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Mr Jaemin

Founder of the Insecurity Project

Eradicating personal insecurity is our most important adult work.


Jaemin Frazer is a dynamic speaker who skilfully blends a lifetime of experience in leadership and coaching with his passion for human behavioural science and peak performance.

His pragmatic and direct approach to vulnerable subjects about mental health and wellbeing are a breath of fresh air and his work is known for producing lasting results. With over 15,000 coaching hours under his belt, he is able to draw from a deep and rich source of lived experience, helping ambitious people improve the quality of their life in the areas that matter most.

Previous Experience:

Jaemin has worked with companies such as Westpac, ANZ, Dent Global, RSM, Southern, Region Business Enterprise Centre, Liebke and Co, The Australian Institute of Project Management and Empower Wealth. His work has been featured in The Financial Review, The Sydney Morning Herald, Body and Soul magazine, The CEO magazine, The ABC, New Idea, Maxim, Mindfood and WHO Weekly.

Talking Points

What to do about the Imposter Syndrome The 7 essential practices for overcoming insecurity

Underneath the surface of the Imposter Syndrome is the deep fear of being exposed as a fraud or found out as inadequate, not good enough or somehow lacking. To deal with this syndrome effectively, therefore, requires you to define the issue with far more precision as an internal insecurity problem rather than thinking of it as an external condition.

Without question, personal insecurity is the number one performance inhibitor in life and in business. Until you eradicate this insecurity from your life, it will be impossible to achieve your true potential. This keynote expounds on Jaemin's ground-breaking model for overcoming insecurity so that you are able to be unhindered by self-doubt, fear and limiting beliefs.

This keynote is ideal for:
- Leaders looking to increase their confidence and authenticity.
- Teams looking to create a culture of high performance and realised potential.
- Businesses looking to empower their staff to be good at being themselves and to operate without wasted energy focussed on defending and protecting their fears.

Key Takeaways:

- A precise understanding of the nature of the imposter syndrome
- The clear roadmap for overcoming insecurity, self-doubt and limiting beliefs
- Practical tools and frameworks for true confidence and freedom

Mid-Life Motivation - How to upgrade from Self Discipline to Self Permission

If you think all that is in between you and the success you desire is more hard work? Think again.
While self-discipline may be the most socially acceptable and culturally celebrated from of motivation, it is based entirely on the faulty presupposition that you must fight against yourself in order to win.
To maintain this strategy therefore ultimately dehumanizes you and ultimately violates your relationship with yourself.
Discover how the counter-intuitive and counter-cultural secret of self-permission is the key to endless self-motivation for lasting success instead.

Who this is for: -
- Leaders/managers looking to find a better way to get the best out of their team.
- Leaders who a tired of the rhetoric of try harder' and be better'
- Leaders who understand that energy management of their people is far more productive than time management.

Key Takeaways:
- Understand the difference between self-discipline and self-permission so that you can upgrade the quality and longevity of your motivation for success
- Build resilience by improving the quality of your relationship with yourself through self-permission.
- Increase the quality of your performance by understanding how to access the magic inside you in the most important moments

The 5 most surprising qualities of genuinely good humans (and how to become one yourself)

With increasingly alarming geopolitical, economic and environmental instability in the world today, the responsibility we each bear must be to do business in a way that is not only sustainable, but in a way that is genuinely and objectively good.

Moving past all the well worn cliches on this subject, discover how to become a genuinely good human being in a way that makes a profound difference in the world.

Who this is for:
- Leaders looking for an alternate approach to the common light-weight motivation content that everyone has already done to death.
- High-performance teams looking to remain sharp and ultra-competitive whilst not losing their soul or violating their values
- Leaders looking to build resilience, quality, and heart in their teams in the midst of significant change or uncertainty.

Key Takeaways:
- Making goodness measurable
- How to build a team of good humans in a way that is also good for business
- Understanding how good humans always maintain a competitive advantage.
What he offers is world class. For the record, Jaemin has transformed my life through his coaching process Empower wealth + The property couch podcast

Jaemin is a very gifted and powerful speaker. It is instantly clear that he speaks out of a depth of knowledge and experience that is incredibly rare in the personal development space. His content is sharp and dynamic and definitely flows out of the overflow of his own journey. He is definitely smoking what he is selling!

Dent Global

We invited Jaemin to speak to a group of rural and regional accountants at our annual conference in 2020. Jaemin's session was refreshing, invigorating, and a welcome change from our usually very technical content. Jaemin's ideas greatly challenged our mindsets and made us look beyond the black and white world that accountants often live in. The idea of "story" particularly stuck with me, and I find myself reflecting back on this regularly when dealing with both personal and professional challenges

Kate Price

An impressive speaker. I engaged Jaemin to speak at a corporate event after he was highly recommended by a friend of mine. He blew everyone away. So much so, that we promptly booked him to speak at two additional events, confident that his content hit the mark and his presentation style was well received by the audience. In fact, at his most recent session attended by 67 delegates, his average feedback score was 9.8/10! Incredible! Jaemin's audiences have been so engaged during each of his sessions, which were delivered in a realistic, well thought out and easy to digest manner. I cannot recommend Jaemin enough. 5 stars!

The Faculty
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