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Australia's best apologist.

Without authenticity you cannot win.With authenticity you cannot lose.


Jahan Kalantar is a Sydney-based solicitor, university lecturer, and entrepreneur who describes himself as a little guy lawyer'. He attributes his human rights leanings to his proud Persian heritage, a dislike of bullies and a genuine belief that one person can make a difference.

Leaving a successful career in finance in order to pursue law, he was admitted to the NSW Bar Association at the age of 25. Subsequently he established and became a partner at the firm of Executive Law Group where he heads up the serious crime and mental health practice.

Jahan appears on behalf of people kept in mental health facilities involuntarily, refugees seeking asylum and individuals accused of heinous crimes. He regularly lectures on administrative law, evidence issues and control of government action.

Talking Points

Authenticity 101 (Communication)

Building on Jahan's TEDx Sydney talk, he will share what he has learnt during his career as a barrister and as a partner in a litigation firm.
Technology has dramatically shifted the ease with which people can communicate with other people. However, by becoming forever interconnected, we have lost some of the ability to have authentic and honest communication with one another.
This keynote is designed to provide practical, real world skills to help people to become more authentic in their everyday lives and prepare them for challenging communication.
This talk covers:
- Authenticity as a leader
- How to communicate with authenticity
- How to have difficult conversations
- How to give and receive feedback in an authentic way
- How to communicate so that your audience feels heard

After the keynote, a short workshop will be run where participants will receive one-on-one guidance and training in relation to how to incorporate the skills learned in the workshop in a practical, hands on way.

The presentation runs for approximately 45 - 70 minutes, depending on the brief.

Leading from the Front (Adaptive Leadership)

Throughout his career and during his education, Jahan has held a number of leadership positions. He has had responsibility for managing, leading and guiding businesses and individuals to be the best that they can be. He believes that leadership is not a one size fits all' model, and while leaders come in all shapes and sizes, the skills needed for good leaderships are learnable and accessible.
The fundamental shifts in society have meant that more people than ever are being asked to take on a leadership role in their work, family and in society generally. Even people who have traditionally held leadership roles are being faced with new challenges due to changing technology, expectations and cultural and societal shifts. Using his skills as a litigator, entrepreneur and advisor on serious situations such as helping refugees on Nauru, representing the Greens Party in their injunction and being responsible for protocols including what defines mental illness, he is well-equipped to talk about - and teach - leadership skills.
This keynote will cover the following:
- Defining adaptive leadership
- Teaching the teacher and the value of the student mentality
- How leadership has shifted from the previous generation to the current one
- Leading from the front

This presentation runs for approximately 45 - 60 minutes.

It Starts From Inside (Mental Health)

For the past five years, Jahan's practice has taken him inside forensic hospitals, mental health facilities and lead to him to speak with a plethora of psychiatrists, mental health workers and other leaders in the field of the mind. He has had the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life who have been affected by mental health issues. It is often the people who are the most driven and focused who struggle with their mental health issues. Speaking from a legal perspective, this talk discusses how our legal system defines mental health and some of the issues that he has seen occurring repeatedly and consistently.
Mental health challenges don't discriminate and can affect all of us. While we all know about mental health and some of the signs to look for, do we know how to address, express and discuss mental health in a way that is open and inclusive?
This keynote is designed to help provide a framework around mental health, mental health discussion and how people can show self care, empathy and change the conversation around mental health.
It will cover the following areas:
- How do we define mental health?
- The spectrum of mental health, from minor issues to major issues
- Having open and inclusive discussions around mental health
- Acting as a mental health champion and advocate
- How leaders can discuss mental health more effectively

This presentation runs for approximately 30 - 60 minutes depending on the brief.

Making the Impossible, Possible

One of the reasons that Jahan's firm has achieved substantial year-on-year growth, and has been recognised as a leader in the field in a relatively short period of time, is that it has an incredibly intelligent and motivated workforce. The ability to inspire, lead and encourage people to succeed and take on challenges is the cornerstone of business success. Building resilience and having the ability to stand up when times are tough is also critical for riding the waves when business is at a low point.
People matter. They matter a great deal. However, life has a way of making people feel like they aren't able to succeed, that they aren't able to grow and that they aren't able to excel. This speech is a mixture of personal anecdotes, strategies, communications and general material to make people understand that motivation when harnessed can lead to greatness and that tough times don't last, but tough people do.

It will cover the following areas:
- Motivation and excitement
- Enthusiasm and passion
- How to tell and build your story
- Stories of resilience and perseverance

How to Scale your Business Using TikTok with Jahan Kalantar

- TikTok is the biggest social network,and12%of the population watches TikTok daily. It has more searches
than Google.
- Any call to action has to feel authentic and normal and fit with your personality.
- Every piece of content must be a story.
- Have fun, be yourself, and be silly.
- Enjoy it.
- A good TikTok is a snapshot of what you do day in and day out.
- The goal is not followers. It's creating consistent, engaging content. If you create content that has one or
two of these, it creates vitality.

- Educate people
- Entertain people
- Engage people
- Entertain people
Jahan gave a thoughtful and carefully crafted presentation that was warm, real and useful. His use of stories to illustrate points really hit home to our delegates. Rise Initiative
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