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Empowering, Energising, Entertaining


Julie Cross is one of the most inspiring keynote speakers in Australia.

She is a masterful storyteller and inspiring change maker, combining powerful insights into human behavior with practical strategies that leave audiences with powerful tools for living their best life, and setting a higher standard in all aspects of their existence. Julie connects the information in our heads with the inspiration in our hearts.

Current Work:

She is one of the industry's most sought-after speakers thanks to her unique style and commitment to empowering her audiences. Her speaking business growth over 25 years is due to referrals, an indication of her huge impact on her audience. And while her business grew her personal life has offered many immense challenges and opportunities for growth. It is this real life' experience that forms a foundation of an authentic and relatable message – one that only Julie could deliver.

If you are looking for a long list of her academic qualifications then you will have trouble finding them… but you see that in itself is what makes Julie so inspiring and relatable. Her success comes from a foundation of applying disciplined self-leadership, focused self-belief, inspiring resilience and proven business skills and strategies. She truly has excelled in the University of real life.

Talking Points

The Inspiring and Entertaining SHOW!

This the perfect keynote for the opening or close of any event, it is inspirational entertainment at its best. Expect delegates to have a shift in thinking and energy!

You will be entertained¦ you will laugh and you may cry a little, you will be challenged and you will have many moments that you see yourself in, you will be taken on a lively, feeling, thinking, soul nurturing and sometimes confronting journey that will rouse your senses, stir your emotions and challenge you to take action... It's a SHOW!!

Service with Attitude

It will always be about the service! In a high-tech world we still need to be high-touch. We can have the best computer systems but if our receptionist didn't smile at the customer as they walked in, we missed it. It is ultimately our people that will connect with our customers and inspire them to do business with us and continue to do buy from us. Your business is your show, so let us ensure that your people are performing at their best for your customers with the right attitude, with passion and enthusiasm and not that tired, habitual and routine attitude that we so often experience. Julie inspires delegates to own the big vision of what they do and to know for sure that in doing so they are making a difference in the world around them

Reconnection with Resilience

To achieve ongoing success as an individual and as an organisation we need to be resilient. We need to know how to get back up from the mistakes, failures and rejections, we need to be able to handle criticism and feedback and use it to help us to grow and perform at a higher level¦ but to be able to do all or any of that we need to be resilient. When we build this emotional muscle in individuals we create a culture where people will understand that when faced with challenges and adversity you don't walk away, implode and give up, instead you get back up stronger than ever and climb higher. Julie takes what can be a challenging and confronting message and delivers it with an entertaining and inspiring style that has individuals taking responsibility.

Leadership¦ what does it really look and feel like?

How can I lead others if I cannot lead myself? In this empowering and uplifting keynote Julie takes delegates back to the foundation of leadership and that is self leadership'. We explore how the relationship we have with ourselves affects the relationship we have with those around us, and leadership is a relationship. The conversations you have with yourself about yourself will affect the conversations you have with others, and leadership is about those conversations. We will be building a strong business on shaky foundations if we don't go back to the beginning and get this right. With her unique and inspiring stories Julie also challenges us to reflect on what leadership, embracing diversity and inclusion really looks and feels like in our work places.
Our audiences in 2018/2019 through the Future of Leadership had the real pleasure of listening to Julie Cross share her story from stage. Julie's story is an emotional one that will have you laughing and crying and sometimes your laughing that hard that you're crying as well. She is a masterful storyteller who weaves into her messages valuable lessons for all of us who have to step up and lead which we all do at some point in time. I watched the audience as they hung on every word that Julie shared telling personal stories that many of us previously might not have felt were fit for public consumption. She breaks down barrier after barrier and that is why we can't wait to work with her again in 2020 and beyond. Hands Group

We had the absolute pleasure of having Julie Cross speak twice during our recent overseas Blueprint Conference. She was such a delight to work with leading up to the event. She wow'd our clients and had them in stitches for most of the presentation (which is exactly what we were looking for). She is a very authentic speaker who engages the crowd right from the beginning and has their attention for the entire presentation. She also mixed and mingled with our clients and they all fell in love with her. I would highly recommend her to anyone hosting a conference/event that wants a stand out speaker “ because that's what Julie is. Thank you Julie, we look forward to working with you again.

Business Blueprint

Julie, even after a true wish-list of fabulous big name speakers over the Friday and Saturday, your presence on the platform on Sunday absolutely blew everyone away! Your energy, your truth, your connection, and your understanding of life, all combine to make the most amazing impact on everyone present. You are the first speaker mentioned when people call to thank me for our program. The sparkle that emanates from you is not about your sequins, you are pure magic!

National Rotary Conference

Loved, loved, loved your presentation today at the QPLA Conference. You made me laugh, you made me cry, but above all you made me think, thank you so much!

Queensland Public Libraries Association Conference

Thank you Julie amazing as always, inspiring, hilarious, real and most of all empowering! From the moment I met you (6 years ago, and followed you on socials ever since), I have grown as a manager and leader because you have changed the way I see challenges and how I overcome them. Thank you for your gift and for sharing those gifts with Affinity.

Affinity Childcare

Julie, you touched my core today, I walked away from todays event shaken but not in a bad way. You spoke about some real truths that really hit home with what I have been through over the past few years. You have given me a new outlook on both my personal and professional life and if you are ever speaking again here in New Zealand I will be the first to buy a ticket!

Future of Leadership', New Zealand

In our conference survey results you came out by far the top speaker of the whole conference and we had several comments asking if we can get you back again! You are still being talked about as one of the best speakers IAG has ever had!

IAG Conference
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