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Futureproof your organisation by futureproofing your leaders & talent.

Kellie Tomney has futureproofed thousands of organisations & leaders globally.

Current Work:

After an award-winning corporate career creating & implementing strategies delivering stand-out results & competitive advantage, Kellie is now a global thought leader & an international best-selling author.

Kellie is a Future of Work expert. She is in the top 5 for Business Leadership in Australia & in the Top 20 for Careers in the US. Being an HR Employer of Choice Awards judge since 2011, Kellie is across the best.

She is ignited by leveraging the opportunities in Future of Work, Personal & Leadership Brands, Women in Leadership & Purpose for Positive Impact.

Her thought leadership appears in leading business journals & media such as Australian Financial Review, Sky News, Australian Business Journal, HR Director Magazine & Corporate Executive Board publications.

She is recognised globally and in the Top Australian Personal Development Coaches & Top 20 Australian Personal Branding Experts. She is trusted by organisations to design & deliver business expanding, interactive keynotes that inspire real change, illuminate new ways of working & equip people for the future that are said to be ‘life-changing.'

Kellie’s clients are leading Corporates, Technology, Financial Services, Media, Energy, Professional Services, Government organisations & Associations focused on futureproofing their organisations & their growth through their people, their futureproofing capabilities & mindsets.

Kellie’s fresh, strategic & unique framework gets to & has a transformational impact on what matters. She inspires & delivers high-value futureproofing strategies with energy & positive impact, wherever the stage.

Kellie is referenced as a “growth catalyst”, “a true leader in her field” and a “wonderful speaker” who has a “commanding presence & such positive energy” who generates grounded, positive possibility & future forward momentum in audiences.

She is fixated on creating a better future NOW.

Futureproofing Speaking isn’t just a career for Kellie - it’s her calling.

Talking Points

Cracking the Confidence Code in the New World

In the new world, confidence is the accelerator for sustained growth. We are amongst a confidence crisis. Global confidence, business confidence, leadership, employee and self-confidence have plummeted. The World of Work has changed forever. Employees are fearing they will become obsolete, and organisations worldwide are grappling with low growth, low engagement and low productivity. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is seen as a threat to people’s jobs and it’s challenging people’s confidence in their work, in what to purchase and which brands, leaders and organisations to trust. This new world requires us to work in ways we haven’t ever worked before. It requires us to step into the unknown, uncertain, unpredictable through stress and anxiety to be future-ready. We need confidence to create, innovate and to perform at our best like never before.

Kellie equips your attendees versus overloading them. She delivers a customised blueprint for how any organisation can accelerate growth.

1. The 1 thing everyone wants to know
2. The 7 most common Myths of Confidence
3. How to unlock 50-95% more confidence in your existing people to increase innovation, engagement, performance and new growth
4. Their Confidence Code Level
5. The 3 Cornerstones to cracking the Confidence Code in the new world
6. How to increase your Confidence Code Setpoint™

Future Ready your Workforce

How can you ensure your workforce is ready for what's next?

Work and life pressures are high. Mental and physical health issues, anxiety about AI and the future, and stress are escalating. In this compelling keynote, Kellie will inspire attendees about the future and help them embrace the challenges and get excited about the future opportunities. She cuts through the overwhelm and noise to focus on what really matters. Organisations are needing new solutions to power their people for sustained performance in this next frontier.

- The global trends influencing us and our choices
- Why futureproofing you benefits us all in this new world
- How to take the anxiety and stress out of ‘what’s next’ to fuel positive personal professional and organisational growth
- The opportunities to seize in the future of work
- The 3 Futureproofing Keys to success that unlock personalised unique value and fulfilment in this increasingly artificial new world

Spread the Load - Everyone can Lead

World class organisations futureproof growth by leveraging everyone's leadership potential.

Leadership has become overwhelming and exhausting. The ‘load’ on existing leaders is not sustainable. The global, local and organisational challenges just keep coming, making it harder to generate new and sustained business growth. Kellie explores how every level of organisation can be excited and inspired to lead and accelerate growth. In this presentation Kellie will outline how to grow your business sustainably in this new, unpredictable, unknown, uncertain world whilst spreading the ‘leadership load’.

- How to unlock, create and engage leaders in all levels of the organisation for superpowered growth
- Why leadership in world class organisations is up to everyone
- How to inspire innovation to accelerate super-high sustained performance
- The secrets to building bridges across silos in an organisation
- The 3 proven strategies that any leader can implement immediately for growth
- How to lead with confidence through constant change In this keynote Kellie outlines a customised blueprint for how anyone can be a more confident, balanced and future-ready leader, superpowering sustained organisational performance.

What's Now - Futureproof YOU

Powerfully focus on what are the highest impact & value actions to futureproof you NOW.

Purpose, Career, Change, Self-Leadership, Adaptability
This inspiring & compelling keynote, delivers a wake-up call, reflection, & action.
In this 1 hour session, you will walk away with tips & tools to Futureproof your career to unlock your unique value & the tools to grow in an ever-evolving cycle of impact.

In this session you will learn:
* The global trends influencing career choices & the opportunities inherent in the new world of work
* The journey from feeling abandoned, disconnected & Frustrated to becoming truly Futureproof
* The 3 Futureproofing Keys that will unlock your unique value & future career plans

> Actual actionable takeaways from your audience to futureproof your leaders, talent & organisation.
> Inspiring attendees about the future versus instigating more fear about the future.
> Cut through the overwhelm & noise to what really matters.
> Start of a personalised Futureproofing You Plan'.

This is an ideal stand-alone conference Keynote, virtual or in person.

What's Needed - Futureproof LEADERS

Powerfully focus on what are the highest impact & value actions to futureproof you NOW.

Leadership, Future of Work, Purpose, Leadership Brand, Change, Adaptability, Growth
In this inspiring & compelling keynote, delivers the new business case, truth bombs that impact leaders globally & strategic actions.

In this 1 hour session you will walk away with tips & tools to Futureproof your Leadership to unlock your unique value & the tools to grow in an ever-evolving cycle of impact.

In this session you will learn:
* The global trends influencing leadership & the opportunities inherent in the new world of work
* The journey from feeling abandoned, disconnected & Frustrated to becoming truly Futureproof
* The 3 Futureproofing Focuses that will unlock your unique leadership & future growth for greater influence, impact & value.

> Actual actionable takeaways from your audience to futureproof your leaders, talent & organisation.
> Inspiring attendees about the future & being a futureproofing leader versus instigating more fear.
> Start of a personalised Futureproofing Leadership Plan'.

This is an ideal stand-alone conference Keynote, virtual or in person.

What's Next - Futureproof CAREERS

Powerfully focus on what are the highest impact & value actions to futureproof your career.

Career, Change, Self-Leadership, Purpose, Future of Work, Career Planning, Adaptability
This inspiring & compelling keynote, delivers a wake-up call, reflection, & action.

In this 1 hour session you will walk away with tips & tools to Futureproof your career to unlock your unique value & the tools to grow in an ever-evolving cycle of impact.
In this session you will learn:
* The global trends influencing career choices & the opportunities inherent in the new world of work
* The journey from feeling abandoned, disconnected & Frustrated to becoming truly Futureproof
* The 3 Futureproofing Keys that will unlock your unique value & future career plans
* How-to Career Plan amongst continual uncertainty, disruption & increasing complexity

> Actual actionable takeaways from your audience to futureproof your leaders, talent & organisation.
> Inspiring attendees to bring their unique, whole value to work & amplify the impact they can make in their careers & organisations.
> Start of a personalised Futureproofing Career Plan'.

This is an ideal stand-alone conference Keynote, virtual or in person
Kellie is such an authentic keynote speaker, and incredibly generous with her journey and insights. A really thought provoking session with real take-aways for our Executive, Leadership & general audience! Australasian Shared Services & Outsourcing Network Australasia

Your grab starts at the beginning. You command the stage by your presence & the way you carry yourself. That’s the grab. You are just so energetic on the stage & are a wonderful speaker. I refer to your Keynote as a “toolbox” session - you give us takeaways, provoke our reflection & trigger a different way of thinking. I’ve seen the value from you & I’ve booked your speaking multiple times - you command it with your presence, energy & takeaways. I have every confidence you are going to be fabulous & resonate with the next audience as much as you have done for us.

Australasian Policing & Law Enforcement Agencies

Kellie Tomney has been speaking for us since 2017 for various audiences in ASX Listed Companies Leadership Summits, APAC Leadership Summits, National Leadership & Management Summits, Women in Finance & Accounting Leadership, Retail & FMCG Leadership, Transport & Infrastructure Leadership, Public Sector Government Leadership etc. Over the years it’s been in person Keynotes, Expert Commentary Sessions & virtual Keynotes, Masterclasses & Workshops, she is an awesome presenter! We always get amazing feedback from her sessions & is one of the first speakers that come to mind for who to book.

Liquid Learning

By unlocking her three keys and her evolving cycle of impact, you can realise your true potential, and make for a better world. There can be more no more noble purpose.


You were fantastic Kellie. Loved how you tailored your Keynote - it felt so personal & to the audience. Really great content! Attendees were pinging me throughout saying ‘she’s speaking to me!


After many months of remote working, we needed help to energise and motivate our people (particularly women) to think differently about their career progression. When organising a virtual event on behalf of the Barangaroo Women’s Network, I immediately knew that Kellie Tomney would be a perfect fit. Our people were craving this motivation, with tickets for the event selling out within the day at some of our member organisations (including KPMG, Lendlease, Baker McKenzie, Westpac, HSBC, Origin Energy, Accenture). During Kellie’s Power Hour session, she delivered practical and powerful career advice which left our attendees wanting more. A number of organisations and many individuals have gone on to engage Kellie for follow on sessions. Through her engaging delivery, Kellie really helped inspire, engage and retain our people in very tough times.

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