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Storyteller & Advocate for Chronic Illness

Purpose fuels progress.


Proving that our perspective towards hardship can foster purpose & develop formidable resilience, Bradley Dryburgh ran his first 2 marathons shortly after being rushed to hospital for complications with his chronic illness, a far cry from the harsh words of a childhood doctor who told Brad’s parents he wouldn’t survive his teenage years.

The lessons learnt in the face of life-threatening adversity is why Bradley considers himself to be ‘blessed with cystic fibrosis. With a firm belief that choosing to control our perspective & beliefs are the first port of call in a successful life & career, it’s no surprise that Brad has become an in-demand speaker for his ability to draw actionable insights from his own inspiring lived experience.

All within his captivating story, you can expect to learn: 2 simple steps to developing your life purpose, practical tools to master belief & perspective, along with the sure-fire way to render the resilience required to overcome the hardship we all experience as human beings.

Talking Points

Developing Resilience

Adversity is a normal part of life on earth. It finds us in many forms & at many times in our life. Whilst pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice. That is why you must choose your suffering wisely. Developing the resilience required to handle our adversity in life is a matter of leaning into discomfort & exercising perspective. The happiest & most successful amongst our society have developed their resilience & continue to do so.

Living a Purpose Driven Life

Research shows that having a sense of purpose is good for our well-being and improves our resilience to stress. Most people go through life confusing purpose with goals. Goals are measurable & specific whilst your purpose acts as the true north of your internal compass. It can't be measured nor can it be taken away from you. A sense of purpose gives meaning to life. It combines passion with service & fuels progress.

Master your Perspective & Self-Belief

Time & time again, we hear successful teams & individuals talk about ‘controlling the controllable’. Our perspective & our beliefs are two of the very few things we can truly control & they both serve an incredibly important role in challenging times. Belief dictates behaviour & behaviour often determines our outcomes. But let’s not forget that outcomes often fall outside of our control & that is where perspective serves as a valuable asset to have in our toolbox. Perspective allows us to reframe the outcomes that aren’t desirable & find opportunities to learn & grow.
Brad is such an inspiration! Wise beyond his years he shared his story with us at a recent conference, which was both insightful and inspiring. If you get the chance to listen to him I promise it will change your outlook on life! Viatris

Rarely in my life have I come across such an inspirational young man. His story is one of determination, defying the odds and dreaming big! Brad's an engaging speaker who gets you in. It's easy to connect with this guy and you can't help but to walk away with a double shot of his positivity!!

Batavi Special Projects

Bradley has been such a strong advocate in sharing his story that he is a recipient of our Patron Award by the Governor Generals Wife Mrs Hurley in October this year. Not only is Bradley a great speaker but he is excellent to work with and is very professional. I know that I can always count on Bradley and most of all each time I hear Bradley speak I am personally inspired and encouraged. One of the things I enjoy most about listening to Bradley speak is how authentic and genuine he is. If you are looking to develop resilience and unlock purpose in your life then you must have Brad at your next event. Anyone listening to Bradley share his story will walk away inspired, encouraged and full of hope as he demonstrates to us all what it is truly like to live life to the full.

Cystic Fibrosis Australia

We invited Bradley to speak at our Mid-Cycle Meeting where all our commercial employees come together to reflect on the previous six months and refocus for the coming six months. As a healthcare company, understanding how everyone's work connects to helping patients live healthier lives is important. Bradley did exactly that, he brought everyone on the journey to understand more about the experience of someone living with cystic fibrosis and has exceptional story telling skills. Everyone in the room was highly engaged and his presentation was so impactful that many people were talking about this after the event and gave this feedback in a post-event survey. I highly recommend Bradley Dryburgh as an inspiring speaker at your next event, he'll help prove that we aren't defined by our circumstances but rather how we respond to them.


Bradley Dryburgh's keynote presentation at our 2023 Human Kind Summit was without a doubt one of the most memorable talks! His story is deeply moving, inspirational and left a lasting impression on everyone who was privileged to hear his talk. We highly recommend Brad as an authentic and engaging speaker who leaves his audience with a memorable story of overcoming adversity and making every day count.

Human Kind Summit 2023
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