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Innovation Evangelist & Expert on Wearable Tech


Anuraj Gambhir is an internationally recognized Exponential Thought Leader, Strategic Business/Startup Advisor, Technology Visionary and multi-award winning Innovator.

Anuraj is an Innovation Evangelist, Business Strategist on the outside and Altruist, Philosopher on the inside, and a million things in between. He is focused on shaping the future of humanity from ‘mindset to heartset’. As an Innovation catalyst and Transdisciplinary expert Anuraj assists organizations to spearhead their innovation agenda using exponential technologies.

He has over 30 years’ experience working across the mobile ecosystem, spanning 5 continents. Some prominent companies he has worked with include NASA/JPL,Optus, Logica/Aethos, T-Mobile, Orange, GSM Association, Sharp, Siemens, Spice, Ericsson, MTS, Globacom, and is part of global faculty at SingularityU. Key domains include future of Health / Wellbeing, Learning / Education, Media, Transportation, Telecom, Energy & Space as

part of emerging Smart Cities / Communities.

He has been an early pioneer in the design and development of the smartphones and the convergent smart mobile devices revolution.

His practical knowledge spans across executive management, innovation, entrepreneurship, conscious leadership, exponential technologies, design thinking and holistic wellbeing. Anuraj's deeper quest and purpose has been at the intersection of technology and spirituality.

He belongs to tribes of global change-makers, innovators, imagineers and activators. He is particularly passionate about developing frugal innovations for helping bridge the digital divide (transforming it into digital opportunities) and empower under-privileged communities.

He believes that with a positive and abundant mindset through a philosophy & movement he has spearheaded called 'Wise Mirror' (aligning it closely to the UN SDGs), use of exponential tech and activating / curating relevant communities and ecosystems we can make the impossible possible.

Talking Points

The Future is Wear-to-Able

Exponential Tech is enabling access to more affordable and accessible solutions for us to take charge of our holistic well-being to become happier, healthier and more spiritually connected, allowing us to live more meaningful lives as we transcend from ‘Sickcare’ to ‘True Healthcare’ or ‘Well-care’. Come join the movement to transform people by embracing this new world order of Wear-to-Able that encompasses the future of Wearable-tech and deeper explorations of NeuroTech.

Showcase and select (live) demonstration of tech that is democratized at our finger-tips, our palm, our wrist, our forehead that is augmenting humanity.

Target audience: General, Senior Management - CXOs, Wellness dept. / HR

Key Takeaways:
- Key exponential tech that is shaping the future of Holistic Well-being
- A hands-on some of the latest tools and devices enabling self-help health/wellness
- A direct impact on productivity/creativity by getting in the flow states, quantified self-giving valuable metrics to address

Embracing emerging Mega-Trends & New Paradigms

At the intersection & fusion of exponential technologies and market/industry trends there are numerous emerging applications that are rapidly shaping the modern world.

At the confluence of tech like IoT, AI, AR/VR-MR/XR, Blockchain and 5G (& beyond) we are witnessing a maturing fourth industrial revolution and a new world order being formed. It all comes down to meaningful innovative applications that are enabling humanity to cross the chasm in multiple domains from education to healthcare. We shall explore several examples, key learnings from the past & present / insights leading to some potential future scenarios/ foresights where innovation meets entrepreneurship.
There will be an inno-tech showcase with select demos of disruptive tech.

Target audience: CXOs, Innovation teams, mid-senior management

Key Takeaways:
- Understanding mega-trends
- Exponential tech and several examples customized for addressable audiences with hands-on showcase and immersive tinkering.

Exponential Consciousness - from Self-Help Health to Heart Coherence

At the intersection of tech with spirituality & holistic wellness we are at a redefining moment to elevate humanity from 'mindset to heartset' and transform AI from Augmented to Awakened Intelligence. We will explore quantification of body, mind and spirit with disruptive wearable-tech solutions and how these are enabling key aspects of thriving in the 21st century. Stress, Anxiety, Fatigue & Depression are rising beyond 'pandemic' proportions and time has come to apply the power of tech with the fusion of compelling ideas, use-cases and user-scenarios across multiple domains and fast-track the journey to meaningful impact. We need to raise the chi/energy to strive ahead so we can transform massive data to knowledge that can subsequently transcend to wisdom and help rediscover our 'Bliss Mode'.

Target audience: General, Senior Management - CXOs, Wellness dept. / HR

Key Takeaways:
- Key exponential tech that is shaping the future of Holistic Well-being
- A hands-on some of the latest tools and devices enabling self-help health / wellness
- A direct impact on productivity/creativity by getting in the flow states, quantified self giving valuable metrics to address
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