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Former Lawyer & Bestselling Author


For the last ten years, former lawyer and bestselling author David Gillespie has devoted himself to exposing forces in today's society that work against our interests as consumers and citizens.

Current Work:

David's first book, Sweet Poison, was published in 2008 and remains a bestseller. Sweet Poison, is credited with starting the current wave of sugar awareness in Australia.

He followed this up with another four books on nutrition and diet. Having upset the dietetics industry by writing about stuff in which he had no qualifications, David turned his focus to something else he was unqualified to write about, education, in his 2014 work Free Schools.

David then briefly detoured back to nutrition in his next books Eat Real Food (2015) and The Eat Real Food Cookbook (2016).

David's latest focus is psychology and in 2017, he released his with his much-anticipated book on surviving contact with psychopaths in the workplace and at home, Taming Toxic People.

In 2018 David released Teen Brain, a book about how teenagers are uniquely susceptible to addiction and the severity of this problem in an age where addictive screen time is the norm for every single teen.

Talking Points

How to survive contact with workplace psychopaths (and the ones you encounter at home)

How to break a teenagers addiction to screens and why that matters

Why we shouldn't be eating sugar

How vegetable oils are killing us

The Australian education system and why it is broken

Gillespie is academically gifted, a linguist, excellent at most things he turns his mind tohe's a polymath, an old-fashioned Renaissance man, who finds few things dull and everything else interesting. The Courier Mail
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