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Fuzz Walker

Former United States Air Force Fighter Pilot


Daniel ‘FuZZ’ Walker is a former United States Air Force Fighter Pilot flying over 1,200 missions in the Air Force's most potent fighter jet, the F-22 RAPTOR! He is now an honorary Australian, having retired from the Air Force to return home with his Australian wife and children.

FuZZ graduated from the prestigious US Air Force Academy and subsequently graduated Air Force pilot training – THE most rigorous training program in the US Military - in the top 10% of his class, earning him the fighter jet coveted by all fighter pilots. Having flown the F-22 for 12 years as a qualified mission commander, he truly is one of the “best of the best”.

His achievements are even more significant, considering the elements of subtle discrimination, and racial bias he experienced throughout his career. On 60 minutes (US) he shared his journey as an African American fighter pilot in the United States Air Force. This episode adds to FuZZ’s accomplishments as a public voice with 15 years of experience; the last five of which have been as Afterburner’s lead speaker in the United States. His audiences range from non-profits to industry titans like Google, Microsoft, Rokt, Brookfield, Proctor & Gamble, VMWare, and beyond.

FuZZ has shared Afterburner's Flawless Execution methodology with thousands of leaders across the globe and has no plans for slowing down! He is attending Harvard Law School as a Juris Doctor Candidate in the class of 2024, and speaks on the topics of Operational excellence, diversity, safety and human performance.

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