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Ms Carolyn

People Whisperer - Decoding the Games People Play


A published researcher, and behavioural science expert, Carolyn combines the qualities of academic rigour with Scottish straight-talking and a bucket load of fun. A self-confessed people geek' and relationship expert, Carolyn is an internationally renowned keynote speaker, master coach and consultant. Her motto is fun – it's��s a serious business!'.

She works in the leadership arena, where she's gained the distinctive accolade - People Whisperer. This is based on Carolyn's exceptional ability to decode and understand people - as well as her reputation as an outstanding people developer and people problem-solver.

Carolyn is breaking new ground in the way you understand yourself and those around you - the games people play and how that gets in the way of the relationships and results you want.

Current Work

These days she travels, speaking, working with teams and individuals at a senior level - getting leaders from good to great. On her travels, Carolyn came to Australia and was smitten by an Aussie bloke. Scotland to Oz long-haul is now less a feature of life, as marriage looms and Australia is a welcome home.

Previous Experience

Consultancy She spent years as a consultant, immersed in the world of social policy and organisational psychology, bringing spark to a serious arena. Her expertise is in leading through change, people development and personal impact. After years at the top of a UK Government Agency, Carolyn founded and grew one of Scotland's leading social policy consultancies; with a reputation for handling the sensitive, the high-profile and the hard to help. If there's a Ministerial Working Group that's off the rails, she's the one to get the call. Her skills with people are recognised as outstanding and her reputation stellar.

Talking Points

The Games That People Play

We are all engaged in psychological games. People around us invite us daily, into those that damage relationships and affect how we feel about each other. Most of the time the drivers are invisible, hidden to all the players. It takes skill to spot the game, to stay out and navigate a way through. Find out how.

Sorry Needn't Be the Hardest Word

Business has long known the benefits of a good apology for customer satisfaction and retention. Why then do so many of us still get it wrong for each other? In our rush to avoid our shame, pass the blame or own that we were less than our best selves we fumble around, avoiding, obfuscating and re-writing. Learn the anatomy of a good apology.

How to get from Good to Great

Exceptional success demands exceptional people. Most of us use only a fraction of our real capacity, in fact research shows that you're only in control of what you do a staggeringly small amount of time. For most people that's enough. Exceptional people do more, they want more and the way they get that is to know how to read themselves and others. This is not an easy discipline to master. Learn how.

Getting the Relationships, You Want

Life is good when our relationships are good. If we are happy in our relationships, we don't just feel better, we do better. We are more likely to get the results we want. We all know the feeling when a relationship is working well, or when it's off key. Meeting our own and others' needs is the sweet spot, the place where we thrive. Get skilled at going there.

Personal Impact Do You Have it?

We all want to make great connections, to get the results we want and to leave them wanting more. It's how you make people feel that matters and that's shaped by how you walk, talk, look and think. These aspects of how you are received and perceived either help or hinder. Learn how to have the personal impact and influence you want.
The NonProfit Alliance (NPA) Keynote Series is in its fifth year and attracts over 100 CEO's and C Suite Executives monthly - and when you gather that number and calibre of leaders together, they expect you to deliver. Carolyn Stenhouse never disappoints. Carolyn's engaging and entertaining delivery of meaningful content makes her one of the most popular speakers on the NPA circuit. So much so, that we have asked Carolyn to present to our leadership audience on 3 separate significant occasions (annually 2016 - 2019). Carolyn is an outstanding presenter, who understands people. Her subject matter is thought-provoking and relevant and she provides practical examples that demonstrate the impact of our behaviours and actions as Leaders and how this can be perceived by others. The personal reminders, that she weaves into her messaging, provide an opportunity for us all to reflect on whether we are indeed good' or great' leaders. I would most definitely recommend Carolyn to any leadership or management group “ and particularly those from the for-purpose sector with which she shares such a genuine affinity. The NonProfit Alliance

Carolyn was the inspirational keynote speaker at the annual Educate Plus conference 2018. She was warm, humorous, insightful and witty, cutting through theory to give us all ways of understanding ourselves and how to better relate to others. Carolyn would be a wonderful person in a workplace coaching or mentoring individuals and teams to help them realise their potential. Wonderful!

Marts and Lundy

We have a national membership base of business owners and entrepreneurs. After seeing Carolyn live for one event we booked her for an Australia tour. She is a knowledgeable, impactful and entertaining speaker. Our members walked away with very hands on tools to use and good takeaways they could implement in their business straight away. Her experience in the space is immediately apparent on stage. She is also a pleasure to work with and very easy going. We would absolutely consider working with Carolyn again in the future.


If you need someone to wake up an audience Carolyn is a stand-out speaker with memorable insights. Having been inspired by her at a For-Purpose leadership event in 2019, we had Carolyn in to support our people through change. She is a skilled Team Psychologist who helped me with a staff restructure and in connecting a new team. I would highly recommend her for speaking, team change and development work.

Heart Research Australia
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