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Contrarian Thought Leader, Bestselling Author & High Performance Coach



Best-selling author, Speaker, Neuroplastician & High Performance Coach Elizabeth Gould has worked with leadership organisations including the Zuckerberg Institute to coach entrepreneurs and business leaders around the world on creating a reinvention mindset based on neuroscience principles.

Elizabeth’s third book ‘Feeling Forwards’ has received global acclaim and been endorsed by NYT Bestselling author and business strategist Tony Robbins.

Elizabeth has recently appeared as co-host together with David Meltzer on ‘Office Hours’, an Amazon Prime & Bloomberg production, plus interviews on NBC, FOX, Sky News and more.

Elizabeth’s podcast ‘Feeling Forwards’ is in its sixth season and her work has appeared in publications including Vogue and The Financial Review. She is currently lecturing in Entrepreneurial Mindset & Leadership at Swinburne University and undertaking her Doctorate revealing the neuroscience based mindset and behaviours of elite athletes compared with the traditional success mindset adopted by entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Talking Points

Taking a ‘backwards’ approach to achieve high performance

As a High Performance Coach, best selling author and accredited Neuroplastician, Elizabeth shares how success is a science based process, not dependent on luck or timing. Elite athletes use a disciplined process of training, eating, sleeping and believing they are a champion long before any success has arrived - they understand the process is backwards. Revealing this process to entrepreneurs and business leaders who believe that their life, habits and behaviors will magically improve following their success is transformational.

Who this is for: - Change agents at a senior level, performance driven roles such as sales, organizations who have a culture or morale challenge, industries that need to pivot due to external circumstances or organizations looking to rebrand and have the new branding embraced by executives.

Key Takeaways:
- The three elements of a science based success formula;
- Understanding more effective techniques than positive thinking; and
- Using acting and make believe to create lasting personal and business change.

Success language - the spoken path to high performance

The words we speak, to ourselves and others rewire our brain to embrace success or failure. As a High Performance Coach, best selling author and accredited Neuroplastician, Elizabeth loves to share the language patterns of high performers and how changing specific words has a proven impact on creating positive change.

Who this is for:
Change agents at a senior level, performance driven roles such as sales, organizations who have a culture or morale challenge, industries that need to pivot due to external circumstances or organizations looking to rebrand and have the new branding embraced by executives.

Key Takeaways:
- How to redesign your self talk to create a high performance mindset.
- The groups of words to use consistently and which to avoid.
- How the brain is rewired by language.

Feeling Forwards - How to become the person who has the life you want.

NYT Bestselling Author and Life strategist Tony Robbins described Elizabeth Gould’s work as
Feeling Forwards helps you find the power within to overcome unbelievable challenges and take quantum leap forwards. Drawing on years of research and high performance coaching Elizabeth’s third groundbreaking book reveals the science behind why positive thinking doesn’t work and why harnessing the power of your emotions is the superhighway to pushing through barriers to reach high performance.

Who this is for:
Change agents at a senior level, performance driven roles such as sales, organizations who have a culture or morale challenge, industries that need to pivot due to external circumstances or organizations looking to rebrand and have the new branding embraced by executives.

Key Takeaways:
- How to create the future you want rather than waiting for it to happen.
- Choose an aim rather than a goal to increase happiness and personal satisfaction.
- The mechanism of how to create and harness the power of self-belief.
Feeling Forwards helps you find the power within to overcome unbelievable challenges and take a quantum leap forwards. Tony Robbins

It’s so refreshing to hear that it takes more than positive thinking and you really have to take steps to live the life that you want to live.

WFLA Tampa
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