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Expert in Nervous System Repair


If you want to change your thoughts, regulate your nervous system.


As the internationally published author of "Nervous System Reset" and a distinguished TEDx speaker, Jessica Maguire stands out not just as a healthcare professional, but as a guiding force.

Going beyond mere mindset strategies, Jessica empowers individuals to bring about lasting changes in both the brain and body. She excels at simplifying complex scientific concepts, providing clear, actionable steps that make it easy to enhance thoughts and advance physical well-being.

Talking Points

Widen Your Window for Emotional Regulation and Improved Health

As two distinct components of each individual’s being, the brain and body are curiously connected. Within this topic, we’ll uncover the often unseen, intricate web of chronic and traumatic stress, and its pervasive impacts on vital body systems. Spotlighting the vagus nerve as the key, this topic intends to unlock the fascinating ways one can achieve profound relief for a wide spectrum of health conditions. You’ll explore exactly how and why the vagus nerve is able to rewire the nervous system to resolve psychological and physiological issues, while delving into practical tips and techniques anyone can take to restore a brain-body balance. The contents of this topic aim to clear the clouded path towards holistic wellbeing and inner equilibrium.

ervous System Regulation 101

There is an art to honing self-regulating skills and using them to your advantage. Within this topic, you’ll learn how to up-regulate the nervous system to arouse focus, inspiration, and motivation. On the other end of the spectrum, you’ll also explore down-regulation techniques that help facilitate a shift away fromanxiety and overwhelm. Delving into the details, this topic includes actionable advice on how to reduce Allostatic Load build-up, otherwise known as the wear and tear that accumulates in the mind-body system. Feel lighter and more informed knowing you have the tools needed to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

Understanding the Nervous System

What happens in the mind, happens in the body too. Tailored towards organizational growth, within this topic, Jessica takes a trauma-informed approach to understanding how the nervous system works. You’ll discover guidance and advice on cultivating a workplace culture that recognizes and is reactive to the nuances of the human nervous system. You’ll experience how this uniquely framed approach is indispensable inestablishing a sustainable and supportive work environment. At the end of it, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the interplay between employee well-being, team synergy, and long-term success.

Self-Regulated Leadership

Stress and emotions are contagious. Be it yours or the people around you – everyone is affected. This topic takes a deep dive into how these contagions work, providing evidence-based research on implications both for and from business leaders. You’ll explore to what extent a leader’s influence has on social environments, and the profound impact this can have on employee resilience. You’ll discover why self-regulation should be an important addition to every leader’s toolkit, exploring strategies and decision-making tools tailored for high-pressure situations. Leaders will walk away with practical methods that you can put to immediate use to help positively transform business results.
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