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Futurist, trends and innovation expert.


Jim Carroll is one of the world's leading futurists, trends and innovation experts. And it's his inspirational, transformative thinking that will help you discover opportunity in an era of high-velocity change. And in his most recent keynotes and leadership sessions, he has been helping his clients meet the challenges of the economic contraction by focusing on innovation, and by aligning their strategy to fast-paced future trends.

Jim has a tracked record of providing unique guidance on cutting edge trends, and identifying opportunities for innovation, to some of the most prestigious organizations in the world. When the Walt Disney Corporation went looking for an expert on the topic of innovation and creativity, they went with Jim Carroll. When the Readers Digest Food & Entertainment Division, the publisher of such innovative magazines as 'Everyday with Rachel Ray', went looking for a keynote speaker for a New York City based symposium on marketing and advertising trends, they went with Jim Carroll. And when the US College Board searched for an inspirational futurist who could address the future of education, for an audience that includes leading educators from Harvard, Yale, and 100 other top US universities and colleges, they chose Jim Carroll! Such high profile events are typical of the many globally recognized organizations who have discovered the bold and inspirational insight on future trends and innovation that Jim provides. In the last fifteen years, he has proven himself as one of the world's leading futurists, trends and innovation expert, with a diverse client list that includes Motorola, Nestle, the British Broadcasting Corporation, Caterpillar, Lincoln Financial, CapitalOne, the American Nursery and Landscape Association, the Swiss Innovation Forum, Toshiba Australia, the World Healthcare Innovation and Technology Congress, and the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association.

What's Jim Carroll talking about? Global economic trends; hyper-innovation; rapid time to market; the latest consumer trends; collapse of product lifecycles and high-velocity marketing; the skills crisis, managing Gen-connect and the new workplace; creating high performance, change oriented teams. Achieving innovation and opportunity in an era of economic challenge. You name it - this global thought leader is talking about it.

Current work

Jim works with you and undertakes detailed research to prepare a customized presentation that meets your needs. He does what you need him to do: he addresses your issues, goals and opportunities, in the framework of his expertise as a global trends, innovation and change expert.

In doing so, he comes up with some wonderfully customized, serious or quirky title presentations for your keynote that will be sure to engage your audience right off the bat.

Previous experience

Accolades: Jim has become internationally recognized for his cutting edge insight. He was named by Business Week as one of four leading sources for insight into creativity and innovation, and was a featured panelist on the CNBC prime-time series, 'The Future of Innovation', with host Maria Baritoromo. The global financial powerhouse, Credit Suisse, sought his insight into issues of economic growth for their global publication, 'Bulletin'. His insight has been covered in ABC News, INC, Fast Company, CNBC, the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), The Age (Sydney, Australia), CAPITAL Magazine (Dubai/United Arab Emirates) and CEO Magazine Hungary. In addition, he has written over 3,000 articles for a wide variety of print publications.

b>Roles: As an author, columnist, media commentator, and consultant, Carroll is completely focused on creativity and innovation, insight that is captured in his books, 'Ready, Set, Done! How to Innovate When Faster is the New Fast' and 'What I Learned From Frogs in Texas: Saving Your Skin with Forward Thinking Innovation'. What does Jim bring to your meeting or event? Insight, wisdom, inspiration - and extremely customized insight. He has carefully studied the key strategies and leadership ideas that have permitted some organizations to achieve breakthrough innovations and absolutely compelling levels of creativity. Jim's experience and ability to customize each engagement allows him to be able to address almost any industry. He has undertaken detailed research into a wide variety of industry trends, including agriculture, health care, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, retail, consumer products, economic development, financial services, insurance, education, and many others.

b>Clients: Global clients such as Disney, Caterpillar, Nestle and Motorola didn't choose Jim for a canned speech - they chose Jim Carroll because of his worldwide reputation for providing a highly customized, energizing and unique presentation into the future, innovation, and issues of creativity that directly relates to their issues, challenges, opportunities and concerns. Of course, every presentation needs a title, and consider a few of the recent ones that his clients have used to promote their event or meeting on your right.

The thought leadership and action provoking sentiments that he evokes are truly remarkable. SAP North America

Your presentation was up-to-the-minute timely, possible only because of your ability to work with conference organizers in advance to determine our needs. This is a rare gift among keynote speakers, and greatly appreciated!

International Newspaper Marketing Association

Everyone thought that you completely underscored the importance of creativity and innovation with a presentation full of energy and compelling information.

CBS/Infinity Broadcasting

There's no doubt your talk will provoke on going discussions at all levels in the BBC for months to come.

British Broadcasting Corporation

We were extremely pleased with Jim's presentation...the content was great and would hopefully prompt people to think about the rapidity of change going on in our world!

Walt Disney Corporation
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