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Diversity & Inclusion Evangelist


There is no denying that the world has changed in ways that were unimaginable less than a decade ago. Through global pandemics, artificial intelligence, emerging technologies and climate change, it has become evident that boundaries are beginning to dissolve. The one golden thread that unites us is our humanity. So, what does this mean for success as an individual and your organisation in the 21st century?

This question drives Lilian Kikuvi, who focuses on decoding the intersection between diversity and the role it plays in propelling an individual and organisations into a future that supercharges the power of inclusivity.

Lilian is a Kenyan born Australian with a rich cross-cultural experience in Australia spanning over two decades. She has discovered significant barriers and opportunities in Australia in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion. As a result, she is passionate about flipping the narrative that diversity is not only an ethical or social decision but an economic one.

Current Work:

Lilian is the founder of a consultancy with a focus on bridging the gap between the role of organisational diversity today and the possibilities for what it could look like tomorrow. Lilian is also professional Speaker, facilitator and coach. Her clients have included Ronald McDonald House Charities, eNett International, Medibank Private, Open Universities, Western Bulldogs Australian Football League (AFL) club, Fundraising Institute Australia, Culturally Diverse Women, Melton City Council and Parkville Juvenile Corrections Centre.

Lilian holds a postgraduate qualification from the University of Wollongong and is a qualified counsellor, trained at the Australian College of Applied Psychology. She has had more than 14 years' experience working as a leader in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Lilian believes in the power of collaboration, and this belief has led her to work as a facilitator for Future Crunch, a think tank made up of unlike minds that are on a mission to foster intelligent and optimistic thinking. Lilian is also an Advisory Board Member for Culturally Diverse Women who are on a mission to level the playing field for culturally diverse women in Australian organisations.

Talking Points

An African Tribal Framework For Diversity & Inclusion

Lilian shares cross-cultural insights as a Kenyan-Australia, evidence-based research, best practice case studies and storytelling to show her audience how to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. She takes a unique approach and teaches her audience how to apply an African tribal framework in the workplace in order to boost business performance in areas like profitability, productivity and staff participation.

This topic is targeted at businesses that are committed to move beyond lip service and take meaningful action that raises the bar on diversity and inclusivity.

The audience will walk away with:
- A new and fresh perspective on diversity and inclusion that will inspire meaningful action and a boost in business performance.
- Evidence-based and cross-cultural strategies that will help unleash the power of diversity and inclusion.

Leading the Tribe

We are living in a time where leadership has been redefined. A time where organisations are being asked to represent all of humanity. An era where diversity and inclusion are part of the fabric of an ethical business. Leaders can no longer ignore a lack of representation in gender, race, or any other blueprint for diverse DNA. This is the way of the future, and it will require leaders to implement and integrate diversity and inclusion strategies. Where do leaders begin on this journey? How do they progress in a meaningful way from where they are? This topic is designed to address this question.

Leading the Tribe is targeted at leaders who are willing to go on a journey of unlocking the tools that ignite diversity and inclusion, in order to effectively lead their organisational tribe.

The leaders will walk away with: -
- A step by step process to design a strategic blueprint for diversity and inclusion that will ignite transformation to move the organisation forward.
- A better understanding of how to leverage the business case for diversity and inclusion as an enabler for innovation and solutions-based thinking.

Diversity Alchemy

To change the story of the human race in the 21st century, we have to change the stories we tell ourselves. This personal narrative could be influencing our ability to thrive today and into the future. If we want to create a more diverse and inclusive world, we must begin with igniting that transformation within ourselves.

Diversity Alchemy is an African inspired session where Lilian shares her personal story of shifting from an excluded mindset into one of inclusive intersectionality. This perspective recognises that every human being will have many intersecting dimensions, for example, race, gender, disability, health, body type, sexuality, culture, religion and values. If we can begin to celebrate the intersectionality of diversity that exists within everyone, we can then be liberated to remove the masks that we wear that hide our true identity.

The audience will walk away with: -
- Tools and actionable insights to celebrate their unique diversity and thrive with the knowledge that being who they are is the pathway to a higher potential.
- Insights into their personal layers of intersectionality, enabling a deeper connection to self and an appreciation for the differences of others.
Our leadership team recently had the benefit of being able to attend one of Lilian's presentations on diversity and inclusion, what an inspiring speaker Lilian was! Our team was totally engaged for the session and all agreed it was very motivating, very insightful and of great benefit to the team on the day. Lilian's inspiring presentation and story-telling gave all our team something to take from the session and we all agreed on the importance to make some changes in our thinking, our perceptions and language used and take the necessary steps to build a plan that aligns with our own business. Ronald McDonald House Charities

Elders as leaders. Fantastic this morning to be inspired by Lilian Kikuvi bringing ideas for how to unleash the power of a more diverse and inclusive culture. I loved this quote about the opportunities to consider the role of a leader in the context of the privileged position of being a tribe elder, "Elders in traditional communities do not take power; they take responsibility and empower others."

Open Universities Australia

Lilian Kikuvi is a bright, engaging, and energetic superstar! Her message resonates with all types of audiences because of her unique ability to draw out real-life experiences, candour, and openness. Lilian tailored her message to our audience of fundraisers and non-profit leaders and she wowed them with insights, tips, and actionable next steps. Simply put, Lilian makes diversity and inclusion fun!

Fundraising Institute Australia

Your confidence, insights, experience and energy will inspire any audience. I was blown away when I first met you as a presenter at a gala.

Incubate Foundation & Change Architects

A truly inspirational lady, so genuine and engaging. Her story gave us all something to think about. One of the best public speakers I have ever heard.

Melton City Council

I love the depth you offer to your insights Lilian. I always listen intently to both your stats and stories and that's what makes it so compelling.


Lilian shared her powerful story of migrating from Kenya to Australia and becoming an empowered minority'. Lilian encouraged us to identify times we had been excluded or in the minority and gave us the tools to own and embrace our differences. Thank you Lilian. Please come back again!

Western Bulldogs AFL Club
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