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Brave by Design

A brave voice today is what ignites a better tomorrow.


Emma Husar is most famously known for her role as a former member of the Australian House of Representatives for the Division of Lindsay for the Australian Labor Party (ALP) which she represented from 2016-2019.

Emma never planned on entering the world of politics, yet fate would lead her there. From 1988 to 2002 she attended Western Sydney University and studied a Bachelor of Education, before becoming a mother to three children. In 2013, she joined the Labor Party and by 2015 had become President of the Penrith Branch. In 2016 she went on to win the set of Lindsay with a swing of 4.1 per cent. At the time she was considered the rising star of the ALP.

The turning point came in 2018 when Emma faced unfounded allegations by former staff of sexual harassment and bullying. These untested allegations were leaked to the media forcing Emma to launch a high profile defamation case against Buzzfeed which was settled out of court in her favour. During this period she was unfairly forced by the ALP to resign.

Current Work:

In May 2021 Emma commenced legal action against the ALP for sexual harassment, as a result of her former staff for making misleading claims that jeopardised her reputation, and her career aspirations as a woman of political influence. This action represents Emma's desire to be a voice for all marginalised women in leadership roles.

Today Emma is completing a Masters of Business with the Australian Institute of Management. She is a recruit on season 2 of SAS Australia which will premiere on Channel 7, after the Olympics. Her story has also featured on ABC's Ms Represented documentary in July 2021.

As a speaker Emma fuses comedy with charisma, sharing a story of courage, resilience and a conviction to the path of justice.

Talking Points

Brave By Design

Bravery by Design is a conscious choice to show up in our personal lives, professional lives, and for the betterment of humankind with a courageous conviction to be a voice of truth and courage. To do that, we must see bravery as a bank that, when nurtured, enables us to have access to the resources we need to persevere and to keep showing up when times are tough. To be anchored, robust and resilient leaders
when it matters the most.

In this presentation, Emma takes the audience on an emotional storytelling journey where she shares her personal story of courage under fire. Within that story, she also unlocks the tools, insights, and wisdom she developed during this chapter in her life via a step-by-step methodology enabling others to embrace bravery by design. This keynote explores poignant themes such as gender equality, empowerment, personal transformation, and mental well-being.

Audiences will walk away from this presentation with a tool kit of resources enabling them to view bravery as a decision that, when harnessed, allows us to be voices for human progress. After all, if we seek to change the world needs, we must start with the courage to stand fiercely in that truth.

Key Outcomes:
- Courage
- Resilience
- Gender Equality
- Female Empowerment
- Leadership
- Mental Health

Liberation Currents

We have entered a time of great transformation. Global pandemics, emerging technologies, and planetary change have led to a collective turning point. One that exposes redundant belief systems, social structures, and ideologies, inhibiting creating a better future. At the heart of this shift is purpose over power and people over politics, but it will take everyone to stand up, seek the truth and use their voice. This is a liberation current, and this is what will positively change the world.

In this presentation, Emma shares her personal story of rising from the ashes of being unfairly shamed to step into her significance as a purpose-driven woman of influence. This topic places a magnifying glass over the invisible layer of toxic social power that by its very nature influences every aspect of who we are, even controlling what we will stand up for and for who. We all deserve liberation so that we can make better decisions. Decisions that reflect justice, equality and that put compassion at the heart of the agenda.

Audiences will walk away from the presentation with a step-by-step methodology empowering them to shift their perspective, by understanding how an imbalance in power influences everything from how we work to how we play, and even how policy is created.

It is evident that we live in a world where fear is at every door, but we know that decisions that come from fear are never the solution. We must be brave by design and willing to stand up for the freedom that we deserve. If we do, then anything is possible.

Key Outcomes:
- Leadership
- Culture
- Influence
- Purpose

The Equality Catalyst

In recent times there has been an increased focus on inequality.

Whether it be in our policy, in professional environments, and even at home we are getting clearer on what shouldn't happen, but the real question is what should?

How do we go about opening our imaginations to new systems and processes that enable a more equal world? And how do we ensure that equality is lined with integrity as opposed to an image?

In this presentation, Emma shares insights into what it takes to ignite an equality catalyst in the workplace. She is passionate about calling out quotas, processes, and systems that address only the tip of the iceberg, without looking below the surface. Emma innately understands the complexities of behaviour change required to transform broken cultures that are built upon toxic power, into cultures built upon a foundation of empowered equality.

In this presentation, the audience will walk away with tools and strategies that enable them to become more aware of unconscious bias, to see the world through a variety of perspectives, and to make more conscious decisions that focus less on image and more on inclusion.

Emma is an advocate for action, built upon the knowing that equality in itself is one of the greatest opportunities for economic growth.

Key Outcomes:
- Leadership
- Culture
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Gender Equality
Emma Husar has an incredibly important and powerful voice in the ongoing fight for greater equality. She was broken by her experience but she is back. Her mix of strength and vulnerability makes her a highly compelling speaker at this important moment in time. Future Women

Emma is a lesson in strength, vulnerability, growth, and working to make the world a better place. So excited she is sharing everything she has learned with the world.

Jo Abi - Journalist & Author

In her prematurely-ended term in Parliament, Emma Husar delivered one of the most powerful speeches I've seen in that place. She is a fearless campaigner and memorable communicator.

Annabel Crabb Political Commentator & TV Journalist
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