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McCartney OAM

An inspirational story.


Jason McCartney became a national hero in the wake of the Bali Bombings in 2002 and epitomises the Australian fighting spirit. His story is one of humanity overcoming adversity. Jason, a young Australian with an exceptional talent for Australian Rules Football, was thrust into the hearts and minds of all Australians through his courageous fight-back from horrible burns he suffered in Bali.

Few will forget his triumphant return to AFL football on the evening of June 6, 2003. He helped in scoring the winning goal, but his ultimate glory was a victory over terrorism and a "win" for all those who survived Bali.

Current work

Over the past few years, Jason has remained actively involved in the AFL in the area of Game Development as the AIS/AFL Academy High Performance Coach.

In 2011, he travelled to the west where he was Development Coach at the Fremantle Football Club, returning home to Melbourne at the end of the year to begin his current role as List Manager of the Western Bulldogs Football Club.

Previous experience

Beginning: Jason started his career when he was drafted at pick number four in the 1990 National Draft by the Collingwood Football Club. Following four seasons with the Pies, Jason crossed over to the Adelaide Crows where he spent another three seasons. In 1998, Jason returned to Victoria, playing the next six seasons for his beloved Kangaroos. In 2002 he was inducted into the AFL 200 Games Club.

Speaker: Jason is a remarkable guest speaker with an amazing ability to inspire audiences with accounts of how he overcame adversity through amazing support from family, friends and teammates. Awarded the Order of Australia Medal in October 2003, he is also involved with many charities, including ambassador roles for the Peter Hughes Burn Foundation and the K.I.D.S Foundation.

Excellent. Jason was very friendly towards all of the guests at the function. He was happy to talk, have photo's and give autographs all night. He also stayed longer than required, which was fantastic. Jason's presentation was very moving. It was amazing to see how far he had come in terms of his recovery in just 12 months, he really is an inspiration. He spoke very well, and he was happy to answer the audience's questions at the end. I have had nothing but positive feedback about his presentation from the guests, and I would highly recommend him to others. Tabcorp

Excellent “ I appreciated the fact that he spoke without notes, focussed on telling the story and addressed the broader range of experiences beyond his link to football

LG Pro

Excellent. Jason exceeded our expectations. He touched the audience through his genuine, honest and moving presentation. Jason told his story as if he was amongst friends and family.


Jason's presentation to 160 KPMG Tax and Legal delegates was truly inspirational. To sit in a room where there was complete silence for the full 45 minute presentation was amazing. The extended standing ovation and the end of the presentation was not only a mark of respect to this very humble man, but also allowed the delegates to collect their thoughts and emotions after the delivery of such a powerful message. Perspective is a powerful word “ of which Jason taught us the true meaning. He certainly showed us that it is not you are dealt with in life, but rather, how you deal with it. A truly unforgettable presentation and experience.


Jason had the audience's full attention throughout his presentation. He also took the time to talk to people after the event even though he had to drive back to Melbourne that night. As well as that, he was very easy-going and pleasant to deal with.

QBE Insurance Australia
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