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Award-Winning Gender Equality Activist Challenging the Status Quo

What kind of world do you want to live in?


Described by Forbes Magazine as a “youthful visionary”, Ashleigh Streeter-Jones has worked in youth, gender and political advocacy and campaigns for over 10 years. In 2024, Ashleigh was a Victorian Young Australian of the Year finalist, and in 2018, was the youngest ever Australian Capital Territory Woman of the Year, and was recognised on the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list. In 2019, she was listed as one of the Australian Financial Review 100 Women of Influence, and in 2023, was selected as one of two young Australians to attend Davos at the World Economic Forum.

Ashleigh is a passionate change maker and a strong believer in "lifting the floor". Her work focuses on closing societal gaps - particularly those faced by women and young people from traditionally marginalised backgrounds. She works within the community, and provides advice to senior leaders to combat systemic inequality and create a more equal world. Ashleigh is an international thought leader on the participation of young people in politics and the public sector, and has spoken on gender equality, youth leadership and civic engagement alongside leaders Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, and for organisations such as the World Economic Forum, World YMCA, Global Institute of Women’s Leadership, the Body Shop Australia New Zealand, She’s On The Money, and federal government Departments. She has worked in foreign policy, for the federal Office for Women improving women’s workforce outcomes, and driving policy to reduce gender-based violence.

In 2020, Ashleigh founded Raise Our Voice Australia (ROVA), a social enterprise mobilising young women and gender diverse people through education, community and campaigns to transform policy and politics. ROVA has graduated over 100 people from its training and collated over 1 000 speeches through the Raise Our Voice in Parliament program and released research on young women and gender diverse people, politics, public service and the media. Prior to this, she co-founded the Girls Takeover Parliament program. Ashleigh is also a member of the APolitical Foundation's New Voices Council, and has attended the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations. She is also is the Pacific Community Champion for the Global Shapers community, supporting young change makers across Australia, New Zealand, Samoa and Papua New Guinea to make change in their local communities, and is part of the UN Women Asia Pacific 30 for 2030 group.

Ashleigh holds a BA(Hons) in International Relations and Politics from Monash University, and a Masters in Diplomacy from the Australian National University.

Talking Points

'Girls Don't Do That'

We can't move forward if over 50% of our population are held behind.

Here, today, there is no country in the world where women are equal to their male counterparts. There are countless examples that can be given - the stubborn gender pay gap, the gender breakdown of boards of major companies, the gender breakdown of our parliaments, or even the systems of power that function to keep women in second place. But the thing is, when we invest in women, everyone wins. Learn from Ashleigh Streeter-Jones, an internationally recognised and award-winning gender activist about the importance of gender equality.

Through this talk, Ashleigh tells the story of the first moment she experienced gender equality at just four years old, outlines the problem at hand, and takes the listener through the ways in which they can uplift young women, acting to create a more equal future.

We're Overdue for our Second Woman Prime Minister

In a democracy, it’s critical that our political and public service institutions reflect us as a population so they can create the best outcomes possible.

The conversation about women in politics is one that has gripped the nation for years. But often overlooked in this discussion is the importance on investing in young women, who are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but who are here, leading, today. Learn from Ashleigh Streeter-Jones, an internationally recognised and award-winning gender activist about the importance of getting the next generation of diverse young women in politics and policy.

Through this talk, Ashleigh shares her five years experience working to increase the presence of young women in politics, outlines the importance of investing in young women as leaders on the forefront of social change, and takes the listener through the ways in which they can uplift young women in politics, acting to create a more equal future.

We Can All Be the Change to Create the World We Want to Live In

Everyone has a role in creating the world they want to live in. It's not news to anyone that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a more unequal world.

If we don’t work to close some of these gaps in our recovery plan, we risk leaving a substantial number of people behind. If we don’t work to close these gaps, we risk entrenching these patterns for generations. The window for action is open, but we have to move quickly. Learn from Ashleigh Streeter-Jones, seasoned activist and change maker, about the role each person can play to create a more equal world.

Through this talk, Ashleigh tells the story of her passion for equality, outlines the problem at hand, and takes the listener through how they can be the change they wish to see in the world.
Ashleigh Streeter was on my Achieve Fest speaker wish-list since day one. She is an incredible example of how to create a life of passion, purpose and service. So I was super excited when Ash agreed to join a live panel discussion at Prince's Trust Australia's final Achieve Fest event for the year. Ash inspired hundreds of students, educators and caretakers as she shared her insights on how to navigate a nonlinear career. Her humility, authenticity and ability to draw from personal experience with humour resonated deeply with the audience. Ashleigh's messaging was clear and perfectly tailored to the audience “ it's no surprise that we received an influx of positive feedback and gratitude from those who attended the session. Thank you once again for helping us to transform lives, and prepare the next generation with the mindsets, skills and capabilities they will need to thrive in this rapidly changing world. Princes Trust Australia

It was incredible to have Ashleigh facilitate as part of the ASEAN Australia Strategic Youth Partnership's Digital Dialogues weekend in August 2021. Digital Dialogues saw youth from across the ASEAN and Australia come together to discuss and write recommendations around three pressing issues: Green Recovery, Balancing Diversity and Emerging Economies. Ashleigh facilitated in the stream of Balancing Diversity as part of the Dialogues. Imbuing the room with her experiences in the field of intersectionality, Ashleigh was an invaluable facilitator who excellently and smoothly ensured Delegate's voices transitioned from ideation to practical recommendations.

ASEAN- Australia Strategic Youth Partnership

Ashleigh brings passionate energy to all that she does, both virtually and in person. She is a strong asset in presenting and a powerful yet relatable speaker. Her ability to moderate a discussion and bring together different ideas into one cohesive discussion is invaluable. Ashleigh is an active advocate in her desire for diversity which is a great reminder to organisers delivering events. I would love to engage her again for any speaking engagements.


Ashleigh brings an incredible presence of strength and empathy to every situation I've had the privilege of being in with her. She has immense knowledge about campaigning and advocacy which shone through in a workshop she ran for 15 high school students in my Young Trailblazers program. Ashleigh was able to communicate complex ideas in a way that was engaging, relevant and relatable. She is a young trailblazer in her own right and always seems able to bring unique and insightful perspectives to complex challenges.

Futures Collective

Ash is one of the most engaging and passionate youth activists I've had the pleasure of working with. Ash is an inspiration to the next generation of female and non-binary change makers, and I would highly recommend her, and ROVA, for any campaign or speaking work in youth participation and voting.

The Body Shop Australia and New Zealand

Ashleigh is a shining light of passion and energy who made both our team and audience feel heard and empowered. She so clearly cares about celebrating and uplifting the voices of those around her, particularly those who are underrepresented. She was an incredible addition to our event, if you book her, we guarantee you won't be disappointed!

She's On The Money

Ashleigh was an incredible speaker at YACVic's 2022 Melbourne Youth Forum. She was an engaging and insightful voice across our Pathways to power session, whose experience in advocacy was much valued. Through her own presentation and a panel discussion, Ashleigh inspired people online and in person. Beyond her skills, Ashleigh acts on a strong and genuine commitment to advocate for diverse voices in the space she shares. If you're looking for a passionate perspective delivered with clarity and a warm invitation for questions, look to Ashleigh.

Youth Affairs Council Victoria

Ashleigh is an incredibly motivating and enthusiastic keynote speaker at our Awards Ceremony. She has a passion for uplifting and empowering young women and her speech resonated well with our scholarship recipients. She inspired not only our young scholars, but the whole audience with her story.

Harding Miller Education Foundation

Ash was an impressive panel member at our IWD 2023 event, delivering thought-provoking responses with a global and local perspective and insights to engage and inspire the audience. Ash’s in depth knowledge and dynamic style captures you and leaves you considering the possibilities for change.

Frankston City Council

I cannot recommend Ash highly enough as a speaker and facilitator. I worked with her for GIWL’s 2023 Youth Summit, where she led two sessions on youth political participation and turning ideas for change into policy action. She was passionate, engaging and insightful, drawing on her own wealth of experience in these areas to share honest and practical advice to the young people in the audience, while also using her position as facilitator to create a warm and inclusive space and uplift all the voices in the room. Throughout the process, Ash was an absolute joy to work with and we are already looking forward to the next opportunity we’ll have to collaborate with her!

Global Institute of Women’s Institute

Ash is the kind of facilitator you want for a group of modern student leaders. Knowledgeable, composed, and sensitive to the needs of the group, and their preferences. I would recommend, Ash's facilitation skills to anyone in my network, whether you're tackling modern problems with an older cohort, or looking to build the skills of a more junior team - with Ash, you'll not only get experience and knowledge - you'll get the skills to know how to adapt and evolve a session to get the outcomes you need.

Monash University
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