to action tailored to your objectives.

This keynote is perfect for a range of occasions, including events focused on gender diversity, Diversity and Inclusion gatherings, In-house Strategy Days, High Schools and Higher Education, Stakeholder Engagement Events, and Team/Leadership Development sessions. It promises to inspire, empower, and illuminate the path toward a future marked by kindness, equality, and accelerated gender diversity in leadership roles.

Tomorrows Leader is a Kind One – engaging a purpose driven workforce

In an era where tomorrow's leaders are emerging as champions of kindness, we invite you to explore the transformative concept that "Tomorrow's Leader is a Kind One – Engaging a Purpose-Driven Workforce." This keynote, led by Anna, delves into the pivotal role of kindness in leadership and its profound impact on a purpose-driven workforce.

Young people, the harbingers of change, hold the key to a recovery that benefits people, the planet, and profit. They seek more than just employment; they seek employers whose values align with their own. Why is it crucial to foster a kind workplace? Your people are scrutinizing your impact on the world, and in today's world, respect extends beyond superficial perks like Ping-Pong tables and Friday beers.

In this immersive keynote, we embark on a deep dive into the "5 Pillars of Kindness in Leadership" and the manifold advantages they offer individuals, profitability, and our shared planet. Anna shares evidence-based advice, invaluable tips, and strategic insights for harnessing the formidable power of kindness to future-proof your business. Expect real-world examples, contagious laughter, and an abundance of positive energy—a transformative experience designed to cater precisely to your audience's needs.

Keynote Highlights:
- Anna's inspirational narrative of resilience.
- An insightful overview of the current business landscape.
- The 5 Pillars of Kind Leadership.
- Navigating Diversity & Inclusion in business.
- Authenticity in leadership.
- Understanding your sphere of influence.
- Leading purpose-driven individuals.
- Evidence-based counsel, actionable tips, and strategic insights.
- A customizable call to action tailored to your objectives.

This keynote is ideal for various occasions, including In-house Strategy Days, High Schools and Higher Education events, Stakeholder Engagement gatherings, and Team/Leadership Development sessions. It promises to inspire, empower, and illuminate the path toward leadership rooted in kindness, authenticity, and purpose-driven excellence.

Kindness is the new ESG

In an era where investors are pressing for enhanced ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) performance, senior leadership finds itself at a crossroads between profit and purpose like never before. CEOs are navigating a transformative wave of change. The question is, how can you satisfy both shareholders and stakeholders while elevating your triple bottom line? In this thought-provoking keynote, titled "Kindness is the New ESG," Anna embarks on a profound exploration of the role of kindness in businesses and their path to success.

Drawing from her own inspiring journey, Anna delves into the intricate relationship between kindness within organizations and their triumphs. Social Responsibility and ESG encompass more than mere philanthropy; they entail integrating the aspiration for systemic change at the core of every business facet. In this keynote, we explore the extensive impact your business can generate, while grounding everyone in the everyday acts of kindness that collectively drive monumental change and elevate customer, staff, and stakeholder engagement.

Anna generously shares evidence-informed insights, unveiling the pillars of the Corporate Kindness Curriculum and strategies for harnessing the transformative power of kindness to future-proof your business for generations. Expect real-world examples, contagious laughter, and a wave of positivity—a transformative experience meticulously tailored to meet the precise needs of your audience.

Keynote Highlights:
- Anna's inspirational narrative of resilience.
- An insightful overview of the current business landscape.
- Navigating evolving trends in consumer preferences.
- Applying ESG through human-centered strategies.
- Inspiring examples of businesses dedicated to the pursuit of kindness.
- Evidence-based counsel, actionable tips, and strategic insights.
- A customizable call to action, aligned with your objectives.

This keynote is well-suited for a range of occasions, including In-house Strategy Days, High Schools and Higher Education events, Stakeholder Engagement gatherings, and Team/Leadership Development sessions. It promises to inspire, empower, and illuminate the path toward a future where kindness is the driving force behind improved business performance, greater societal impact, and enhanced stakeholder engagement.
Anna uses the power of her own story to join the dots between brand, people and CSR. She was rated one of the most inspirational and feel-good speakers by our 2020 Marketing Academy Scholars The Marketing Academy

You hit the nail on the head as we say... we are ready for "next stage"

Odessy House

Great storytelling, inspirational message

First State Super

Truly inspirational and eye opening to the type of leader you could be that can change the world

Merlin Entertainment
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