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Brand & Creative Strategist


You will find the future where people are having the most fun.


Camey O’Keefe is a seriously playful brand nerd, known for her exceptional ability to help transform organisations into more creative and collaborative cultures. To become a business where people do their best work, playfully.

Cam is an engaging speaker who beautifully blends a wealth of experience working within creative agencies with her deep understanding of both the art and science of Play. She knows first-hand the impact a commitment to play can have on people and their creative performance.

She’s spent over 20 years working closely with brands from start-ups to Fortune 500, to create work that shifts the needle as evidenced by multiple Australia + APAC Effie Awards.

Her time in agency has fuelled a firm belief in the power of an integrated approach to brand and the magic that happens when people come together and play. She is deeply invested in the development of emerging talent and actively mentors young brand professionals to be their most playful self.

Camey is a regular panellist on the ABC’s Gruen series and an active industry champion - advising creative, media and research agencies alike on how to embrace #playfulintegrationforthewin.

Certified Exec Coach and soon-to-be Lego Serious Play Facilitator.

Talking Points

Playful Work for the Win

We know that Employee Engagement is one of, if not THE, key challenges facing organisations today. Our people practices have not kept pace with the rate of VUCA change and we’re now operating under outdated leadership models. The effects of this are showing, with record disengagement and turnover rates reported across industry.

Camey will guide you through the latest research from organisational psychology that explains why we need to evolve our practices to better adapt to this ever-changing business landscape to enable our people to flourish.

She will share some of the latest evidence-based practices to help shift the business mindset from Proving Ground to Playground. Cultivating an environment where people are empowered to perform at their best, individually and as a team.

Who is this for:
Business leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, marketers, small business owners, anyone managing a team.

Key Takeaways:
- Unpack Play, reframe this term as it relates to the workplace. It’s not ‘beers & beanbags’.
- Understand the science behind Play as a driver of high performance
- Develop a toolkit of simple practices you can adopt to be more playful
- Learn must-know tips on how create a playful work environment

Why bother with Brand?

“Strong brands are the difference between good companies and great companies - whether they’re selling physical products or software.”
Phoebe Harrop, Principal at Blackbird Investment

And yet it remains a pretty muddy concept for many. What exactly is brand and why does it matter? How can I apply it to my business to help me move from good to great?

Join Camey as she applies learnings gained working across an array of brands – from global auto to boutique beers - and understand how you might apply these principles to your own brand.

Who is this for:
Business leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, marketers, small business owners.

Key Takeaways:
- Reaffirm the meaning of brand and its commercial value to business
- Dispel some of the common myths around branding
- Learn practical tips on how to bring a stronger brand focus into your business without all the fluff and buzzwords.

Creative Collaboration

Creativity leads to more transformational thinking that has much greater impact overall; it helps us do fewer things brilliantly rather than waste money on the mediocre. It’s increasingly being thought of as our superpower and route to competitive distinctiveness. And yet so few businesses do it well.

Camey will explain why now more than ever it’s critical to properly appreciate creativity at work. She’ll outline the profound benefits it can bring to both business and the individuals within it and share evidence to show how, when approached playfully, it leads to more effective collaboration. Camey will step you through ways to cultivate this superpower within all of us.

Who is this for:
Business leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, marketers, small business owners, anyone looking to innovate and foster fresh perspectives in their organisation.

Key Takeaways:
- Understand how to harness creativity towards commercial success
- Explore techniques to cultivate creativity within your organisation
- Learn Playful practices as a toolkit to fuel collaborative teamwork
Camey is a fantastic strategist, leader and person. She made a big impact in a short time and has a great ability to bring people together and get the best out of those around her. She’s very approachable and a good listener, always striving to truly understand something in order to deliver the best outcome. She has good commercial awareness, always balancing with creativity. Excellent under pressure, highly responsive and great to work with. Kmart Australia

Camey is a born leader. She has a genuine interest in solving brand problems and creating work that’s bold, fresh and effective. She has this amazing ability to draw people in and rally them towards a common goal. Which is what makes her a respected and adored leader.

WPP Ford
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