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Where Creativity & Strategy Collide

Kindness is strength. Kindness is clarity. Kindness is bold.


Cassie Roma is a powerhouse in the boardroom, in front of a camera, and speaking in front of local & global audiences on business & personal topics that impassion her.

Yep, this California native is a powerhouse of business & entertainment. And, after 18 years in New Zealand counts herself as a proud YanKiwi.

Passionate about creative content, social media strategy, the influencer economy, and storytelling across mediums both emerging and traditional, Cassie has literally lived & breathed the digital revolution. All the while steering the social media & digital storytelling ships for brands like Air New Zealand, ANZ Bank, Mighty River Power, NZME, & The Warehouse Group. As of 2021, she can also chalk up Advisor to the CEO on The Apprentice Aotearoa on TV1 here in New Zealand.

She can also add the title of entrepreneur to her title now as she is currently Founder & Director of CR&Co her newest venture into storytelling for business, brand strategy, social media mastery, influencer marketing & beyond.

Cassie has been awarded & recognised globally as a thought leader in the fields of social media marketing, storytelling for brands, digital marketing, and the anthropological power of brand in the lives of consumers. She's also an author, keynote speaker, professional coach, & mentor. Her main professional goal? Delivering results while having fun doing it. By embracing change, actively driving innovation, growing positive community engagement, deepening customer service standards, and streamlining reporting across business units, Cassie has truly cut her teeth on the cutting edge. She's also one big bundle of positive energy fuelled by the belief that great corporate culture is built on a foundation of kindness!

Beyond the office, Cassie spends her free time working on projects that aim to put necessary, powerful, & impactful stores into the world most of which aim to lift others through education, diversity, & action. Cassie is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community & speaks often on topics that include Pride & empowering women in the workplace.

At home, Cassie is a proud momma & wife. She loves getting outdoors while soaking up some sunshine & revelling in stolen moments with loved ones. A buttery chardonnay never goes astray, either.

Talking Points

Ethical Marketing: Brands as Gatekeepers, Marketers as Moral Compasses

The role of brands in a world of democratised digital influence, content creation, & the ability to influence media is consistently changing. In a world in flux, what role should brands be playing when it comes to influencers, media spending, social & cultural movements? When should brands speak up for or against causes that are political, societal, or ethical? Are we, as marketers, ready to pivot hard & lean into understanding our customers as people & not as data points? Cassie Roma is here to dive deep into some of the biggest topics that we should all be talking about.

Storytelling for Business

In today's fast-paced digital world, we're all living & working in a world stuck on play. There's no pause. Because of this, it's the attention economy that we're trying to master. Brands, influencers, new media, & traditional programming alike are all vying for our time when it comes to the content we consume & the ability to influence us. When it comes to building strong, successful brands in a new world, it's the age-old principles of storytelling that drive the best creative results & that help great marketers stand out from the pack. Cassie Roma is an expert in helping brands build strategies around stories, creative execution, insight, data, distribution & amplification.

The Glorification of Busy: Slowing Down to Speed Up

If you're like me, your life is a bit like a hamster wheel built specifically for our human legs and cardiovascular machines, but not so much primed for healthy minds or souls. We live out our best years as worker bees, bound by a monotonous and perpetual cycle that has been colloquially dubbed the 9-to-5. I say colloquially because we all know that, as professional, we'd love an actual 9-to-5. I've heard typical working hours called out as Gentlemen's hours� often. Ahem, gentlepeople. This is 2019. In this session Cassie talks about realistic strategies for making space to slow-down, to think deeply, and to find time to work more effectively across your day-to-day projects.

Influence Schminfluence

Let's face it, one person's influencer is another person's unfollow.' So in today's social media-laden society, how do we as marketers & brands define influence when looking through the eyes of our customers? Is the term influencer' a smug smokescreen or a powerful tool in our branded-content & online social media arsenal? Cassie Roma breaks all of the rules to help you build your most impactful strategies yet when it comes to experts, gurus, ambassadors, & (yep, you guessed it) influencers.

Growing Up Social

Social media will NEVER AGAIN be as it was in the golden years... so now what? What are macro and micro trends in the video and online space that have the potential to change the world as we see it, or to crush some of the major foundations that we believe to be unbreakable.

Algorithms for Good: Standing on the Right Side of History

Almost everything we do, share, connect with, click on, or consume is tracked online & is used as fuel to feed massive content machines. Of the major players online, algorithms rule what we see, when we see it, and how often we're served one piece of content over another. For a lot of our Millennial & Gen Z consumers, algorithms aren't the deliverers of good, contextual information. Instead, we see a world where what we're served can just as well divide us as it does bring us together. Which begs the question: as marketers, how we can re-train algorithms rather than simply try to game or crack them? Also, how do we as guardians of budget lines & big reach platforms imbue humanity and diversity into everything we do?
In a world of wide-open, world-wide-webs, who are the gatekeepers?


¢ The Next Best Thing to IRL (bringing the passion & energy of live events to online conferences, webinars, & workshops)
¢ Flexible Working 101/Working From Home: Getting The Most Out Of Your Work From Home Days
¢ Building Resilience Through Change
¢ Leveraging Partnerships/Communities Online
¢ Connecting With Employees, Your Best Bet - Webinars, Zoom meetings, & Facebook Messenger Chats
¢ What's Your Story? Storytelling To Build Empathy & Resilience
¢ Crisis Comms Management (Who/What/How/When to respond, escalate, build workflow, etc)
¢ Engagement, Confidence, & Creativity at Work
¢ Growing Your Content Creation Confidence (getting comfortable in finding your voice & sharing ideas online)

Women On Top

Goodbye old boys clubs, hello women in leadership! Digging deep into a once-taboo topic, we dive into top tips from top players on how they help to empower women in traditionally male industries as well as how they themselves have become progressively more comfortable with taking up space at the proverbial table. As the old/new saying goes, "If there are no more seats at the table, bring a folding chair."

Driving Diversity

Just as we all have our own unique view of the world, so too do we have a unique understanding on what diversity means. In a time where we all know that we need to think about and build diversity into our content streams, how do we do this? What are the rules (if there are any) around ensuring safe spaces online and in your own channels? Let's talk algorithms, ethics, humanity, & the beauty of diversity.

Leading With Kindness, Not Niceness

As seen on The Apprentice Aotearoa Cassie's brand of #KindnessWarrior leadership is neither weak nor saccharine sweet. Cassie believes that clarity is kindness especially at work. She also instills in all of her teams & projects an ethos of collaboration & teamwork that is built upon a foundation of trust & empathy, not fear & competition. Are you looking to build the leaders of tomorrow? Then build them with Cassie. You'll be one step ahead of the rest when you do


If you’re not already using AI or diving deep into innovative tech, you’re probably hearing about it - a lot! While AI & emerging tech are truly a new frontier for many, they’re already changing the landscape of business & human behaviors.

From art to science, from poetry to messaging, from social media to IRL, & from neurodiversity to connection at scale - modern platforms & creative innovations can help us work better.

In this keynote I’ll give you ideas & examples on how to harness the power of AI & new tech in your day to day, at work & at play!


We are living in the most connected era humanity has ever known, but we are lonelier than ever. At work, at home, amongst crowds & in silent solitude. Loneliness leads to disconnection & disengagement, both of these are bad for business, teams, & collaboration.

The good news is there’s HOPE & TOOLS for beating loneliness.

In this keynote I will give you tools for creating engaged, collaborative, & high-performing workplaces. Going from loneliness to lonely-less takes effort & heart. Together we go farther.

BUILDING BETTER WORKPLACES WITH 5 C’s Creativity, Connection, Collaboration, Curiosity, Confidence

In today’s fast-paced & fragmented world we’re working longer, harder, & more apart than ever. While some businesses have people in the office fulltime, most people are working as part of teams that are hybrid, WFH, & dispersed across geographical locations.

This means that getting the balance right for nurturing high-performing, diverse, & engaged teams is more imperative than ever.

In this keynote I’ll give you tools, insights, & case-studies to help you & your team maximise your potential now & into the future by focussing on connection, creative solutions for collaboration, & dialling up productivity to drive innovation & success.

Individuals are only as good as their teams, so let’s build the best teams ever!


Building brands that last in a fast changing world (Abercrombie & Fitch, Nike, Macca’s, Air NZ)… we know how it went with Blockbuster) takes more than just great products, memorable ads, & services that consumers want.

To stand out from the rest, brands need to create stories, value exchanges, & be able to change with the times in ways that are valuable & make sense to customers.

In this keynote I will take you through how to create lasting brands through experiences that bridge online, offline, & melded-media offerings. Everyone loves to buy, but no one likes to be sold to. So let’s learn to build buy-in from the get-go when it comes to your brand.


We’re taught from a very young age how to measure success - at work & in life. We chase titles & awards & recognition & things. But, rarely are the measures we’re taught the ones that we know in our hearts & minds to be the things that make us truly happy.

In this keynote we will look at defining success on our own terms. We will dive into harnessing curiosity & asking “why?” more often. And, we’ll gain a deeper understanding around the power of play, innovation, & unlearning everything we thought to be true.

When we approach the world as a rookie, even experts land on new truths.
Truths that make work & the world better through connection to self & others.
All of which help businesses & brands thrive.


We’re all after it: the attention of others. Whether you call it data, insights, customer information, or cultural knowledge - what people pay attention to earns big advertising bucks & drives consumption in a hyper-connected world.

Most adults spend 10 hours consuming some sort of passive media each day. We’re hungry for value & for content that matters - but we’re starved for attention when it comes to being sold to.

In an over-saturated world, if you want to grab the attention of others, you have to EARN it
And, earning it takes care, consistency, & creativity.

Cutting through the din of beige advertising to create campaigns, products, & brands that stick isn’t a lotto draw - it’s a storyline. And, a structured approach.

In this keynote, I’ll tell you how to harness storytelling, insights, & human emotion to truly connect with your audience/consumers & build lasting bonds with them that drive stickability when it comes to your brand.
Cassie is magnetic. She lives her life with soul and purpose. Everything Cassie turns her head to in life or work, she contributes her whole self. Cassie has a CV that dazzles, and she delivers for clients above and beyond expectation, with intelligence, thoughtfulness, empathy, verve, attention to detail and her fierce sense of humour. Above all, Cassie is an absolute pleasure to know The Bella Edit

Cassie's special blend of industry insight, strategic thinking, and creative brilliance is truly unlike anything I've ever seen before. She leads with more kindness than I've ever experienced, and has broken more ground in brand storytelling than any other human in her field. Radiating sunshine, ridiculous brain power and a passion for telling stories in the right way - working with Cassie is a privilege

WeWork NYC

Cassie is a truly innovative thinker and practitioner in the field of global marketing. She has great insight on how to build your business both locally and worldwide using innovative combinations of paid earned and owned media. She's an expert in social video and social marketing, but also in so much more. She's also a great teacher and speaker “ her sessions at VidCon around the world are among the most popular each year

VidCon International

Let's talk, enquire with Louise now

Louise Ryburn

Managing Director - Celebrity Speakers NZ

Let's talk, enquire with Louise now

Louise Ryburn

Managing Director - Celebrity Speakers NZ

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