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Dr Juliet

Global Expert on Diversity & Inclusion


Dr Juliet Bourke is a Professor of Practice in the Business School at the University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, as well as a global workplace advisor and board member.

Formerly a partner in Human Capital at Deloitte and business founder, she continues to advise global organisations on diversity, equity and inclusion, particularly inclusive leadership and interpersonal inclusion.

She is well known for her thought leadership, has regularly published in the Harvard Business Review, spoken at TEDx and has received numerous global awards, including from the AFR as one of Australia’s Top 100 Women of Influence and US based Engagedly Inc as a Top 100 Global HR Influencer.

Her most recent book is entitled “Which two heads are better than one? The extraordinary power of diversity of thinking and inclusive leadership”.

Talking Points

Inclusive Leadership

Organisations operate in a diverse world - customers, markets, ideas and talent.

Based on her award-winning model of the Six Signature Traits of Inclusive Leadership (profiled in HBR), Juliet will take leaders through an interactive discussion on what it means to be an inclusive leader and how to become one.

This energising session will:
1. Give leaders a shared language to talk about diversity and inclusion;
2. Motivate leaders to engage more confidently in the diversity and inclusion agenda;
3. Enable leaders to identify their personal areas of strength and development; and
4. Catalyse positive action.

Audience: Leaders.

Diversity of Thinking

Smart teams worry about group think and therefore being blind-sided by risks or being less innovative than they need to be.

Based on the rigorous academic and practical research that Juliet presents in her book "Which two heads are better than one?", this session will help team members to create and leverage collective intelligence.

This interactive session will
1.Clarify what creates diversity of thinking in a group (and dispel myths such as the value of random brainstorming);
2. Quantify the bottom-line impact of diversity of thinking on risk, innovation and followership;
3. Help participants to identify their personal thinking models and appreciate the value of others' ways of thinking;
4. Give participants practical tools to help create and leverage diversity of thinking in their teams.

Audience: All workplace participants (at any level) who work in a team, with particular emphasis on executive teams.

Interpersonal Inclusion

High performing teams are vital to an organisation's ability to successfully navigate dynamic opportunities and complex problems.

The challenge is that teams often perform sub-optimally, and regularly operate with hairline tribal fractures and individual outliers.

Based on her academic and practical research profiled in HBR, Juliet identifies the critical hidden behaviours that enhance and detract from positive relationships with colleagues.

This interactive session will
1. Name the three small behaviours that create positive collegiate relationships;
2. Identify why cliques happen and the consequences on individual and team performance;
3. Give team members practical tools to help improve their relationships with a broader set of colleagues;
4. Leave participants feeling a sense of empowerment and agency.

Audience: All workplace participants (at any level) who work in a team.
Juliet is a wonderful public speaker. She communicates in a way that cuts straight through the noise, easily engages with distracted senior executive and leaves people feeling positive and empowered to act. Russell McVeagh

Juliet is an energising speaker. She has complete command of her material including the ability to connect with her audience. The combination results in an inspired audience motivated to make an impact in diversity and inclusion.

Gilead Sciences
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