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Assoc. Professor Ashleigh

Globally Renowned Circular Economy Strategist, Systems Innovator, & Thought-Leading Speaker

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Sustainability tinkers at the edges. Systems transformation embraces innovation to build entirely new, sustainable models.


Imagine a dynamic leader who can inspire you to revolutionise your business for a sustainable future, all while balancing the demands of motherhood, scaling Australia's most awarded circular economy consultancy, and serving on boards across various industries such as renewable fuels, mining, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, water, and textiles. That leader is Ashleigh Morris.

Ashleigh Morris, the visionary CEO & Co-Founder of Coreo, is not your average speaker. She is a captivating force that sparks transformation in leaders across a wide range of sectors. Ashleigh's expertise in circular economy and systems thinking has made her a highly sought-after advisor for boards in industries like property, infrastructure, consumer goods, mining, water, energy, and agriculture. Major companies such as Woolworths Group, Rio Tinto, and L'Oreal have all benefited from her knowledge to drive sustainable practices.

Ashleigh's achievements speak for themselves:

- Top 100 Global Corporate Social Responsibility Influential Leader

- Prime Ministers Scholar & Australian ASEAN Emerging Leader

- Executive in Residence and Adjunct Fellow at Griffith University

- Young Leader with the Australian American Leadership Dialogue

- Brisbane’s Young Business Person of the Year 2020

- Queensland’s Outstanding Young Leader (40 Under 40 Awards) 2023

- Technical Editor for Wiley Publishing bestseller “Circular Economy for Dummies”

She is a highly respected voice, having been invited to the prestigious 73rd United Nations General Assembly, to present at TEDx Sydney, and is a recurring guest speaker at the World Circular Economy Forums, where she presents thought-provoking topics such as whether metals and minerals should be sold or leased, and challenges the notion of sustainability as the best strategy, advocating instead for systems transformation.

Ashleigh Morris' impact extends far beyond Coreo. She is a founding Board Member of the Australian Circular Economy Hub and holds advisory roles for key industry bodies in mining, textiles, and renewable fuels. Additionally, she demonstrates her dedication to a sustainable future by serving on the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy Committee.

Ashleigh's academic accomplishments are equally impressive, including a Bachelor of Environmental Health Science (with Faculty Commendation), 1st Class Honours in Environmental Management, and the University Medal (the highest university honour).

When you invite Ashleigh Morris to speak, you are not simply hiring a speaker; you are investing in fostering a transformative mindset within your organisation. She will motivate your team to adopt a future-proof strategy that benefits both your business and the environment. Invest in Your Sustainable Future with Ashleigh Morris.

Talking Points

A New Economic Model: From Theory to Action in the Circular Economy

The circular economy is an economy that serves people and nature, rather than one that people and nature live in service of. In 2017, Brisbane sisters Ash and Jaine quit their jobs to undertake Australia’s first Circular Experiment, working with 42 businesses in a city street to implement a range of circular solutions. The experiment showed the way for future cities to operate in the new economy. Learn the underlying principles of a circular economy in order to take your purpose-led business to the next level.

- Understanding of what the circular economy is and how it relates to the future of work
- Learning of the three principles and five business models of the circular economy
- Learn how to talk about climate change and sustainability within your business context

Applicable to heads of sustainability and procurement, board directors and transformation leaders across business government and community organisations.

How will businesses create value in the future? By designing out waste.

Future cities, future businesses and future leaders everywhere are wasting a valuable opportunity! The circular economy applies to every business and every leader in the future of work, and is so much more than a waste management strategy. Rather, the circular economy is an opportunity for an economic and an environmental revolution!

Globally, 91 per cent of all raw materials are wasted after their first use, which means that not only are we wasting the materials themselves but also the value they could contribute to the economy, such as jobs. Learn what a waste-less world might look like and how can we supercharge innovation, partnerships and shared values to be a part of a better future.

- Understanding waste as a design flaw
- Learning various circular economy approaches to innovate waste out of the system
- Explore what we value as a culture and how that relates to the value we might create

Applicable to senior leaders and managers of people and culture, executives and managers across manufacturing, food and beverage, agriculture, property, state and local government, and education institutions

Living, Working and Thriving in the Circular Economy: A Vision for the Future

The circular economy represents a 2 trillion dollar opportunity over the next 20 years as reported by PwC in April 2021. A circular economy would likely abate 165 million tonnes of carbon pollution each year in Australia, an outcome that closely aligns to the Paris Agreement. The question is not why accelerate the move to a circular economy, it is why not. Ash and Jaine engage, energise and excite the audience with their pragmatic and attainable vision for the future. As recognised global changemakers, they believe shared understanding is the hidden metric that will scale the shared value creation of the circular economy.

- Understanding the circular economy as a systems-based solution
- Learning the metrics of doing good being good for business
- Exploring Yarrabilba, a community thriving through circular economy design
Applicable to people from all walks of life including corporate teams, community groups, students and policy makers.

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Nicole Hyland

Senior Consultant - Saxton Speakers

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Nicole Hyland

Senior Consultant - Saxton Speakers

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