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Success is not a mystery, it's a system


“Success is not a mystery, it's��s a system, a system that can be learned and replicated” This is Darrell Weekes's mantra.

Now the words dynamic and high energy are not normally words you would associate with a boy from the bush. Straight forward, no fluff, tell it like it is are words that are more likely to be used to describe country folk. Well Darrell Weekes is both. A boy from the bush whose straight forward delivery style earns him praise whenever he speaks. Having presented at hundreds of conferences over the last four years, Darrell is an extremely experienced and professional presenter. To everyone who engages Darrell he makes one promise “when people make an investment to come and listen to me speak I promise to make that investment worthwhile”. Darrell leaves nothing in reserve, when he's finished you'll know he's laid it all on the table.

Everything Darrell shares with his audience he has done. This is hands on experience delivered from the man who did it and experienced it. From creating successful businesses using his “Solution Driven Selling System” to earning bucket loads of referrals by delivering “Exceptional Service” Darrell has created and tested these systems and now he shares them with you.

As an example of how powerful Darrells' systems are, when he started a small Mortgage Broking business in Canberra he produced ten times the average production for Australian brokers. In a roll out of just one of his business building systems with 40 small business owners the average increase in sales over the three months following the implementation was 73%.

Darrell Weekes is a true Aussie success story.

Talking Points

Business engineering

How to create the business you want rather than not want the business you end up with.

How I delivered exceptional service

How I delivered exceptional service is an insight into how I took a concept, the idea of delivering exceptional service�, and transformed it into a business deliverable that reduced the drama in my business by 80% and took my customer satisfaction to 98%.

It's not about the result it's about the experience

This presentation is all about how businesses are focusing on the wrong thing, delivering the product instead of focusing on the customer experience. And how the experience the customer has with you makes the difference between them getting the product they what and getting what they really want. And how this determines whether they do repeat business with you or not.

Referrals the foundation of your business

How I built a spectacularly successful business by earning the right to ask for and receive referrals business even from customers who didn't get what they wanted. Or how I turned one customer into 33 customers in 12 months

Success is not a mystery

Success is not a mystery shares not only how Darrell created his systems but provides actual systems that attendees can take with them to utilise in their businesses. It provides a template for success through control of your business processes. (System : A set of procedures that creates a desired and repeatable result).
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