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Helping organizations improve performance


As a top global leadership expert and speaker Chris will Accelerate Your Success

For over 30 years Chris Roebuck has led global teams growing C suite and other leaders as Entrepreneurial High Performance Human Leaders to Accelerate Success. How? By better meeting their key objectives and overcoming any challenges they face; on performance, employee engagement, culture, change & transformation, customer focus, brand building, cost efficiency, risk management and now AI adoption.

In senior leadership roles Chris has Accelerated Success at HSBC, London Underground, UBS, KPMG, Nat West, UK NHS, as a leadership speaker he’s helped leaders grow in Goldman Sachs, Tata, Cardinal Health, UK & UAE Prime Ministers Offices, Huawei, Reuters, Barclays, Red Cross, Chinese Space Programme and more, all built on his experience as a British Army Officer and in senior HR leadership roles and advising across business and Government.

Chris interacts with audiences to reveal the amazing potential hidden in their own experience and new powerful insights on how to be Authentic and Impactful leaders they won’t have heard before, all in a fun inspiring way.

He blends this with business examples, neuroscience, hard data and his insights to present a compelling call to action.

The audience then creates a simple action plan tailored to their own needs and the organisation's objectives which enables them to be Future Fit Leaders, successful not just for now but for the rest of their careers, which delivers proven impact afterwards.

Talking Points

Authentic Human Leadership for AI

AI is now an almost daily discussed topic. Speakers and experts are talking about its potential. Organisations are starting to adopt.

But most leaders do not understand how AI works, how it compares to our brains, how it’s going to impact their work day to day and what AI will do for them and what it won’t.

It’s vital they understand this so they can apply AI effectively but also continue to develop their personal capabilities in areas where they need to impact because AI can’t.

Personal authentic leadership interactions is the critical area where AI can’t help in real time so leaders must develop capability quickly.

What will you learn and take away for action?

- How does our brains authentic intelligence compare to AI
- Where AI is likely able to help you as a leader in your day-to-day work either now or in future.
- Where AI is unlikely to be able to help.
- In those areas where AI can’t help what are the key actions that you can take to grow your skills?
- Focus on 4 key areas to Accelerate Success:
Slick Task Delivery
Getting the best from people
Alignment to strategic objectives.
Being entrepreneurial to build the future.
- Your simple action plan to start to make it a reality when you leave.

High Performance Leadership

Unleash your peoples experience, to get their best.

- What really engages people to give their best? Growing your high performance culture.
- How to boost employee engagement.

Transformational Leadership

Success is about being ahead of the change curve.

- The hidden power of your experience and perception in leading change.
- Build a culture of dynamic change.

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Leaders identifying & leveraging opportunity.

- Creating a culture of opportunity.
- Making opportunity reality.

I care for Leaders

Be the leader people give their best for
Chris shows how the power of your own experience, confirmed by real-world evidence, psychology, neuroscience and good old common sense creates the secret of success by being the leader people give their best for.

In this session, you learn how to focus on the components of leadership that really delivers success for you, your team and organization and minimize the time spent on the work that doesn't perform. This new and unique approach enables and inspires everyone to work together for success.

Session overview

In this fast-paced and inspirational keynote presentation audiences will learn the following:

- Which parts of their own experience contain the key secrets for greater success
- How to use psychology and neuroscience to get people to increase effort by up to 30%
- How to focus efforts on what matters, to deliver both team objectives and support key organizational
- How to implement a simple 3 step action plan and ensure it is successful
- Learn Chris' secrets of success from 35 years as a leader in the military, business and government as an
executive coach end mentor and Hon Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership

Audience members will leave this keynote with 3 specific simple practical actions they can implement that will immediately enhance the performance of themselves, their team and wider organization.

I Care for Leaders is proven to deliver greater success for audience members, allowing them to feel more in control of their day to day work life by understanding what really delivers success. When used with leadership teams or at corporate leadership events, this keynote will align audience actions as a whole to key organizational objectives, help break down silos and enable effective partnership working.

I care for HR

Make HR a proactive catalyst for greater success.

Chris shows how though the use of proven techniques, psychology, neuroscience, a Harvard Case Study he was involved in and his HR Entrepreneur development of the HR Business Partner model any HR team can implement.

In this session, you will learn the simple steps to be more effective and develop a powerful action plan for success. This new and unique approach enables and inspires everyone to work together for success and enables HR to be seen as the key enabler of that success.

Session overview

In this fast-paced & inspirational keynote presentation audiences will learn:

- That their experience already contains the key secrets to their own success
- How much greater that impact can be when focused effectively
- How using psychology and neuroscience to be more successful and receive the best from others both
personally and across their organizations
- The key benefits of moving from HR Business Partner to becoming a HR Entrepreneur�
- How to enhance all HR activity and ROI from talent development to performance management
- How to drive HR to become a proactive catalyst for organizational success and build its credibility as a real
partner for senior leaders and wider organization
- Audience members will leave this keynote with specific simple practical actions they can use immediately
to enhance the performance of themselves, their team, the HR function and wider organization.

I Care for HR is proven to deliver subsequent greater success for audience members, their HR teams and functions by being more impactful and business-focused, delivering improved.

I care for Finance & CEOs

Add 10% + on your bottom line for free

Chris shows how any organization has the power to leverage its existing knowledge to add upwards of 10% to your organizations' bottom line for free by getting up to 30% more effort from 60% of staff, serve customers better, innovate better, deliver change and manage risk more effectively.

This proven route to success is based on evidence from around the world, neuroscience, psychology and consumer behavior and leading Case Studies.

In this session, you will learn how this new and unique approach, enabling and inspiring everyone in your team or organization to work together towards success.

Session overview

In this fast-paced & inspirational keynote presentation audiences will learn:

- That profitability and performance is directly related to employee efforts.
- That your experience already contains the key secrets to your own and organizational success.
- How focused application of this knowledge across the organization via simple day to day actions can
deliver significant performance & profitability improvements quickly at no cost.
- That these simple actions have a significantly higher ROI at both operational and strategic level - and how
this can be enhanced further via the use of simple psychology and neuroscience.
- Chris' secrets of success as an experienced senior leader, including in a Harvard Case Study demonstrating
a clear and simple road map for significant increases in performance and profitability and as Hon Visiting
Professor of Transformational Leadership.
- The secrets to success of the top global business leaders who have worked with Chris to identify what
really delivers success.

Audience members will leave Chris keynote with specific simple practical actions they can use immediately to enhance the performance & profitability of themselves, their team and wider organization.

I Care for CEOs and Finance professionals gives audience members critical information for success that their professional training and technical experience may not have given them. When used with their leadership teams or at corporate leadership events, it will enable their teams to improve their performance, align their actions to key organizational objectives and break down silos to enable effective partnership working.

I care to drive transformation

Inspire your people to embrace and deliver the new world
Chris shows how change and transformative success can be delivered using proven simple steps based upon a Harvard Case Study on a successful global transformation that Chris developed as a leader.

In this session, you will learn to draw upon your organization's existing knowledge, psychology, neuroscience and consumer behavior.

This new and unique approach will enable and inspire everyone in your team or organization to work together towards success.

Session overview

In this fast-paced & inspirational keynote presentation audiences will learn :

That your experience already contains the key secrets to your success.
- How to get the greatest impact from your experience to get the best from people and change mindsets to
enable transformation
- How much greater that impact can be if focused correctly
- How you can use psychology and neuroscience to be more successful in planning and delivering
- Chris' secrets of success from 35 years as a leader in the military, business and government as an
executive coach end mentor and Hon Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership

Audience members will leave this keynote with specific simple practical actions they will take immediately to enhance their own performance as leaders and the successful delivery of change and transformation from small groups to across large global organizations.

I Care to drive transformation is proven to deliver subsequent greater success for audience members by implementing change at all levels and complexities. When used with leadership teams or at corporate leadership events, it will help wider groups use the same steps of support to create successful transformation across an entire organization.

Critical Neuroscience Secrets for Leaders

Ever since the industrial revolution, we have run our organizations and lives on what we thought was the best logical processes to deliver success. We have assumed that by making ourselves think, work and live within this logical framework was how to get the best from ourselves and our brains. However, in the last few years discoveries from neuroscience now tell us by doing this we have restricted the potential of our brain-power and made our lives more difficult and less enjoyable.

In this powerful and revealing keynote, Chris distills the mass of complex new neuroscience discoveries into a few critical pointers you need to know so you can immediately unleash the full power of your own brain and go and get the best from yourself and people around you to have a more successful working and personal life.

Key Takeaways

- How your brain works as an "emotional computer" so you can focus it precisely on what needs to be done.
- Manage the limits to your conscious and the overwhelming power of the subconscious and how to use both
- How your brain, and other peoples, make decisions without you knowing so you can interact with other
people better to get more of the answers you need.
- How to take action to start to change your mindset, habits and actions to make you more successful and
have a more enjoyable work and family life.
- As an organizational leader apply all of the above effectively in the work environment to be yourself, your
team and your organization more successful.
In a world where innovation and change challenges managers and directors in keeping their teams engaged and helping them adapt to change, Chris was able to give helpful tips and strategies which can be put into practise immediately. He was entertaining, knowledgeable and passionate about helping managers empower their teams using emotional intelligence skills. IHRSA Conference, Lisbon

The feedback from our guests afterwards was very positive and I have had several guests on the phone and messenger this morning telling me how much they enjoyed the event.

Kent Business School

Chris was clear, crisp with a superb flow throughout the session. Several senior managers contacted me immediately after and have pledged to action their learning.

Tata Communications

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the presentation from Chris, and will be calling upon his expertise again.

Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the presentation from Chris, and will be calling upon his expertise again.

Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

A highly relevant and compelling presentation on Transformational Leadership. Chris managed it in exemplary fashion and brought new perspectives.

Business Leaders Professional Group

Chris worked his magic to bring servant leadership to life. He did an excellent job of reading the teams - and gave us something that we can take home that's concrete, actionable and will help us all be better leaders.

Annual Leadership Conference, Viena

Chris was absolutely fantastic, gave plenty of light bulb moments and a great deal of food for thought. All in all a really great experience.

Annual Leadership Conference Vienna

I have read books and listened to talks on leadership over many years but without doubt Chris was the most inspirational and sensible approach that gave absolute clarity.

UK Military Hospital Reserve
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