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Hacking the status quo and living a better life.


Greg Sellar worked in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years, culminating in his award for International Presenter of the Year at the International Fitness Showcase in London.

During his fitness career he presented to more than half a million people in 55 countries on behalf of companies and sponsors including Nike. In addition, he featured on 15 Amazon five-star rated fitness DVDs, acted as a regular contributor for the Huffington Post and Men's Health UK, and was the program developer behind Michelle Bridge's Summer Booty Blitz' program.

Regardless of his achievements, he's not sure what happened when he turned 40. It wasn't a mid-life crisis, because there was no crisis, he just thought, “enough”. He'd had enough knowing that the upcoming year was going to be a carbon copy of the last. He knew his life was good, but he wanted phenomenal.

Despite his social media feeds portraying an extraordinary life, he felt like it was all smoke and mirrors' - falsifying his deep emptiness and borderline depression over what more life had to give. Was that it? What was life was going to be like for him at 50, or even 60 and beyond? Would he be doing the same thing, and if not, what would his future look like?

If the next 40 years were going to be different, his cage needed some serious rattling.

In the spirit of “enough”, he hacked his status quo. He literally turned his life upside down. After moving back to Sydney following 17 years in London, Greg studied coaching, leadership and mentoring, focusing on neuroscience, positive psychology and NLP. He took everything he had learnt from his work, travels and the extraordinary people he'd met and decided to act.

His speaking, workshops, coaching and products are the result. No more saying yes to please others, no more beating around the bush, and definitely no more under-valuing his experience. He's truth telling as he understands it – compulsively, immediately and repeatedly.

His motivational presentations will have audiences taking a fresh and energised look at their lives to make positive changes.

Talking Points

Hack The Status Quo

Hack the Status Quo is about doing something now.

If you or your team are complacent, blindly hoping for change to magically transpire, Greg's keynote on hacking the status quo dropkicks the inanimate and the indifferent.

Defined as the existing state of affairs', the status quo is the root of evil. In business and life, with the pace of change pummelling us from every direction, if you're not moving forwards, you're not just stagnant, you're actually moving backwards.

Whether they know it or not, businesses are playing it safe. Everyone is covering their own ass to avoid potential failure', doing nothing in the process. They're clinging onto their current cash cows, assuming everything is going to be the same for them in the future, which is both dangerous and ridiculous.

Hacking the status quo blasts the idea that what got us to this point is going to keep us in our OK-space in the future.

Greg speaks to The 3 Ms' Mindset, Motivation and Momentum. From his 25 years in the health and fitness industry, Greg has heard every excuse there is. He understands the factors that suck the life force from companies, preventing action and strangling competitive edges.

This keynote presentation will help develop:
¢ performance, replacing words with action
¢ mindsets, boosting effort with growth mindsets
¢ confidence, minimising the fear of failure
¢ honesty, improving communication at all levels
¢ enjoyment, reminding people why they're in the game

Salvage Your Mental Mojo

We've lost our mental mojo, living in a world where one in three of us hate our work, 35% of us are fear failure and 4/5 of us loathe our bodies. Unless you live in Switzerland or Denmark, all of us think some part of our lives suck, affecting the way we work, live and how we think about our lives and those who interact with it.

Tim Burton once said, One person's insanity is another person's reality�. Most of us accept the irrational and emotionally charged thoughts that dominate our mindsets as normal' or the truth'. They're not.

The truth is, we're all a little bit crazy. Usually we can keep it under control, but sometimes it feels as though we're one mental slap away from flipping out. As a leader, manager, partner or parent, your mental mojo affects how you're showing up. It affects how your sanity ecosystem' functions how you communicate with others, deal with your own morality tests, and treat yourself when the proverbial hits the fan.

What happens when the scales tip in the wrong direction? How can we flip the switch to stop the slump into fatigue, anxiety and depression? Greg blueprints recapturing our mental mojo via his Sad to Glad' journey, providing a blueprint in reframing negative head trash and executing.

This keynote presentation will help develop:
¢ commitment, enforcing personal breakthroughs
¢ innovation, freeing individuals to thrive
¢ teamwork, correcting workplace culture
¢ awareness, crafting positive action
¢ communication, empowering constructive conversation

Fit for Purpose?

What's the point of running a tight ship if you can't run up the stairs? Why bother hitting KPIs if you're too tired to hit the gym? How can you chase bonuses when you can't chase your kids?

Scarily, 3 out of 4 Australians will be obese by 2025 despite our obsession with weight loss, a growing number of healthy options and greater purchasing power for fitness. Why? Because as humans we're inherently programmed to look for the easiest way out. We elicit resistance in pursuits that don't provide immediate gratification in favour of long-term growth, health or integrity. It's time to stop the rot.

Fit for Purpose is Greg using his ex-Nike trainer status and 25-year history in the health and fitness industry to set the record straight. His sole mission is to produce corporate workers and consumers who are fit for purpose less stressed, more energetic and living healthier lifestyles.

Fed up with the media-led myths and misconceptions, tired of programs feeding false promises to an unsuspecting consumer, Greg provides simple tweaks that make a massive difference to wellbeing and by proxy, individual and collective performance and productivity.

Greg outlines simple health hacks' to evaluate fit for purpose status. Recognise where you are and where you need to be to buck disturbing future trends and lay foundations for increased wellbeing.

This keynote presentation will help develop:
¢ awareness, making better health choices
¢ knowledge, on what works and what doesn't
¢ productivity, improving focus and clarity
¢ energy levels, working and playing smarter
¢ community, transforming attitudes and culture

Performance Deconstructed

What is performance and what does it take to create outstanding achievement?

There are parallel success criteria between physical and mental performance. Each parameter defines our personal and professional achievement. High performance is the direct link between our internal thoughts and external actions and is much more than just getting things done. It's not just about the what, it's about the how.

At Nike, Greg mentors athletes on the 3 E's Execution, Efficiency and Expression. It takes practice to be skilled at something, and even the best never stop learning. Once we get competent, we economise and streamline processes to expend minimum energy for maximum output. Finally, as we approach skill mastery, we expand creativity, individuality and flair.

Greg directs the need for businesses and individuals to flip their approach to performance, having lost sight of the journey from loser to legend'. He suggests we're so concerned with immediate gratification in getting there', we forget the sweat involved.

He is concerned that we're all bursting with appeals for creativity and imagination having forgone the movement necessary to implement. We're talking and wishing our businesses and lives away, underperforming by definition.

Performance Deconstructed is a back to basics approach for you and your team, understanding that words mean nothing without action, and that outstanding actions are only possible through consistent effort.

This keynote presentation will help develop:
¢ decision-making, expediting reaction and process
¢ strategy, providing smarter planning and greater insight
¢ efficiency, eliminating waste and
¢ competency, presenting a framework for good practice
¢ implementation, promoting action over words
Greg Sellar is a world-class speaker, coach, lifestyle and fitness expert. I have had the opportunity to work with Greg in numerous capacities over the past 15 years, and he is truly in a league of his own. He has exceptional skills and character, and his courses, presentations and content always deliver. Apple Inc.

Greg is an accomplished presenter with renowned credentials but it is as a Speaker, Coach and Mentor that he continues to deliver for us. Working with staff and other key stakeholders, Greg sets clear goals and helps those around him realise their potential effectively. His style is personable and authentic; the results when working with him, more than meeting our expectations.

Nike Australia

A BIG thank you to Greg for his incredible speaking and coaching skills. He totally transformed my team's headspace and performance skills in the lead up to a series of live shows we undertook in collaboration with 2DayFM. You took us from a group of passionate trainers, to a team of polished enter-trainers and sharp business women, and I am so incredibly grateful. We learnt so much throughout the series of talks, workshops and feedback sessions we booked with you and are so grateful for the confidence we built together. Thanks again!

Libby Babet Trainer, Channel 10's Biggest Loser and BUF Girls Owner

Greg was the closing keynote presenter at our recent Jim's Fencing Australia & NZ conference. He was fantastic to work with as it was always going to be challenging keeping a room full of fencing contractors engaged on a Sunday morning. Greg rose to the challenge and brought a jolt of energy into the room. The feedback was that Greg's presentation was inspiring on both a personal and business level, and that delegates were left thinking about key points well after the conference had finished.

Jim's Fencing Australia & NZ
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