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CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific


David Ritter is CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific, where he leads a talented and determined team campaigning to fulfil Greenpeace's mission to secure an earth capable of nurturing life in all of its magnificent diversity.

Greenpeace has launched and executed a number of highly successful and deeply collaborative campaigns during David's time as CEO, including most recently:

- Stopping big oil companies from drilling in the Great Australian Bight, wholly preventing the opening of a new oil frontier.

- Persuading Australia's worst climate polluter, AGL Energy, to agree to early coal closures - which will result in roughly an 8-10% drop in annual domestic emissions, and;

- shifting 21 major Australian corporations to adopt 100% renewable energy electricity commitments by 2025 - shifting around 5% of the National Electricity Market from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

A widely published writer, including three books, The Coal Truth, Contesting Native Title and the The Native Title Market, his insights into the climate emergency have been published in The Guardian, The Griffiths Review, Independent Australian and The Quarterly Essay.

A frequent and highly regarded keynote speaker, David uses his platform to take audiences on a journey; through the wonder and awe of the natural world, the powers that threaten it and his profound belief in the human capacity for good. Audiences will leave aware, empowered and hopeful.

Talking Points

The bridge to tomorrow: Keeping hope alive through the fight for our future

What would it feel like, to wake up in a world free from the climate crisis. An equitable, just, flourishing world where the places and things we hold dearest were protected and thriving?

When it comes to the degradation of our natural world, there’s a lot to feel despair about; inactions of government, corrupt corporations, the vested interests of the fossil fuel industry. It’s all too easy to be so caught up in the fighting, we forget what it is we are fighting for.

Nobody knows this better than the CEO of one of our regions most effective and strategic environmental organisations; Greenpeace. Facing down the likes of AGL, Toyota and Woodside, David understands the power anger has to motivate action.

But it’s his profound love of the natural world, and his belief that we absolutely have what it takes to overcome the crisis together, that will leave audiences feeling empowered, hopeful and ready to act.

In this 45 minute session David:

- Invites the audience on a journey, to witness the breathtaking scene Greenpeace has made its mission to document
- Inspires a renewed personal love for and connection to the unique relationship each of us has with the natural world
- Provides real, evidence-based insight into the visible and hidden forces that stand in the way of environmental change
- Gives each audience member a clear, achievable mission and role in the ongoing fight for our planet.

Told with Greenpeace’s iconic mix of candour, frustration and hope, this topic is as much about how we’ll win the fight, as it is the beauty of what makes the fight worthwhile.
David is a captivating speaker who creates a genuine connection to the audience through humility, honesty and passion. He delivers his message with facts, but in a heartfelt way that invites the audience to connect on a deeper level to the information being provided. David’s love for and the environment and humanity is unashamedly evident in this public speaking; whatever the topic or the target group, he has a unique way of reading the room and bringing people along for the journey and his message. Impact Outfit

David Ritter is one of the most articulate, passionate and engaging speakers I have ever seen. David has an ability to synthesise complicated information about topics that most people find challenging, and present to audiences in a way that is articulate, easy to understand and persuasive. He is a commanding speaker that draws the crowd into his narrative and is adept at using story to illustrate his climate change arguments and content. He is often the go to as a keynote speaker due to these attributes. I have also seen David galvanise enormous crowds at the ends of conferences when people are weary and exhausted from content. Could not recommend more highly.

Morris Group

I have had the pleasure of hearing David speak in a number of public forums, including events that I have hosted for groups of senior executives. When speaking about the climate crisis and Greenpeace's strategy and achievements, he is nothing short of captivating. His gravitas compels the room to attention and his empathy moves people to action. He is an amazing asset and advocate for the Greenpeace organisation.

We Are Social

David is a passionate articulate speaker who grabs the audience’s attention with his first sentences. He is real, authentic and driven by an immense desire to change the way we think and act about the big issues facing our planet. A beautiful human being, our beacon on the hill for positive inclusive activism and transformation.

Impact Asia Pacific
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