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Taking Control and Ownership of Business and Life

The struggle is the gift.


There are few people who have lived such extreme lives as Geoff Jowett and survived to tell the tale. There are even fewer who attest to their failures and rock bottoms as the greatest of gifts and lessons they needed to break


He is the ultimate dichotomy of sorts and proof that the struggle is the GIFT.

From a life that resembled “The Wolf Of Wall Street” to living somewhat reclusively with his 2 dogs and newfound passion for horses, Geoff has proven it is never too late to change if you are ready to LEVEL UP!

EXTROVERT TO INTROVERT and everything in between.

"I experienced big and FAST success in my 20s and 30s but my ego, mistakes, and addictions were completely broken by 40. Without question it was being broken; the pain, struggle and dark times that dissolved the ego

and let the light back in to find magic in life again. Be careful what you wish for ‘cause it just might happen and if you’re not ready, evolved and equipped for fast meteoric success it will fall down FASTER than it rose up!”

Current Work

Today Geoff works with business owners helping them GROW THEIR BUSINESS & LOVE THEIR LIFE.

He says “Business is a vehicle to build your life, it’s not your life and I love that I can share with clients the traps along the way so as to help them avoid them. I made the mistakes so they don't have to”

His clients are broad and diverse, spread across many different industries from fitness to real estate, stock broking to e-commerce, but as different as they all are, they have one common goal; TO GROW THEIR BUSINESS AND


These days motivational speakers are a dime a dozen. You leave with air in your tyres but no vehicle (or road map) to get you to where you want to go.

Whilst seen to be motivating and inspiring by those he meets, Geoff considers himself more strategic, formulaic and process driven about the road to success and happiness, more so than a motivator. He uses his S.M.A.R.T. training framework to design a success blueprint for clients that allows them to thrive. Strategic, Mindful, Aware, Responsive, Trained!

Whatever your business big or small, flourishing or struggling, Geoff has walked the path and can give you valuable insights, knowledge and the processes to LEVEL UP AND THRIVE!

Talking Points

The Struggle is the Gift

It is always the struggles and failures that provide the greatest opportunities to grow, change and pivot in life and really step into flow - here is how.

Change your Mindset Change your Life

If you are surrounded by chaos - you are the chaos. you get what you are not what you want. learn how to change the lens on where you are, step away from entitled thinking, and build high performance teams.

Actions not Achievements - Process not Outcome

Define yourself by your actions today not your achievements. how to create a daily action scorecard and define your success. stop spending wasted time looking at the scoreboard and focus on the process (process not outcome).

1 ON 1 (4 Week S.M.A.R.T. Program)

All new clients begin with a weekly session (for 4 weeks) designed to help them get unstuck, facilitate breakthroughs and set up an optimal “process-focused” framework, and mindset for success.

Everyone has a story from past experiences holding them back from potential happiness and success but few have the awareness or tools to detach, dissolve, and breakthrough.

Sessions identify the root CAUSE of current challenges, and situations, whether they be personal, professional, business or life (they’re not mutually exclusive but rather inextricably connected).

You can’t change what you can’t see so realising CAUSE and subsequent present-day EFFECT is the first step to mitigating “treating the symptoms trap” that many fall victim to unable to see a pattern behaviour and recurring problems, mooring lines.

Strategic. Mindful. Aware. Responsive. Trained (S.M.A.R.T.)

Throughout the first 4 weeks clients receive the key pillars, tools, tactics for transformation and breaking free from limiting beliefs, head noise, doubt, comparison and outcome focus, worry and anxieties keeping them stuck.

A personalised blueprint is designed for the individual derived from their unique circumstances, situation, business/life
objectives and clients are set up with a process focused structure to attack goals and life with renewed enthusiasm, effectiveness and focus.

Ultimately, the result is a dramatic increase in “effective time” each week, not simply “busy distracted” leading to more output at a higher standard of execution compounding into greater
success through “flow momentum”.

Clients have access to Geoff via text and email in between sessions to bounce ideas and workshop current situations, challenges, ideas and opportunities.

Weekly 30 Min Session Ongoing (Recommended)

Clients often transition into weekly half hour sessions however please note this is optional and totally at the discretion of the client and can pause/stop at the end of any 4 week block.

This format originated from clients noting the benefit of a short, sharp, weekly check in so as to not default into old patterns, habits thinking, behaviour. It's become known by many as their "insurance policy" so as not to drift out of their lane or "bumper bowling", making it impossible to get off track with their thinking or plan.

Staying in flow momentum is the name of the game and the objective of this ongoing frequency, repetition.
I engaged Geoff to speak to our team with the idea that he would provide an inspiring and motivating session. What I didn't realise is that he would impact so deeply upon each and every Team Member. Geoff spoke 3 months ago and our Team are still talking about him. He gave us perspective and gratitude wrapped in a very entertaining delivery. Geoff Jowett is a must in regard to team building, growth and excitement. Tribe Social Fitness

I brought Geoff in to speak with our high end members to share his wealth of knowledge on business, health and fitness and life. Geoff brought rave reviews with his candid and all in style, the way he has lived his life from day one. Not only a legend of a man, but a life changer also. Bring the man in and he'll move your audience as he did mine.


Geoff Jowett is a specialist in regards to weight loss and what it takes to make major changes to our lives. A progressive thinker and innovator in the area of personal transformation Geoff has the ability to empower and challenge people to think differently and take that step needed to bring about that transformation. He was one of the most popular keynote speakers at our recent REVIVE 2018 conference in QLD. I would highly recommend Geoff to any company looking to inspire their people to change.

The Revive Project

Ravensworth (Glencore) are fortunate to have had the opportunity of Geoff Jowett speaking to our workforce of over 450 people over four sessions as part of our commitment to health and wellbeing. Geoff certainly had the attention of our miners, the majority being men, in each session, and you could have heard a pin drop when he spoke about his own personal story of success and hardship. I know it will continue to have an impact on the decisions our people make on their own health and wellbeing into the future. Comments included brilliant', honest' and motivating' to consider their own personal health and wellbeing goals in light of Geoff's mantra “ focus on the process.'

Open Cut Mine

Geoff Jowett is a modern day champion for so many reasons .. he champions the cause of health he champions the power of transformation he champions the spirit of resilience but most of he's a champion of people AND his speaking ability is world class .. his wisdom learnt thru pain his passion his delivery and his candor is rare. Go find him go listen to him and I dare you not to be impacted.

Motivational Speak

Geoff comes from a different angle. He moves people emotionally then equips them with the tools to build a better future. He's an expert in unlocking the beliefs that hold people back in business and in life. The results we get from Geoff's work are as good as any we've got from any other speaker or trainer in Australia.

MCGrath Estate Agents
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