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Expert on shifting performance


Lisa McInnes-Smith is in the top echelon of corporate speakers, having presented live to more than 2.5 million people across 30 countries. She inspires and motivates, energises and entertains. She helps people to grow through her deposit of transforming truths, practical tools and skills that enable people to transform the way they do business and life.

Lisa is a dynamic force who electrifies the stage with her boundless energy and genuine passion for people. With a wealth of experience as a sports psychologist, she has honed practical tools and wisdom to empower individuals to elevate their performance and reach new heights. On a global scale, she is the first Australian inducted into the International Speaker Hall of Fame.

What sets Lisa apart is her remarkable ability to connect with any audience, from frontline workers to top-level executives. She tailors her presentations with precision, tapping into the appropriate energy and skill to deliver impactful messages that resonate deeply.

Talking Points

Grit, Goals, Guts and Glory!

Most of us are more capable than we think. We have the capacity to be more effective and more efficient. It's time to work smarter and more efficiently, and most of us need to evaluate what we can do differently in this new season, and what we need to stop doing.

Lisa’s session will set your people on a strategic pathway of continuous improvement by identifying what energises, engages and inspires as well as those aspects that rob, deflate and self-sabotage. They’ll learn simple steps to build courage and rediscover their motivation. Your people will be inspired to perform at a higher capacity by utilising all the resources at their fingertips and capitalising on the skill sets of their colleagues.

We’ve All Got What It Takes, But Where Is It?

This session focuses on personal capacity, flexibility and ongoing improvement.

Performance rises when we capitalise on our strengths and minimise the effect of our weaknesses. Lisa sets people on a strategic pathway of continual progress in an environment of change.

Lisa is a performance catalyst. She steps in as the coach to unlock potential and empower your people to perform above their own expectations. She nurtures the seeds of self-belief and self-confidence. This dynamic presentation will help renew their attitude and skillsets to achieve the goals they truly want.

Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way!

Leadership exists at all levels of life – government, business, family and community. There is no perfect model for great leadership, and leaders are not “born”. The best leaders are self-aware, clear in purpose, courageous and decisive – all attributes of an individual’s spirit, and all learnable. Leadership is a lifestyle – a way of living, a way of bringing out the best in those around you. This session with Lisa McInnes-Smith is about the heart of leadership and the power of choice.

Building Teams That Stick The Course

Significant long-term achievements cannot happen until a team of people unite to take on a challenge. In a fun-charged and practical atmosphere, Lisa will demonstrate how your team members can inspire each other and deliver long-term positive outcomes. She enables individuals to become better team players (and potential leaders) by discarding negative habits and building on their strengths. Lisa will also show your people how to multiply their own effectiveness by helping to release the talents of those around them. Personal and team growth will increase exponentially as they apply Lisa’s simple and practical steps.

Master of Ceremonies

Lisa McInnes-Smith has a unique ability to connect and effectively communicate with any audience. After twenty-five years of connecting with corporations and business people, Lisa knows what it takes to engage a room.

As an MC Lisa brings her experience as being one of Australia's most highly regarded speakers with an infectious charismatic personality and keen sense of observation and will bring smiles and laughter to everyone's face.
She blew our minds. Nothing but awesome feedback from all our managers. I think you are amazing Lisa. IHG Hotels and Resorts

Wow! What an amazing impact you have had. Energy levels are up; inspirational; lots of take aways. Awesome presentation.

Belgravia Leisure Group

So pleased to have you again Lisa. Our participants loved your engaging presentation. We received great feedback long after our conference.

Deloitte Australia

“Feedback from our franchisees is incredible. They loved every second of your presentation. The energy was electric. Amazing!

Studio Pilates
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