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Internationally recognized graffiti artist & bestselling author.


Erik Wahl is an American graffiti artist, speed-painter, author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur dedicated to helping companies maintain a successful growing brand in today's ever-changing market and kickstart their motivation and focus.

He offers his high-energy onstage performance as your group's inspiration, shocking the fading pulse of your workforce and enliven their hearts to pursue their jobs as you both originally intended.

Current Work

As an internationally recognized graffiti artist, and a #1 best-selling business author, Erik redefines the term “keynote speaker.” Pulling from his history as both a business strategist and an artist, he has grown to become one of the most sought-after speakers available today. Erik's on-stage painting seamlessly becomes a visual metaphor to the core of his message, encouraging organizations toward profitability through innovations and superior levels of performance.

In the past ten years, Erik has shared his incredible message with the largest and most influential companies in the world, leaving behind his prized artwork as a reminder of his passion for breakthrough thinking. Organizations proclaim his presentation to be the single moment when their team finally “got it's��. The responses received have been nothing short of incredible, with standing ovations to prove it.

Talking Points

The Art of Vision ®

The best sustainable edge in business is the ability to differentiate yourself from your competition. Through this entertaining and highly practical program, we will uncover new ways to make your organization more creative, innovative and profitable, but more so, help your employees see the need to become better storytellers within and for your company and industry.

By embracing innovative strategies, professionals at all levels can achieve superior levels of performance by creatively and visibly differentiating themselves from the competition. No matter what kind of organization you have”from a small company to a large corporation”employees at all levels will better able to embrace the future by becoming more innovative, more productive and ultimately more profitable.


- Differentiation, differentiation, differentiation
- Telling a better story
- Outthinking the competition


- Working smarter, not harder
- Sustaining excellence in a changing economy
- Leveraging chaos to capitalize on opportunities

The Art of Leadership

Today's leaders face a pressure to innovate”or else perish”unlike any other time in history. Advances in social, mobil and cloud technology, coupled with fierce global competition has made the business landscape nearly unrecognizable from what it was a mere 10 years ago.

Erik Wahl's entertaining and invigorating Art of Leadership presentation paints a compelling new portrait for what the successful leaders of tomorrow will look like. He inspires audiences to shed old ways of thinking and business as usual� processes that are outdated, inefficient and detrimental to productivity. Audience members learn new ways to build an emotional connection to drive future employee engagement. Erik's presentation stretches traditional assumptions on leadership. The end results include:

innovative solutions to further your organization
attracting and engaging quality employees
new efficiencies and the end of detrimental redundancies
Growth and comfort cannot co-exist. When leaders come from a place of authenticity, curiosity, exploration and purpose, this leads to more meaningful connections among team members and with clients and customers”and ultimately, a more profitable organization. An engaged employee equals an engaged customer.


Somehow we've come to believe that creativity is reserved for the chosen few: the poets, the painters, the writers. The truth is bigger and better than that. Creativity is in all of us. We simply need to rediscover the keys that will unlock our potential. UNthink is the keynote experience that will push members of your organization beyond their traditional thought patterns and habitual levels of performance. UNthink will inspire audiences to realize they are capable of so much more than they have been led to believe.

The UNthink program helps reframe your organization's thinking so that new creative actions become possible. Learning how to UNthink will inject your daily grind with new passion, allowing employees to see how the organization wants and needs all of their talents and energies, not just the ones they've been using so far. You'll begin the process of rethinking your life as a blank canvas of limitless opportunity on which to create your masterpiece.

This program will allow your organization to:

- Step outside convention to discover new and unexpected solutions to business challenges
- Challenge pre-conceived notions about what's possible
- UNthink your way to increased creativity, productivity and passion

The Discipline of Creativity

It's one thing to understand the importance of creativity to the success of your business, but what most people don't understand is to how to put a structure in place so that innovation can find its way. The paradox of creativity is that structure creates freedom. Even the wildest minds require extreme orderliness and attention to detail so that they have the space and discipline to create.


Beethoven sat down everyday at daybreak, regardless of season, and composed until 3:00pm.
Kafka started writing at 11:30pm each night.
Mozart taught lessons by day and composed only in the evenings.
Picasso ate lunch each day with his family in silence and only allowed visitors one day per week.
Mark Twain awoke at 5:30 am, ate a hearty breakfast, and wrote until 5:00 pm.
This training covers:

Why fanatical discipline is necessary to creativity and innovation
How to tap your beginner's mind,� which is a way to harness a fresh perspective on an issue and map uncharted solutions
How to overcome mental fatigue and mind blocks
How to set up a structure and culture in your organization that fosters creative work
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