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Emotional Resilience, Well being & Conflict Management Expert.


A speaker, author, emotional health innovator and entrepreneur, Julian is a (generally) calm person who helps individuals and organisations stay calm.

With more than 20 years experience working in challenging corporate environments and dealing with change programmes, having trained with the British Association of Anger Management and having dealt with some of the most stressed and angry individuals, Julian knows a thing or two about emotional resilience.

Current Work

Julian is the founder of Calm People and cofounder of Calm Execs, My Wellbeing Choices and My Internal World. At the heart of each of these projects is a desire to take really good emotional and personal development and help organisations and individuals alike, develop and evolve at the same pace as our ever changing environment.

Julian is engaged as a columnist for Business Matters Magazine writing on the subject of emotional resilience in today's workplace. He also finds himself in demand to supply articles to other HR related, leadership publications and The Law Society.

Julian also regularly appears on BBC radio and is quoted in the national press, most recently BBC Radio 4 PM programme, London Evening Standard, The Guardian, The Sun and Essentials Magazine & LBC Radio.

Talking Points

The 5 Pillars of Stress and You

Understand your personal relationship with stress through this unique model and learn the skill to coach yourself from stress to calm through this expert guidance

Your Workplace, your Wellbeing seen from your Internal World

Understand how your internal world impacts the external world around you, your wellbeing and your experience of life. Change and the whole world changes around you.

Dealing with Feelings

Our culture's inability to allow us to be vulnerable leaves with a complex relationship with our feelings. Ignored and they come back to overwhelm you, suppressed and they make you ill. Through this informative and challenging seminar learn how you can allow yourself the full range of your feelings without scaring yourself or others.
Julian is down to earth, humble and extremely knowledgeable. Working with him was an absolute pleasure. When he gave his talk on the pillars of stress the room fell silent and you could've heard a pin drop. Everyone, including myself, resonated so much with what he was saying and fully engaged with his techniques. University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

I partook in one of Julian's day workshops via work, and can't recommend him enough. It had an immediate impact on me and I was walking around grinning like an idiot for about a fortnight afterwards. I have been making a conscious effort to apply the processes Julian took my group through, and have shared them with my sister who also loved them.

Aviva Investors

I attended one of Julian's emotional resilience courses in 2018. His insight into self esteem and his personal story gave me the courage to make some major changes in my work life. He helped me review my perspectives and literally changed my life.

Lloyd's Register

Julian came to deliver some sessions for us in November 2017. I would have no hesitation in recommending Julian and Calm People. Ahead of the session he was really helpful scoping out our requirements, and on the day he presented exceptionally well. The staff found him really engaging, and took tangible things away that would benefit them at both work and at home.

Sunday Times Top 100 Employer Search Lab
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