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Global Creativity Crusader


Greg Alder has been called an economic stimulus on two legs, and an invaluable business resource.

Greg is on a passionate crusade to help every person rediscover their creative mojo. When they do, they become happier, more productive, more fulfilled, more innovative and more valuable.

Current Work

Since 1998, he has been running creativity, branding, culture and insight programs for clients around the world. His techniques have helped clients solve unsolved problems, see unseen opportunities and improve their positions.

Past & present clients include McDonalds, Woolworths, News Corp, P&G Latin America, Marie-Claire, BDO, Foxtel, Times Group of India, Governance Institute of Australia, Regional Development Australia, 7 West Media, Starlight Children's Foundation, General Practitioners Education & Training, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Diageo, Four Seasons Hotels, Smith Kline French, Notre Dame University, Singapore Airlines, and CommSec.

He is currently in the process of writing the book of his creativity program, Hello Leonardo. His first book was The Fine Art of Losing Clients, is a handbook for those not born natural losers.

Previous Experience

A former student of architecture and psychology, Greg worked in marketing research before the bright lights of advertising beckoned. He has since won about 200 global communication awards, and he is the creator of the highly successful Bundy R Bear campaign

Talking Points

Hello Leonardo. Reignite your inner creative genius.

Synopsis Creativity is THE essential skill of the 21st century (Sir Ken Robinson).
It is the 3rd most critical skill for the future of work (World Economic Forum).
At 5, 98% of us were creative geniuses (NASA study of 44,000 Americans).
By 25, only 2% of us still are (NASA).

We have lost the very skill we need most today.
Learn the internal & external forces that killed your creativity.
Learn some simple techniques to reignite your creativity.
Discover the financial ROIs when you prioritise creativity (3300% in IBM's case).
Discover the emotional ROIs (increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, increased happiness).

The Mass Murderer's Guide to Killing Innovation

The worst people. The best lessons.
Learn the things that prevent your team from coming up with an original idea.
Learn what turns your staff into brain-dead zombies.
Learn how to make sure you're never a threat to your competitors.
Learn how to avoid being mentioned in the same breath as Steve Jobs.

Then learn how to fix these things that are killing innovation. Your teachers are some of the worst people - the Ice Man, the Butcher of Vostok, the Crossbow Cannibal, the Angel of Death, Lady Rotten. The Mass Murderer's Guide to Killing Innovation is the most ghoulish innovation presentation you have ever seen.

The 10 Second Rule

The reason your ancestors weren't eaten by sabre-tooth tigers is thanks to a skill they picked up. Your brain possesses this same skill today. It keeps you out of danger. Unfortunately, it also kills any chance of being persuasive, believed and remembered.

Why does Cambridge University attract better professors than Nigeria's Enugu State University of Science and Tech? Why was Tony Abbott doomed as PM? It's all answered in The 10 Second Rule.

The 10 Second Rule is a look inside your audience's brain to understand why you sometimes fail to connect with them, why what they say and do are often different, and what you can do to make a lasting positive impression.

The Fine Art Of Losing Clients

How the world's great losers do it. A failsafe step-by-step guide for those without the natural gift. Every brilliant technique guaranteed to make your client walk, with spectacular examples from business.


100 retail innovations in 100 minutes. Constantly refreshed with the latest examples of breakthrough retail ideas from around the world.

Under The Influence

A company's name influences investor confidence. A word can alter the speed at which you walk. A change of colour reduces mistakes. Holding a pencil between your teeth improves your mood. Under The Influence explores the surprising ways our behaviour is subconsciously influenced.
An economic stimulus on 2 legs. An invaluable business resource. New South Wales Business Chamber

Differentiation, creativity and exceptionally intelligent relevance.


Great guy, talented, inspirational, knowledgeable.

GTI Media

The memory of your incredible workshops will stay with me forever.

Radio Mirchi
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