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Unlock your Creative Mojo


Gary Bertwistle has always had a passion for innovation, creativity and doing things differently.

His career has spanned the retail, music, media, corporate education and radio industries. Gary's greatest desire comes from having people and organisations think differently to find new ways of doing things.… to break the status quo and redesign the traditional formula. Gary has helped companies, teams and individuals in companies of all sizes, in all industries and categories, to look at how they currently do things and address what needs to change in order for them to think differently and maximise their potential. He is often called upon when companies or individuals lose their mojo. He has also built a reputation for his ability to interview the worlds foremost thinkers in every aspect of life and business on his podcasts to curate the learnings gained there and distill them into usable and practical advice about how to get our mojo working.

Through easy to understand, fun, interactive virtual and live keynote speeches, he presents to a wide variety of clients globally in the areas of performance, strategic mojo, personal mojo, marketing warfare and innovation to improve performance and help individuals be at their best. His work is helping companies and leaders unlock great ideas to get their mojo working.

Gary's Portfolio of Work:

- Opened Australia's first ever creative thinking venue, The Ideas Vault, in Sydney

- Won the TEC Speaker of the Year in 2007, 2008 and again in 2012

- Built a catalogue of over 300 interviews with the worlds foremost thinkers.

- Published 6 books including the best sellers: Who Stole My Mojo? and The Vibe

- Publishes a weekly blog for thinkers, called The Espresso

-Co-founded Australia's leading cycling foundation, the Tour de Cure and raised over $35 million for Cancer research, support, prevention

- Successfully launched a Kickstarter campaign for The Mojo Journal, the world's first thought provoking journal.

- Australian of Year Finalist 2018

- Deputy Captain, Rural Fire Service

- Host of The Mojo Sessions podcast, featuring intimate conversations with the world's most interesting people.

Talking Points

The Mojo Reset

After what was a very challenging 2020, many of us are tired, exhausted and feel... we have lost our mojo. The Mojo Reset is an opportunity to put a stake in the ground and reset and re-frame a positive future where your own personal and business dreams and aspirations are realised. It's a session to address the future with direction and intention.

Gary has curated and diagnosed the learnings from the best minds in the world in a unique session that will unlock your own great ideas to get your mojo working and keep it working in 2021. With well over 300 conversations on his podcast series, and his own extensive research, learnings, and personal trail and error, The Mojo Reset is Gary's best of the best keynote, live or virtual that delivers the curated learnings from his many interviews from The Mojo Sessions in a simple and straightforward manner that makes it easy for you to take action and begin to execute immediately, for your team, your company, your family and yourself. It's a session with actionable information that is applicable for any business learner to assist them to reset to enhance their fulfilment of life in and out of work. Given the challenging times we find ourselves in, sessions like this are often what we need to kick start an idea and assist us to re engage and get our mojo working.

Here's what we will cover:.
What does it actually mean to find and live to our best self?
How to create a sense of balance in the new world? Does it exist?
Turning daily consumption into learning and then inspired action.
Creating the rituals and routines to deliver a fulfilled life in and out of work.
Developing the grit to overcome obstacles to execute your plans for 2021.
How to maintain a sense of energy and engagement in this fast paced and distracted environment.
How resilient and adaptive leaders change their mindset, rituals and routines to continue their growth.

Strategic Mojo - Inside the Mind of a Great Strategist

There is a difference between having a strategy and being a strategist. There is a difference between a strategist and being a great strategist. This keynote outlines the essential skills, thinking and beliefs that a true strategist requires in order to not only create but execute an effective strategy that can assist their company to win in the current challenging market against seen and unseen opponents. It's a session about the characteristics that a great strategist embodies that can help form the DNA of a thoughtful leader that a team will rally behind and follow into battle.

Here's what we will cover:
The attributes of a great strategist.
Strategic mindset tools for challenging unpredictable times, now and into the future.
The often ignored essentials for your strategy.

Leading Innovation - Empowering the Leadership of Thought

The year 2020 changed so much for all of us. Our day to day life, our work, our interactions with the world around us, education, and even our fundamental view of innovation. The question is, do we have the mindset to innovate, adapt to capitalise on these changes to make them a powerful ally for the years ahead? Some leaders will, then again some will reject and deny the changes and remain struggling within the status quo. Those who adopt an adaptive innovative mindset will prosper now and well into the future. This keynote speech is about the adaptive mindset required, the tips and tools we can employ, and the approach that is necessary to maximise the opportunities that will present themselves in the short and long-term within our team. Many speak of creating a culture of innovation, yet very few know the steps required in order to create that team of empowered thinkers who can challenge status quo, innovate ideas, to think differently and outmaneuver your competitors.

Here's what we will cover:
Understand the need and ways to build innovation into our daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly routines.
Show how innovation starts with Culture and Process.
How do they build that culture of empowered thinking?
The rituals and routines of high performance leaders.
The mindset of the adaptive leader who is prepared to maximise change.
How to sustain a culture of empowered thinking in your company

Insights From The Mojo Sessions

This keynote, either live or virtual, takes the key learnings from the best thinkers in the world and distills them into usable and practical steps we can adopt for ourselves or our company to get things moving in the right direction and feel like we have a sense of value and our mojo is indeed working. In our busy, over committed world, it's good to have someone do the work, curate the best learnings, and synthesise them into usable actions that can be applied to create a better result for you in every part of your day.

As host of the popular Mojo Sessions podcast, Gary gets the opportunity to interview the most progressive people from across the globe who are making a difference and finding success in every walk of life. Performance, productivity, efficiency, community, the environment, leadership, business strategy, resilience, mental toughness, psychology¦.. in fact if there is a thought leader or topic that can help us get our Mojo working in or out of work, then you're likely to find them as a guest on The Mojo Sessions. With over 350 interviews published and curated, this keynote is designed to extract, curate and highlight the gold that Gary has extracted from guests over nine seasons that is applicable for any business learner to assist them to enhance their fulfilment of life in and out of work.

Given the challenging times we find ourselves in, sessions like this are often what we need to kick start an idea, help us reset and assist us to get our mojo working.

My Brands Got Mojo - The New Rules of Engagement

With more businesses competing for the same dollar in every category, those who are able to master the new rules of engagement of brand and create a a different kind of compelling reason for customers to use their product or service over their competitors, are the ones that will thrive and survive. To be able to do this, you must have a plan of attack, which is one of the essential outcomes of this presentation creating a brand plan in a new environment of business that your team can follow when going into battle with your competitors. Today's marketplace demands something different from the brands they choose. If a business leader understands the new rules of engagement in the market they in which they compete, they will thrive. Those that choose to ignore the new rules of engagement will be lucky to survive. This keynote gives you the information you require to put your brand at the forefront in the battle for marketshare. Full of actionable practical tips and tools that you can adopt and adapt to apply to your brand to become progressive and not regressive. Using case studies of successful brands that are leading the way by doing things differently this interactive session provide you with not only the strategies but the implementation plan to bring these new skills to life for your own company. In doing so you also create a more engaged and fulfilled team within your own organisation..

Here's what we will cover:
Case studies of how the approach to marketing and brand has changed.
What needs to change culturally within your team and how that effects your marketing?
How getting your eternal messaging right helps build the engagement within your own organisation.
Why traditional marketing is broken and what we can do about it?
How to future proof your brand.
How to reset and realign your brand after the pandemic
With more businesses competing for the same dollar in every category, those who are able to master the fundamentals of brand and create a compelling reason for customers to use their product or service over their competitors, are the ones that will thrive and survive. To be able to do this, you must have a plan of attack, which is one of the essential outcomes of this presentation creating a brand plan that your team can follow when going into battle with your competitors.
Gary was awesome! Picked up on the group dynamic from the outset and pitched perfectly to our needs. Actually exceeded our expectations which is hard to do with the flight centre group. Gary's "Who stole my Mojo" has never been more relevant as it is today in a tough market where belief is paramount. Have recommended Gary to other parts of Flight Centre Limited and will definitely get Gary back to present again to our group. Infinity Holidays

Your time was highly appreciated and I'm happy to say that you 'hit the mark'. More importantly, along with the content, your delivery was felt to be highly accessible and applicable. The overall response has been outstanding. Good work Gary!

Love Communications

An excellent day - precious time well spent. The range of perspectives from each speaker was very interesting. Gary's practical emphasis was especially useful. I will certainly be applying some of the techniques

BBC Television, London

Being a believer of simplicity, Gary was able to present this workshop in a very straightforward, uncluttered but outstanding substantial manner. From now, I will never see marketing the same way again. Truly world class!

AMI Institute

Gary's practical emphasis was especially useful. I will certainly be applying some of the techniques as well as recommending future talkfortyfour events to my colleagues.

BBC Television
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