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Co-Founder of Girl Geek Academy.


Lisy Kane is a videogames producer currently making waves in the industry. In 2017, Lisy was recognised by Forbes in its prestigious top 30 list: Forbes 30 Under 30 2017: Games. Ranked alongside the world's best game makers, Lisy was the only Australian to make the who's who of the global gaming industry.

In 2014, Lisy joined forces with four other digital professionals to co-found Girl Geek Academy with a mission to teach 1 million women to get into tech and launch their own startups by 2025.

Girl Geek Academy is behind Australia's first all-women hackathon, #SheHacks, and the world's first hackathon for girls aged five to eight, #MissMakesCode. Lisy's gaming industry insights have seen her curate and produce sell-out events for the academy, including #SheMakesGames 2015 – Australia's first all-women game-making day – which was such a hit it has been made an annual event.

The global spotlight is never far away from Lisy, whose work at Melbourne game development studio, League of Geeks, includes internationally-released title Armello (2015). Lisy has progressed from Associate Producer to Lead Producer on League of Geeks' debut title Armello since joining in 2014. Her role included overseeing its international release across Steam (PC/Mac/Linux), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. She is now working on an unannounced project as executive producer.

A role model for women working in the gaming industry, Lisy is in high demand on the speaker circuit for gaming, tech and STEM education forums.

Lisy was engaging, entertaining and a wonderful speaker. Her content and messaging was perfect for an auditorium full of young women making decisions about how to navigate choices for their future. The session was perfectly aimed at those students who want to find a way to mix STEM and the Arts. Lisy stayed after the session to speak to some of the students individually. Mount St Joseph Girls' College
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