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Time Management Expert, Speaker and Author


Kate Christie is Australia's leading Time Management expert, Speaker, best-selling Author of five books, and a sought-after media commentator.

Kate is highly regarded for her dynamic, engaging and entertaining

presentations where she educates audiences on the right strategies

and habits to ensure you find and harness hours of lost time and then

plan for and deliberately use that time to live a life by design.

As a leading voice on productivity, goal setting and designing your best life, Kate consults with big and small businesses on productivity, government departments, C suite executives, and educators on productivity, maximising individual time spend, and combatting

organisational drag through smart time investment strategies.

As a media commentator, Kate is an Opinion Columnist for CEOWorldMagazine and has worked with Kochie's Business Builders,

The Daily Edition, SBS News, the ABC Pineapple Project as well as on radio, podcasts and in print media.

Kate is in the business of helping you find time - lots of time - and using that time well.

Talking Points

The Life List: Master Your Momentum and Live an Audacious Life

For the last decade, Kate has worked with thousands of incredible, high performing teams and individuals just like you - people who:

- Want a more fulfilling, sustainable, leveraged work and family lifestyle
- Want to continue to thrive in their career, while also realising phenomenal personal achievement, growth, space and freedom; and
- Know that they have to get back into the driver's seat and curate their perfect futures.

But just HOW on earth do you actually design your perfect life?
What starts off as an amazing idea can pretty quickly lead to complete overwhelm and paralysis.
Do not give up! Changing your life is actually a lot easier than you might think. In fact - you can do it in just 90 seconds. Based on Kate's 5th book: The Life List (published globally by Wiley in 2023), in this masterful keynote, Kate will take your audience on an incredibly inspiring ride that will change their lives.

How to Set and Smash Audacious Goals

The research is clear - people who set written goals are significantly more likely to achieve their goals than those who don't. If you want your high-performing audience to take their success to the next level, it's time to educate them on the Why, How and What of goal setting.

An interactive and engaging goal-setting masterclass, your audience will leave this session with:
- A minimum of one written 5-year goal
- A minimum of one written annual goal
- The Framework, knowledge and structure they need to set and smash all of their goals
- Maximum Motivation

Future Proof Your Organisation - Maximising Productivity with a Hybrid Workforce

Future-proof your workforce with the #1 key soft skill they need working in a hybrid or digital nomadic workforce - smart time management. The world of work has changed and your organisation needs to stay ahead of the curve or risk losing the war for talent. More than ever, talent is voting with their feet and you need them to vote for you. Support your new business model by upskilling your leaders, middle-level managers and staff on how to maximise output in a new world of work. Equip your workforce with the skills, resilience, mindset and communication skills to:

- Work remotely or in a hybrid work environment
- Recognise the common productivity mistakes leaders are making right now
- How to avoid making them; and
- Proven strategies to position your organization and team for the workforce of the future

Power Up Your Productivity

Your audience is Time Poor. There are 3 key Time challenges they face:

1. They don't Plan their time
2. They don't Control their time; and
3. They don't Focus on the right tasks at the right time

What they really want is MORE TIME!

Kate has stepped tens of thousands of audience members through
her 5 SMART Steps' framework to solve these frustrations:

1. Learn how to set amazing goals and plan your time around them
2. Take Control of your time and drive your own agenda
3. Gain clarity over your priorities to maximise your productivity

And most importantly - find an extra 30 hours a month to design a life you truly love.

How To Set and Smash Audacious Goals

Now, more than ever, we need to plan well for the future. The research is clear - people who set written goals are significantly more likely to achieve their goals than those who don't. And in the the shadow of Covid-19, we need to set some strategically audacious goals to drive towards - because we are not going to be in lockdown forever.

If you want to take the success of your business to the next level, it's time to understand
the Why, How and What of goal setting. Kate shares:

- Her unique 5 SMART Step goal setting framework
- How to align your goals to your values
- How to mind map your goals and action them
- Marathon versus Sprint goals
- Reframing your goals
- How to make them happen!

Team Productivity Protocols

This Workshop is targeted at high performing teams wanting to work together with synergy and at pace to remove organisational drag and to maximise individual and team productivity. Kate will walk your team through the best tailored productivity strategies for your team/ profession/ physical working environment, and will facilitate agreement on your new Team Protocols

Your team will be left with:

- The tools and confidence on how to better invest their time and to respect the time of everyone else
- A written suite of Team Protocols ready for implementation

How to Work Productively from Home while Juggling/ Home Schooling your Kids

Suddenly you are working from home and juggling your children at the same time. The interruptions
are incessant, the noise is unbelievable, and just how are you supposed to
manage your work/ your team and meet (online) with your clients with so many distractions?

It can be done! Kate will teach you exactly how to thrive as a family during this time,
including how to:

- Plan your work day
- Plan your children's school day
- What to focus on and when

Remote Team Management

Targeted at managers with remote teams to ensure that they can continue to effectively
manage their high performing teams to achieve excellent results.

Kate will walk you (and your team) through the best tailored productivity strategies for your
team/ profession/ home based working environment:

- to maximise your ability to work together with synergy, remove organisational drag, maintain
individual and team productivity, identify individual team needs during this time
- to provide a clear understanding of the best (and the worst) behaviours that impact team
- to gain a clear understanding of what organisational drag and individual poor time management
behaviours are costing the business/ team at a financial/ opportunity/ emotional
and physical cost level
- to provide the tools and confidence on how to better invest your time and to respect the
time of everyone else in the team

(As an option, Kate can also develop the right suite of Team Protocols/ Remote Working
Agreement for your team to implement)

Time Stylers 5 Part Program to Maximise your Productivity Now and Post COVID-19

With COVID-19 rapidly forcing us to adapt to a new working paradigm now is the time to
plan for and reframe how to maximise your productivity and the productivity of your people.
We will not return to Business as Usual post COVID-19, so get the jump start on how to
future proof your business and your workforce with the #1 key soft skill you will need as a
business of the future - smart time investment.

In an ever increasing competitive business environment where everyone has the right
technical skills, without doubt those who know how to maximise their productivity will stand
out from the crowd. In this series of 5 modules run across 5 weeks or 5 months, Kate
Christie will teach you her proven productivity framework to find and harness 30+ hours of
lost time a month.

Module One: Self Aware
- The 3 time management mistakes you make
- How to avoid making them
- Planning for the future
- Controlling the agenda
- Focussing on the right tasks at the right time

Module Two: Map & Analyse
- Time mapping
- Categorising your time: Musts/ Wants/ Delegate/ Reject
- Costing out your time habits:
- Financial cost
- Opportunity cost
- Emotional cost
- Physical cost

Module Three: Reframe
- Reframing your time investment
- Tasks you can Delegate/ Outsource/ Insource
- Tasks you can Reject
- How to find 30+ hours a month

Module Four: Take Control
- Batching
- Top Time Investment Tools
- Team management
- Email management
- Meeting management
- Interruptions

Module Five: Goal Setting
- The Why, What and How of setting audacious goals
- Aligning your goals to your values
- Mapping your goals to action them
- Marathon versus Sprint goals
- How to make them happen!

Me First - The Guilt Free Guide to Prioritising you

Based on Kate's 4th book: Me First' (published globally by Wiley in 2020), this Keynote is targeted at every professional woman who is juggling her magnificent career or business life with motherhood. For every woman who has wrestled with Imposter Syndrome; Mother's Guilt; never saying No; never having enough time; forever being Busy; and forever doing everything for everyone but herself.
For every woman who needs a reminder that if she is truly to be the best possible version of herself, then it's OK to put herself first, at least some of the time.

Kate challenges your audience to:

- Debunk their feelings of self-doubt
- Realise they can be both a great mum and have a great career
- Take care of their own wellness to avoid burnout or opting out
- Be the absolute best version of themselves - the guilt-free guide to prioritising you!

It's Time to Hustle - You CAN have it all

Being in small business is hard work - there is a huge time commitment; financial risk; the fear of failure; and the ultimate fear - of having to get a normal job'. But let's face it - if it was easy everyone would be doing it.

As a business owner/entrepreneur you are a risk taker. You have a product or service that you are absolutely passionate about and you are creating a lifestyle for yourself and your family that you love. You can have it all!
Kate shares the top business lessons, tips and anecdotes from some of the world's leading business people (from Kate's best selling book: SMART Time Investment for Business - 128 ways the best in business use their time).
We engaged Kate Christie from Time Stylers to speak at our Resilium national professional development roadshow in Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane. Our large team of Insurance Brokers and Advisors had specifically requested time management training. Kate provided a targeted 2.5 hour workshop for our team, ensuring she hit the key time challenges specific to our industry. Kate was very approachable, encouraged an interactive program, made sure that all attendees were actively involved in the workshop and that each of our team members were clear on the 2-3 things they were going to do differently going forward. Kate is an energetic and entertaining presenter - she can lift a quiet room and skilfully manage a more energetic room. She was also generous with her content, following up by sending her templates and tools to team members who requested them. Feedback from our participants was excellent. We would not hesitate to engage Kate again and to recommend her to other organisations looking to educate their people on smart time management. We really enjoyed working with Kate. Resilium

We engaged Kate Christie from Time Stylers to speak at the International Convention & Congress Association International Meeting Seminar in February 2018. Kate delivered a powerful and compel-ling case for why and how we should manage our time the way we manage our money - with intent and within a budget. Our audience members had come from around the world to attend this conference and time management' is a universal challenge. Kate was engaging, entertaining and generous with her advice. Feedback from the participants was strong and we would not hesitate to engage Kate again and to recommend her to other organisations looking to educate their people on smart time management.

International Congress a Convention Association of Australia

Kate has spoken at 4 of our FEW conferences over the past 5 years and has consistently rated in the top ranking. Kate left our audiences with tangible tips that can be applied immediately in the workplace and home to ensure we can get those much needed extra hours out of each week. Her presentations are humorous and engaging, leaving the audience wanting more.

Financial Executive Women

We needed a dynamic and engaging speaker for the Premium Bank to present to our Women in Business customers. A colleague recommended Kate to us and she was both insightful and inspirational. With her vibrant, and fun personality, Kate connected with our audience immediately and delivered content that they could use when they get back to their office. Kate was very easy to work with. She delivered clear, strong and practical messages with humour and certainly retained the attention of our guests.


Newable Limited, UK works with businesses at the heart of the economy, unleashing potential, building resilience, and championing inclusive growth. In 2018 we brought together an incredible line-up of international business owners and speakers to inspire our audience of 400+ British female entrepreneurs to back themselves and keep creating amazing businesses. Kate Christie from Time Stylers absolutely met our brief. She is an expert in Time Investment and an incredibly dynamic speaker. Kate was also engaged by the European Enterprise Network to run two time management workshops while she was in London “ I sat in and learnt a lot! The feedback from all of our audiences was overwhelmingly positive “ Kate is an absolute professional.

Newable Limited UK
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