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Nicholls AO

Leading director and corporate advisor.


Linda Nicholls AO is a corporate advisor and a director of a number of leading Australian companies and organisations. She is Chairman of Japara Healthcare, a Director of Fairfax Media and a non-Executive Director of Medibank Private.

Previously Linda was Chairman of Healthscope, Australia Post and Yarra Trams, a Director of St George Bank and Sigma Pharmaceuticals, and President of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (Vic Div).

Linda is a non-executive Director of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer research Institute and a former non-executive Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and a former Trustee of The Harvard Business School Alumni Board (USA). She runs her own corporate advisory practice specialising in business strategy in financial services and health care.

She has an MBA from Harvard Business School and more than 30 years' experience as a senior executive and company director in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. In April 2015 Linda was rated as the most influential board director, male or female, in Australia (according to research by Optimice).

Our sincere congratulations and wholehearted thanks. Your presentation today at the QUT Business Leaders' Forum was a huge success. The unsolicited feedback has been of the highest level. A number of people in the audience said to me that this was the best Forum event ever. Your insights, candour and humour were deeply appreciated. Queensland University of Technology

Ms. Nicholls' presentation at the 67th Annual Conference of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) at George Moscone Conference Center in San Francisco was very well received. She was pleasant and professional throughout. We look forward to working with her to convert the speech into another IIA occasional paper due to the many requests for copies.

Stanford University
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