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Author, Futurist & Social Commentator


Rated in “the top 25 C-Suite Speakers to watch,” by Meetings & Conventions USA, and drawing comparisons to Edward De Bono and Melissa McCarthy, Kieran Flanagan is a captivating speaker who helps leaders, teams and organisations to “laugh while they learn” the secrets of Behavioural Trends & Strategy.

She has worked with:

Professional Services Firms - training their future leaders & facilitating transformation projects

The UN / UNWomen in Singapore - developing strategies to fight human trafficking in Asia

Unilever, Bayer and the NSW & Australian Governments - running innovation & issue hacking workshops

Multinational Tech Giants - facilitating cultural change & collaboration programs

Kieran also appears as an expert commentator on ABC's 702 Breakfast Show with Wendy Harmer, as well as Channel 7's Sunrise, Sky Business News and SBS News and is the co-author of Shift - The trends shaping how we shift products, people and perceptions, Selfish Scared & Stupid - A guide to harnessing human nature and Forever Skills - The 12 skills to future proof yourself, your team and your kids.

Ultimately, Kieran helps her audiences to understand what makes their customers buy and their people buy in.

Talking Points

Webinar: How we Find Opportunities in Times of Crisis

It's become cliché to talk about finding the opportunity hidden in a crisis or challenge, however, 2020 is providing us with plenty of chances to prove the theory.

As we've navigated our way through an unprecedented bushfire season, a global pandemic, economic recession and civil rights protests around the world (all while reinventing the way we work, shopping for rationed toilet paper in shifts as well as redefining who we are as a nation and as a species), we've also been presented with an opportunity to reinvent normal� and to leave behind what wasn't working in business as usual.�

Our customers are both Hyper-Localised and Distantly Connected.

Companies are learning the intricacies of Decentralised Control and Co-operative Competition.

And Communities are expressing a fresh desire for Radical Accountability even as they experience Moral Polarisation.

To help you and your team prepare for what's next, Kieran has developed the following webinar topics around Consumer Behaviour: Customer Trends and Engagement Strategy, Company Behaviour: Workplace Trends and Leadership Strategy and Community Behaviour: Social Trends and Change Strategy.

COVID-19 has given our customers pause to re-evaluate what they spend their money on, who they spend their time with and what kind of organisations they are happy to associate themselves with. To maintain relevance during lockdown and beyond we need to understand The Value in Values.

In times of crisis, those who emerge with a greater sense of optimism and a strategy for stabilising, innovating and growing are those who develop creative problem solving skills and a Possibility Mindset.

Many of us are experiencing overwhelm, fear, confusion, a lack of motivation and even guilt for not being better prepared for a once-in-a-century pandemic. So let's talk about The 6 R's of Resilience.

If you've spent the past few months with the earworm, We're all in this together,� on a constant loop in your head, you're not alone. However, we do need to raise our Collaborative Intelligence (We-Q), but what does that look like in a time of social distancing and why does it now matter more than ever?

If Corona Virus has had a positive effect on how we work, it must certainly be in the diminishing of micro-management. Given we can no longer stroll the halls or walk into the next office, how might we develop a leadership style that allows for Remote Control�?

Webinar or Workshop Co-Presentation with Dan Gregory Reinventing Normal: Why we can't, and shouldn't, go back to business as usual.'

The restrictions, disruptions and challenges we've faced as a result of COVID-19 have forced us all to embrace new technologies, to experiment with new ways of working and to re-conceptualise what work/life balance actually looks like. (HINT: It's more about blending than balance!)

However, the issues we're facing in 2020 have also conferred some surprising benefits. Digital laggards have been dragged into the 21st Century and organisations (well, all of us if we're being truthful) have been pushed to find new ways of communicating, collaborating and connecting, as well as to explore new market, product and service opportunities and to fundamentally reevaluate what is actually valuable and necessary

Of course, some of what we used to do will return in time, but we would do well to remember that this is a once-in-a-century opportunity to decide what kind of future we want to build and to Reinvent Normal.�

This requires us to look at all the three spheres of change and then to decide what change we will lead:

1. What is Changing - What are the trends, behaviours and opportunities we should pay attention to?

2. What needs Changing - What's broken or needs creating for the future we're seeking?

3. What is UnChanging - Which behaviours, beliefs and skills will be worth keeping as we emerge from 2020?

4. Change Leadership - What future will we stand for? What will we stand against? How will we stand up? It's time to reimagine our WHAT, WHO, WHY, HOW and NOW!

Creative Mindset: How creative thinking drives resilience, resourcefulness and reinvention

If you're one of those people who thrives in a challenging environment, then now is your time to shine!!! If not, don't worry, you can learn how you can be.

Right now the human race is being challenged on a scale we have never seen before - from our health, to our businesses and even the fight civil rights and national identity. And while this is both frightening and confusing, traditionally, times of great social upheaval such as war, pandemic or economic uncertainty have led to extraordinary periods of innovation and reinvention. With the right mindset right now will be no different.

The key is to cultivate a mindset focused on opportunity.

The truth is, the way we respond to challenge is far more predictive of our success than any other factor. Ultimately, how we perform during a challenge, and even more critically, how we emerge from it, will be a function of our mindset. And the mindset we all need right now, is a creative one. If a fixed mindset is about resisting change and challenge, and a growth mindset is about accepting it, then a creative mindset is about seeking opportunities (dressed up as challenges) to innovate and to create new ways of doing and seeing things.

In this uplifting and thought-provoking presentation, Kieran Flanagan will explore how we can all develop a Creative Mindset (and why we all need one right now!). She will share how we can all identify new opportunities, expand our cognitive bandwidth, drive more creative problem-solving and innovate on purpose - deliberately, consistently and congruently. She will help your team open their heads and hearts to the power of creativity and how they can all use it to create something good.


This presentation offers critical tools, skills and behaviours to anyone who is experiencing challenge and change. And right now, that's all of us. We are all being challenged to rise and reinvent with resilience and resourcefulness.

Creative Mindset is also incredibly useful for leaders who need to design strategies to out-think the competition, emerging leaders who want to contribute to the future of their organisation and field, sales people and marketers looking to be more agile on their feet and product teams wanting to augment their design-thinking tool kit and facilitate greater innovation in products, systems and processes.

It is also great for business owners and professionals needing an injection of inspiration and some practical creative problem-solving.


- Change your mindset around challenge and become tuned-in to opportunity
- Improve your mental focus and cultivate optimism
-Increase your ability to change the game by changing your frame of reference
- Gain skills that drive innovation and more strategic solutions
- Think faster on your feet and be more proactive and solution-focused
- Learn tools that help you bring better ideas to the table and use better judgement in assessing them for commercial relevance and salience
In 12 years of running SWB, Kieran is the ?rst speaker to receive a 100% approval rating from all delegates! SWB

Kieran facilitated a highly engaging, entertaining and thought-provoking workshop around entrepreneurship, risk-taking and decision making within a highly regulated environment.


I learned a huge amount and the team feedback has been incredibly positive.


Comedy relief from down under with a huge helping of #knowledge.


Kieran's presentation was a breath of fresh air. She is a ball of energy, totally engaging, brilliant use of humour, super visuals and great delivery, but above all she was totally on message with great content. They loved her.

Rotary International
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