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Inspiring future trends in design, innovation and creative culture.


Casey Hyun is a multi-award winning designer/strategist, future trend forecaster, entrepreneur and keynote speaker. With over 20 years of experience with a number of top automotive and IT companies, his vast global business experience enables him to diagnose and forecast cultural and future trends in relation to creative design.

Ideal for presentations on creativity and corporate culture, future design trends, and corporate innovation Casey is a true futurist. He has presented for the likes of Samsung and Google.

Current work

His diverse cultural and expertise background in future trends and design has resulted in him being invited to deliver lectures and keynotes in 15 different countries including USA, UK, Germany, Brazil, South Korea and Australia.

Casey is recognised worldwide for his detailed and insightful keynote presentations at conferences and marketing events and also corporate training, his international business experience truly makes him an world-class presenter.

Previous experience

Global work: Casey has worked in senior positions for global companies including; Panasonic, Audi, Ford, GM and Hyundai Motor Company, where he was the head of strategic design/chief designer for a number of projects including the acclaimed Hyundai Genesis G80.

Recognition: Since 2010, his designs have been consistently awarded globally for design excellence.

Education: He holds a BA Industrial Design from University technology, Sydney and MA in Transportation Design from Coventry University, UK.

Talking Points

Brand Transformation: How to how to innovate your brand to grow and sustain growth

This is how to innovate your brand to grow, sustain and continue to grow. Casey Hyun, former chief designer and the mastermind of doubling the Hyundai brand value in 5 years from $5bil US in 2010 to over $10.4bil US in 2014 at Hyundai Motor Company goes in depth about how to plan, develop and implement corporate strategy & core brand identity for business innovation.

His inspiring keynote covers detailed analysis, plans and actions for building and growing brand value sprinkled with humorous personal episodes from his decade long time with Hyundai Motor Company, now the 4th largest auto manufacturer in the world.

Core ideas:
Innovations and strategy development for initiating and driving corporate growth and continue it
Streamlining your department structure and teams. How to change it for better.
How to make everyone from top executives to new employee to trust your system and work towards a common goal How to motivate & change work attitude of your members to inspirers, challengers and leaders.

Disruptive Thinking: Positive disruption for readying for the fast changing world

From small businesses to large global corporations, steady flow of disruptive idea development is vital for competing in today's fastchanging world. From hypothesis development, inspiring and provoking your teams to become positive disruptors to implementation methodology of design concept development process for your business decision making process, if you are invested in development of your business, your team, or yourself, this is a vital part of future innovation. This in depth, step by step keynote will enable your corporate personnel to develop creative yet also disciplined disruptive thinking.

Core Ideas:
How to throwaway corporate complacency and instill proactive thinking culture
Linking two totally unrelated ideas to create powerful vision. Tesla Space X + Tesla Model X = Monopoly
Finding the prefect balance between creative freedom vs obsessed disciplines
Learn the five steps of disruptive ideas. Hypothesis, defining opportunity, idea generation, solution shaping and idea pitching

Future trend/Futurist: Crystal ball for your business advantage

Always looking for that edge over competition, for many years future forecast & prediction have been the most sought after topic for corporations. Casey Hyun delivers sharp, incisive presentations that have been created to connect you and your organisation with what is new, next and game-changing in the worlds of consumer thinking, business strategy and emerging lifestyle trends across 14 sectors. Featuring case studies, expert interviews, facts, statistics and in-depth market report presentations all be tailored to suit a range of formats, contexts and organisational needs.

Core Ideas:
Understanding the main trend & sociological changes happening today, and reasons behind it.
Polarizing perceptions. How culture and trends run parallel universe
How to take data from the past to predict the future. Crystal ball for understanding, reading, defining and choosing them for your business advantage.

Future of Mobility, Technology and its Development

Due to recent development of future mobility technology and government regulations, global auto industry is undergoing a revolutionary transformation never seen before. This new age of cars are opening up opportunities for both established behemoths and nimble startups to showcase their ideas and governments around the world look to catalyze the future of mobility.

Key takeouts:
The truth - Detailed breakdown of government initiatives and how mobility brands are already moving quickly to seize opportunities
Future Tech & Design - Ways future mobility will change/influence the tech & designs and how to best position your business Perception, impact and roadmap -
From perception to reality. How to think, survive and thrive inside the future mobility ecosystem
Finding opportunity spaces - In depth analysis of how future mobility will develop, where to play and how to win
We have had the pleasure of inviting Mr Casey Hyun as the keynote lecturer at the 2017 Continental Executive management workshop on Future of Mobility and Top Impacting Future Auto Trends.' His 2 hour lecture was in-depth, focused and perfect for the level of the management audiences in attendance. We could immediately see that Mr Hyun took time to understand the needs of our organization, who the primary audiences were and requisites for the development of professional skills. His keynotes were developed with spot-on concepts, intriguing context & designs balanced with overviews and details for everyone to easily understand. He also managed to mix great humor and even a quiz to keep everyone even more interested. Mr Hyun's lecture was one of the most inspiring and informative session for continuing our business success in the future, and at the end, not only everyone walked away a personal challenges and vision, but with a clear understanding of future technology for our business success. Continental Automotive
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