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Founder of Everyday Inclusion, DEI Expert



Gloria Tabi is the Author of Inclusive Teams and Workplaces: Everyone Wins!

Gloria wrote this book to help leaders become aware of the unique racial barriers faced by some of their staff and how to change the systems, not the people.

She also established EVERYDAY INCLUSION to work with leaders to achieve inclusivity in their workplace. Gloria is also the Founder of VoiceEverydayRacism which gives a platform for those on the receiving end of workplace exclusion to voice these issues for leaders to learn about. Her research specialises in Social Analysis of Inequalities and Anti-Racism.

As a Black African-Australian woman, Gloria brings well-grounded knowledge and experience of the impacts presented by race and gender identities.

Gloria is passionate about helping businesses (small, medium, or large) cultivate and reach workplace inclusivity that supports your people and future-proofs your business. She’s helped countless businesses achieve successful strategies for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

With over thirty-years of experience in complex project management, employment services, and business coaching, Gloria’s ability to engage, negotiate, and build worthwhile relationships across diversity, clients, and demographics is her greatest skill. Gloria provides proactive, relevant, and impactful training frameworks that are tailored to your business for a safe, productive, and sustainable future.

Talking Points

So, You Want to be an Inclusive organisation or leader?

Workplace Inclusion is critical today than it has ever been before. Every organisation, big or small been impacted by the global pandemic as well as the great resignation and more recently the quit quitting. Research tells us that lack of Inclusion is a key attribute driving toxic workplace cultures, resulting in higher workplace attrition rates. Conversely, Inclusion is the first step in achieving Psychological Safety in any environment. Inclusion has been found to positively impact employee and business outcomes, resulting in an increase in employee overall well-being, higher commitment to employees engaged, and their intention to stay with their company increases by three times - all incredible reasons for companies to invest in inclusion.
The opposite of Inclusion is Exclusion. And Exclusion is characterised by racism. Most organisations don’t understand racism because racism is reduced to individuals’ relational problems rather than seeing racism as a system issue. Hence, the Lack of Inclusion

Who this is for:
- Current and Emerging Leaders
- Current and emerging leaders who identify as Allies
- Officer & Manager through to Director & SES
- HR, Diversity & Capability Professionals & Leaders
- Diversity and Inclusion Managers, Leaders & Officers
- Public Sector
- Directors
- CEOs

Key Takeaways:
- Inclusion is not a people problem but a system issue.
- Inclusion is a Human need for all of us to feel Belonging at work.
- Inclusion needs dedicated resources to cultivate it at work.

A Bridge Across Cultures

With a Ghanaian up brining and Australian adult, Gloria knows what its like to live as Black woman in a predominantly white culture. Growing up with countless other children raised in the family home in Ghana, community was everything to Gloria in her formative years. Looking after each other and standing up for what is right. Gloria’s married family is white with British ancestry. Perhaps it’s this diversity within her own family that drives her to bring people together. With her background and family dynamic, Gloria brings fresh, positive approach in breaking through barriers to re-designing businesses and communities for a truly inclusive society.

Who this is for:
- Current and Emerging Leaders
- Current and emerging leaders who identify as Allies
- Officer & Manager through to Director & SES
- HR, Diversity & Capability Professionals & Leaders
- Diversity and Inclusion Managers, Leaders & Officers
- Public Sector
- Directors
- CEOs

Key Takeaways:
- Break away from stereotypes and limiting mindsets to being inspired to see differences as assets.
- Empowerment to open mind in how to see the world.
- Unlock possibilities through relationships.

It's Good for Business to Be Diverse, Fair, and Inclusive

A Workplace is a space where an organisation provides goods or services for the purpose of making money. Most organisations have mission statements that stumble around doing good things, but essentially an organisation that does not make money, does not stay in business. But workplaces have the potential to achieve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for society. When you think about it, we don’t all have similar backgrounds in religion or agree on the same political views, but irrespective of who we are, we all go to work to earn an income to live. This makes workplaces a unique place to foster the organisational justice, diversity, and inclusion.

Who this is for:
- Current and Emerging Leaders
- Current and emerging leaders who identify as Allies
- Officer & Manager through to Director & SES
- HR, Diversity & Capability Professionals & Leaders
- Diversity and Inclusion Managers, Leaders & Officers
- Public Sector
- Directors
- CEOs

Key Takeaways:
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a must-have for businesses of today.
- How to proactively seek to level the playing field.
- How sure that your diverse teams can work seamlessly together.

Are You Missing Out on Your Migrant Staff?

Gloria moved to Australia to study and eventually became a citizen. As a newly graduate in Australian workplace, Gloria soon became traumatised by the daily racial microaggression and workplace racism. She says that racism destroyed her career, self-confidence and was at the verge of harm. The racial messages that she internalised, changed a confident person into a shy woman without a voice. It came to a point she was so traumatised she had to take a substantive break from work. Now, Gloria is a Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Specialist. Using her lived-experiences, research, and business skills to support organisations, and business leaders to create inclusive workplaces for Everyone. She is also the Founder of #VoiceEverydayRacism which provides a platform for those on the receiving end of racism to voice their experiences; for society to learn to stop perpetuating racism and for us all to do better.

Who this is for:
- Current and Emerging Leaders
- Current and emerging leaders who identify as Allies
- Officer & Manager through to Director & SES
- HR, Diversity & Capability Professionals & Leaders
- Diversity and Inclusion Managers, Leaders & Officers
- Public Sector
- Directors
- CEOs

Key Takeaways:
- Understand how racism come about in your workplace.
- Learn to identify them.
- And how to tackle it.
Gloria Tabi is a DEI Specialist who can support businesses, organisations and companies to achieve Inclusion as competitive edge outcomes. Gloria is a great speaker and presenter and is able to help Everyone understands the importance of Inclusion in her excellent presentation style. To see your business become inclusive is her greatest asset. I have had the opportunity to have Gloria be interviewed by my organisation and the whole process was smooth and professional in her ability to deliver, give and support was immensely appreciated. Logistics Executive Group

Gloria has a wealth of knowledge with her research background and has lived experience that provides a holistic perspective on discrimination. Gloria shares real life stories and initiatives that advocate for, and create real change while identifying the root cause of discrimination instead of simply providing bandaid solutions to symptoms. I’d highly recommend Gloria to any organisation that is serious about preventing and eliminating racism and discrimination in the workplace.

Neon Shed
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