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Dr Charlotte

Clinical Psychologist. Neuroscience PhD. Wellbeing enthusiast. Mental Health Advocate.

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To achieve true wellbeing, conscious actions have to be taken, everyday!


Dr Charlotte Keating is a wellbeing enthusiast.

As a speaker, Charlotte is an energetic storyteller. She draws on her dual expertise as a practising clinician and academic, to combine her knowledge of the latest developments in neuroscience and psychology, to provide data-driven and evidenced-based, neuroscientific insights that resonate with diverse audiences.

With 10 years of experience at the coal face of Clinical Psychology, together with her ongoing passion for Neuroscience, Charlotte is uniquely positioned to inspire, motivate, and provide actionable ways for individuals and organisations to initiate change by drawing on cutting-edge research and practice.

Charlotte is a highly sought-after media personality speaking on wide-ranging mental health and wellbeing issues, across all media major outlets. She is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist for Channel 9's The Today Show. Charlotte was the Resident Psychologist on ABC Radio Show 'Afternoons' and contributes regularly on ABC's Radio National, Life Matters, program. Charlotte has been featured in the ABC series, My Year 7 Life.

Prior to her career as a clinician, Charlotte spent many years in research, obtaining her PhD in Neuroscience from Monash University in 2011, before completing her Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Swinburne University of Technology. She has been a Board Member (2014-2017) and an Associate Editor (2017-2019) at the international scientific Journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews.

A reflection of her passion for the wellbeing of the community, Charlotte is a member of the Board of Directors at the children’s charity, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, and an Advisory Board member of the anti-bullying organisation, Dolly’s Dream. She has previously been a Member of the National Centre Against Bullying.

Charlotte is an insightful, compassionate, and dynamic presenter. As a Clinician, Researcher, Board Member and Media Spokesperson, Charlotte’s authenticity and accessibility as a communicator allows her to build intriguing, deeper insights about our health and well-being and what drives us as humans, leaving audiences with clear out-takes on how to create lasting change for themselves and their organisations.

Talking Points

How Does the Teen Brain Work?

For parents, teachers and young people.
From the perspective of young people, this talk gives parents the understanding they need to choose how they parent the emerging young adults in their care, to be independent, capable, considerate and kind, happy young people. The content covered is an accessible neuroscience perspective from this stage of development on the most common difficulties parents and their teens bring into my practice. This talk relates to a book currently being written.

Managing the transition into High School

For parents, teachers, and young people.
This talk discusses with parents, the ways that they can prepare their young people to effectively manage the transition into High School. Earlier in 2017, I was the psychologist on the documentary: Surviving My Year 7 Life. It documented the journey of a group of young people and their parents, generously sharing some of the most common stressors of this life transition.

How to prepare your child for VCE, and life beyond

For parents, teachers and young people.
Managing one of the most stressful years of a young person's life with balance, optimism and compassion. Strategies on how you can study smarter not harder and sustaining a marathon rather than a sprint. Key to this talk is preparing young people for how their ongoing development can best be supported in the year following school, and beyond. It is not a one size fits all, and that's a good thing!

Dealing with Perfectionism

For parents, teachers, and young people.
Striving for perfection isn't necessarily a problem - pursuing our best, setting flexible, realistic, achievable goals where we celebrate our successes and accept that our mistakes are part of learning (and move on from them without dwelling in distress), is healthy. Unhealthy perfectionism involves the relentless pursuit for extremely high, unrealistic standards, despite the personal cost. Individuals often judge their self-worth based on the outcome, which can be highly distressing (and exhausting) when the outcome falls short of expectations. This talk discusses what you can do to help a young person that may experience perfectionism.

Bullying: what to do if your child is being bullied, or your child is bullying others

For parents, teachers and young people.
As a psychologist working with young people, I work with families where a young person may have been bullied, or may have engaged in bullying someone, or both. Bullying can occur both online and offline. As a parent, teacher or student, having the knowledge and strategies on how to manage either situation involving a young person is critical given 1 in 4 children have reported experiencing bullying, and the short, and longer-term mental health consequences of either can be significant.

Leaning in to perfectionism….but not too far

This keynote is about understanding the psychological drivers that push us towards perfectionism, how to harness our instinctual values, and action them, to get the best results.
Striving for perfection is not necessarily a problem: pursuing our best, setting flexible, realistic, achievable goals where we celebrate our successes and accept that our mistakes are part of learning (and move on from them without dwelling in distress), is healthy.
Unhealthy perfectionism can have a huge personal and professional cost, including a relentless pursuit of extremely high unrealistic standards, and debilitating procrastination cycles. Individuals often judge their self-worth based on the outcome, which can be highly distressing (and exhausting) when the outcome falls short of expectations.
You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the drivers of perfectionism. You will learn key cognitive and physiological strategies that help shift your mindset to one that’s motivated by values-driven excellence, which will positively impact your wellbeing, your relationships, your resilience, and prepare you to solve future challenges.

Beyond resilience comes adaptability - Thriving in a Changing World

Innovation and creativity is at the heart of our capacity to solve future challenges. Yet, at a time when people and industries are experiencing pressure or uncertainty, the brain’s capacity for creativity can be limited, often just when they need to tap-into-creativity, most.
Positive consumer-end experience increasingly depends on positive employee experience. The benefits of nurturing employees’ well-being are clear, and the impact is often increased innovation. This session unpacks the neuroscience essentials about how we experience and respond to workplace change, stress, and ongoing uncertainty.
We all know the adage, “fit your own oxygen mask first”. This talk is about empowering each person in your organisation with actionable, essential ways to “fit their own oxygen mask” by providing examples of the latest neuroscience techniques (cognitive and physiological tools) to help build and sustain wellbeing, satisfaction and high-performance, in the constantly changing world of work.

Anxiety: An intergenerational lens on mental health and wellbeing at work

Depending on what decade you grew up in, you may have a very different perspective, even understanding about what mental illness and wellbeing are. The Productivity Commission Enquiry estimates the impact of mental illness to be $70 billion to the Australian economy per year. With 1 in 5 Australian’s each year, and 2 in 5 Australian’s over their lifetime impacted by a mental illness, this keynote bridges the inter-generational gap by providing a deeper understanding about what mental illness, and true wellbeing, are. How mental illness impacts each of us, and those in our lives, and what each of us can do to cultivate wellbeing.
In an industry-tailored approach, using storytelling to bring the human experience to life, this keynote focuses on sharing what preoccupies each of us over the different decades. For example, transitioning into a career in your 20s, building a career, a business and/or a family in your 30s, sustaining a professional life, or re-entering the work force in you 40s and so on. While there are differing challenges in relation to work, family and relationships, finding the capacity and courage to recalibrate when things are challenging is a constant.
You will gain a deeper understanding of the most common mental health concerns for people relative to their stage of life, protective strategies each one of us can engage in, and how to come together, and compassionately talk about the most commonly experienced challenges, to build and sustain a healthier, resilient, and thriving workforce.

Women’s health in midlife: Managing life in midlife isn’t always about a crisis.

This keynote was born out of an overwhelming lively, and surprisingly uplifting ABC Radio National, Life Matters, talk-back segment on the midlife crisis. I thought the conversation would be about the stereotypical tropes of midlife crises often depicted in the movies about men, fast cars and younger partners. Instead, so many women, and men, shared experiences of a genuine renaissance in their midlife.
In fact, challenges in midlife are something we all go through to varying degrees.
The life transitions that occur at this stage of life, can vary in their significance, depending on key individual factors. For women especially, there can be specific biological events taking place which can catch women not only by surprise, but amplify psychological, cognitive, and physical changes, that impact confidence, and the capacity to show up in life in the ways we value most; within ourselves, our relationships and at work.
This keynote will enhance your knowledge and understanding about the unique experience of women throughout the decades in their 40 to 60s, providing key strategies and insights on how to fully embrace the potentially unexpected, life affirming and enriching ways of living life during these decades.
This topic is ideal for a keynote, workshop or fireside chat.
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