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Director of Equitable Design at Culture Amp


Aubrey Blanche is The Mathpath (Math Nerd + Empath), Director of Equitable Design & Impact at Culture Amp, and a startup investor and advisor.

Through all her work, she seeks to question, reimagine, and redesign the systems and practices that surround us to ensure that all people can access equitable opportunities and build a better world. Her work is undergirded by her training in social scientific methods and grounded in the fundamental dignity and value of every person.

Current Work:

Her professional expertise covers a broad range of equitable enterprise operations, from talent lifecycle programs and accessible product development to event design and communications & media. She is the inventor of the balanced teams approach to building proportional representation and a culture of belonging in the workplace, as well as the Balanced Teams Diversity Assessment in the Atlassian Team Playbook. She works to open source these methods for all practitioners and business leaders, and releases thought leadership and tools to create positive change.

She is an advisor to a variety of groups seeking to build a more just world, including Aleria Research and Joonko. Her work has been featured in Wired, the Wall Street Journal, the Australian Financial Review, USA Today, Re/Code, First Round Review, and more. She also has previous academic affiliations with Stanford and Northwestern, and an appointment at the Equity by Design Lab at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Despite the accolades listed here, she asks that you engage with her work to judge her competence: traditional proxies of merit and/or competence help reinforce the systems that keep incredible people from the opportunities they deserve.

Talking Points

Workshop: Beyond the "Business Case"

In an interactive workshop with Aubrey, up to 10 senior leaders (suggested Director level or above) dive into the history of the business case for diversity, equity, & inclusion; affirmative action; and why these frames ultimately set businesses up to fail at equitable design and transformation. Leaders will engage with common critiques and blockers to successful D&I programs, begin to build their own commitment for change, and learn how to successfully evangelize what they've learned to their teams and the broader business.

The workshop package includes:
- 30-minute content prep and tech check
- The Mathpath Assessment Beyond The Business Case
- Pre-Work: Learning Journey (~30-45 minutes, individually)
- 2-hour workshop
- Post Work: Self-Directed Extended Learning Journey

From Program to Process: Designing Equitable Organisations & Products

How many organizations, processes, and products are poorly designed or produce real-world harm because the right voices weren't let into the room where the building¦happens? How much money has been spent on diversity & inclusion while companies remain homogenous and underrepresented employees struggle to thrive?

Funding external partnerships and PR don't address daily microaggressions underrepresented employees face, while unconscious bias training has been shown to potentially *increase* bias in the workplace. An almost singular focus on women in the workplace has left women of colour behind, erased the experience of people with disabilities, and left almost everyone with diversity fatigue. Progressive business leaders are questioning many traditional best practices that haven't shown to have a positive impact on employees, and are building new, data-informed, and intersectional strategies to truly move the needle. Join The Mathpath Aubrey Blanche, Director of Equitable Design & Impact at Culture Amp, to learn how you can evolve your programs to create fair experiences for every employee and build better, safer products.

The keynote may be adjusted to focus on D&I strategy, talent processes, collaboration (meetings & 1:1s), and/or product development.

Panel Moderation & Participation

Aubrey is available to serve as a panellist and/or panel moderator on topics of D&I strategy, equitable design within organizations, talent processes, venture capital, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
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