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Leadership Expert who Helps Leaders & Teams Develop Fearless Leadership

She/Her | CSP


Entertaining, provocative, and inspiring, Corrinne is high energy and equally comfortable on a big stage or a virtual stage. As a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), she has been industry recognised for her experience and professional capability amongst Australia’s leading speakers.

Corrinne Armour shares transformational insights into brain science and incredible stories from her life in a jungle refugee camp on the edge of a war-zone. Underpinned by over 15 years in and out of board rooms working with senior leaders, she brings Fearless Leadership® to life.

Corrinne is Australia’s leading thinker in Fearless Leadership. Through 10+ years in corporate leadership roles, 2½ years living and teaching in the jungle on the edge of a warzone, and years training and coaching senior leaders, she’s gained much to share with audiences.

Corrinne gets first-hand the challenges and competing priorities of leadership because she’s been there. Her work with leaders has ripple effects across the globe. Author of ‘Leaders Who Ask: Building Fearless Cultures by telling less and asking more’ and ‘Developing Direct Reports: Taking the Guesswork Out of Leading Leaders’, as well as two specialist texts in human behaviour used by consultants worldwide.

At home she is married to an ex guerrilla fighter and mother to two (mostly) beautiful teenage daughters, so she knows a thing or two about life balance and juggling multiple perspectives.

Corrinne challenges leaders to perform at their best. Known for captivating an audience, she will connect to your delegates, making them laugh and cry. She shares lessons that help access untapped potential, something we surely need as we rebuild our careers, organisations and communities after the impact of COVID-19. People leave with the confidence to lead more, do more, and be more.

Talking Points

Fearless Leadership®: Untapped potential. Taking action in times of challenge.

There are times when everything feels too much. Urgent priorities, high uncertainty, rapid change, people looking to you for answers, danger lurks in the shadows and overwhelm threatens. Leadership takes courage.

People will be on the edge of their seats as Corrinne shares stories from her time living and working in a jungle refugee camp on the edge of a war zone. Lessons about leadership that are just as applicable in our corporate jungle as they are in a war zone.

This program is perfect for
Closing keynote, leaving people ready to take on the challenges they face
Audiences where leadership is needed to combat overwhelm
Leaders at all levels, and especially leaders facing organisational change
Event organisers seeking a speaker with a different perspective, and stories to move the audience

The audience will leave with
Confidence that it’s possible to stay focused, regardless of chaos and overwhelm
Understanding the importance of a clear purpose to unite people and catalyse action
Clarity on what’s needed to inspire others and lead under fire
A provocation towards personal exploration and the readiness to lead

Key Messages: Leadership, Trust, Adventure, Inspiration

Ask More. Tell Less. Creating Fearless Cultures and saving the world

True leadership requires a new and innovative approach. It’s a tough gig! As leaders, our desire to solve problems for our people can often drive us to help too hard. This powerful
keynote inspires leaders at all levels of the business to deliver superior results by learning a few simple techniques that promote initiative and enhance ingenuity.

Drawing on Corrinne’s book ‘Leaders Who Ask: Building Fearless Cultures by telling less and asking more'.

Key Messages: Leadership, Performance, Engagement, Change

This program is perfect for
Leaders who are looking for ways to engage people, especially in hybrid environments
Leaders who want to learn how to engage and empower their people
Opening keynote to set a tone of curiousity and questioning for the event
When leaving the audience uplifted and confident to take on their own quest is an important event objective

The audience will leave with
A sense of the new kind of leadership that gets the right things done
Understanding of why telling is not the answer
Curiousity and the motivation to sit comfortably with uncertainty

The 12 Leadership Derailers: How to avoid archetypes that sabotage careers

As leaders, we all act with the best intentions. But what happens when our inside intentions are not reflected to others by our external behaviour? We can be derailed very fast! Consider the leader whose intention is to support his team and maintain a high standard, and yet is seen by his line manager and his team as a micromanager. Performance suffers - derailed!

Corrinne gives the audience speed overviews of the 12 leadership derailers, drawing laughter, insight and some uncomfortable squirms as people recognise themselves and others. Drawing on Corrinne’s book 'Developing Direct Reports: Taking the guesswork out of leading leaders'.

This program is perfect for
Evening/after dinner keynote where levity is needed to underpin the leadership message (20-30 minute version)
Leaders at industry conferences, as people will be encouraged to meet those sitting around them
Longer conference program where an interactive session is needed eg the morning after the conference dinner the night before
Leaders and individual contributors who want to progress their careers

The audience will leave with
Ability to recognise the 12 common leadership derailers, an insight into which derailer most limits their own leadership, and how strategies to avoid being derailed
An approach to improve relationships and build greater influence
Knowledge on how to accelerate their career by architecting their impact

Key Messages: Leadership, Performance, Engagement, Influence
Infectiously enthusiastic. Makes you believe you can do anything! Wannon Water

Corrinne’s delivery is dynamic and magnetic. She has the ability to make you feel like you are capable of being the very best version of yourself.

Fundraising Institute of New Zealand

This was the best session of my day. Great thought provoking content presented in a fun and relatable way!


A real test of whether a presentation was worthwhile is when you can take the learning and immediately apply it to the workplace. Corrinne’s keynote did just that.

Geelong Manufacturing Council

Corrinne’s level of connection with the audience was instantaneous, hitting the right chord quickly. 90 leaders were engaged in understanding their own ‘leadership derailers’ and took away strategies to improve their leadership.

David Jones

Corrinne’s background is fascinating. She has mastered the art of storytelling. Her content and delivery is appealing to everyone in the audience from junior leaders to executives.


Engaging, practical, pitched well and highly appropriate for a group of both experienced and newly appointed senior leaders. Right on the mark for a dinnertime presentation and everyone left with something they could apply in their day to day work.

Ambulance Victoria

90 staff across 80 locations for 25 minutes ‘really liked the Corrinne part’. She connected to what people were thinking and not talking about, leaving them feeling uplifted. Her energy is contagious and she has a natural ability to put people in a good mood. We were delighted with the level of engagement achieved by an online keynote.

City of Whittlesea

First session on a Friday with the conference dinner the night before and Corrinne had the audience captivated.

Leading Aged Services Australia

That was next level good.

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