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Dr Justin

Co-Host & Parenting Expert on Channel 9's Parental Guidance


Dr. Justin Coulson is the co-host and parenting expert on Channel Nine's Parental Guidance, the founder of the Happy Families website, and one of Australia's most trusted parenting, relationships and wellbeing experts.

Over the past decade, he has helped innumerable families with his 9 books about raising children, his hundreds of media appearances (including all of Australia's major news outlets, and even the Washington Post and the New York Times), and two viral videos that have been viewed a combined 80 million times!

Justin holds a PhD in Positive Psychology. He and his wife Kylie have been married since the late 1990s and are the parents of 6 daughters.

Justin is a sought-after keynote speaker, helping organizations and schools boost well-being and improve relationships.

Talking Points

High Performance Habits

How to set up systems to achieve the extraordinary.

Do you find that staff often say they'll do something, but struggle to do what they say they'll do?

Are your staff 's workplace habits too often unproductive?

Are your team's goals clear, but the systems and habits they need to achieve those goals a little foggy?

High-Performance Habits is a deeply interactive presentation created to guide your staff to design the systems they need to follow through, get stuff done, increase productivity and perform at a high level.

For too long, we've focused on goals and then told people to get to work. We've attempted to motivate them (or relied on them to motivate themselves), when the systems - or lack thereof - actively work against them.

After working with Dr Justin Coulson, your team will be clear on what needs to be done, how they're
going to do it, and who they'll be accountable to.

- Systems that support personal and professional habits that lead to fulfilled goals, for the individual and the team
- A clear understanding of how to structure the environment to make behaviours that lead to success the most likely behaviours your team will choose
- An accountability system that ensures your team members will be positive about reporting their results proactively

Emotional Intelligence

Why being smart isn't enough for productivity, success and fulfilment at work

Emotions matter more than we realise. They impact motivation and productivity, creativity, decision-making, relationships and the performance appraisals we give. They even affect integrity and character.

Yet emotions are often misunderstood, especially at work. When emotions surface with colleagues - and even clients - they are all-too-often ignored, or worse, shut down. Research shows that raising our EQ our emotional intelligence can have an instant impact on relationships, behaviours, achievement, results and wellbeing, far beyond anything related to IQ.

It can also transform staff engagement and productivity an ongoing and draining issue for every manager.

- The four key aspects of emotional intelligence, with plenty of time to practice the formula
- How to respond to bullies and uncooperative staff or clients with emotional intelligence in ways that actually shifts rigid thinking and personalities, and
- How to manage others without resorting to yelling, threats, and bribes.

Give your staff emotionally intelligent strategies for getting the best from themselves and those
around them.

The Parenting Revolution

What does it mean to be a good parent? Are you a good parent when your child is compliant but a bad parent when they're not?

What if they're perfect at age three and challenging at thirteen? And what if your child has additional needs?

The Parenting Revolution presentation is about parenting styles and what it takes to be a great parent. We know about tiger parents, helicopter parents, free-range parents, but have you heard of Tesla parents, leaf-blower parents or iPhone 6 parents?

So many styles but is there one that actually works?
Join Dr Justin for a practical presentation which draws on content from his new book, The Parenting Revolution: A guide to raising resilient kids, and incorporates up-to-the-minute research in parenting science as well as studies of childhood development.

Dr Justin Coulson will show you:
• How our children thrive when we understand and meet their basic psychological needs;
• How our job is not to fix our kids but to create an environment that supports their growth and development; and
• How children flourish when we minimise control but maximise our warmth and involvement and establish healthy boundaries.

Not all children are the same and Justin considers a range of circumstances that you or your child might be in - including children with non-typical development.

His revolutionary approach and practical strategies will encourage you to change the way you parent forever


Wellbeing solutions for greater focus and fulfilment at work.

The importance of wellbeing in the workplace is no longer in question. Anxiety and depression continue to rise. Suicide remains too high on "cause of death" for our society - particularly for men.

Yet we have volumes of research showing simple and powerful ways to increase the wellbeing of our teams, and to boost the positivity in our culture.

Hundreds of studies emphasise that staff need to be psychologically well to be productive and thrive.
Hundreds more reports reveal the growing incidence and potentially life shattering impact of mental health issues. The question now is how?�:
- How do we create an environment in which our staff can flourish?
- How do we take concepts such as resilience� and positive psychology� beyond theory and fad to help our staff thrive at work?
- How do we find out what's actually working in real workplaces so we're not rehashing tired old programs that don't work anymore? And just as important,
- How do we inspire and engage staff who are tired of the next big thing� in workplace programs like "sleep pods" and "ping pong tournaments"? Too often staff start with tremendous enthusiasm, but so many hope� programs, (where we hope this works�) can leave them jaded and cynical.

This wellbeing package is designed to address all these issues, and lift your team's positivity to the
next level. It provides powerful, immediately applicable strategies that are empirically proven and
make an immediate difference.

Measurable Outcomes for your Workplace:

After completing this program, your teams will enjoy:
- greater staff engagement
- increased staff satisfaction
- stronger relationships between staff members, and between staff and clients
- increased staff productivity
- enhanced positive energy at work
- more hope
- greater mental, psychological and physical wellbeing

Attitude is Everything

Have you ever been to a major event and had front row seats? A sports event, the theatre, a rock concert... maybe your child's school awards assembly! If you have, you know the difference between the front row experience - where everything is magnified and so personal - and the back row experience, where you can barely see what's going on.

In life, there are front row people. They maximise the moment. They "show up" when they show up. They're invested, and they're positive energisers. Front row people are the ones you want to have on your team. And in life there are also... the back row people. They're the ones who mumble and murmur about the moment. They might be there in body, but they're not there in their hearts. They're less likely to be invested, and they tend to be energy vampires. Back row people deplete the team you're trying to inspire.

And the difference? It's ATTITUDE. Attitude is EVERYTHING. And attitude is a habit.

Join Dr Justin Coulson as he unpacks the attitude habits of the most excellent team players and leaders in the workplace. Discover how they inspire, uplift, elevate, and give life to the teams and organisations around them. Learn the 6 critical elements of positive energisers, and how attitudes compound into results - for better or worse - in individual lives, families and workplaces.

A bad attitude is like a flat tyre on a car. You can't go anywhere unless you change it. This presentation gives your staff the knowledge they need to get moving in the right direction.
Dr Justin Coulson is a highly motivating and engaging presenter. The session was so valuable and I would highly recommend it to others. I can see how the skills that I learnt in the session will not only help in the workplace but in my personal life as well. Endeavour Energy

Justin's topics hit the mark and resonated with the audience. It was a perfect opening to our 3 days together and further lifted the energy in the room amongst our colleagues.


Justin is an extremely engaging presenter. His exceptional service and his friendly personality makes him a pleasure to work with.


Dr Justin Coulson shared with us some simple, practical and evidence-based tools our employees can use to connect with and guide their mind and thoughts “ to create mental calm and to regain balance and energy amidst the busyness of our day to day worlds.

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