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Dr Louise

The foremost expert in the psychology of face-to-face engagement.

The power to be that one person who holds the room is within all of us.


A rare breed as one of the world’s leading keynote speakers, Dr. Louise Mahler has been voted in the top experts in both Body Language and Communication globally. Highly qualified with multiple degrees and masters, Louise has a PhD in Business, focusing on Leadership Communication, official member of Forbes Coaches Council 2023 and was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor.

Obsessed with creating exceptional human connection, Louise helps leaders and teams to elevate their body language, voice and divulges the algorithms of engagement in high stakes engagement. While her tools and techniques are useful, practical and highly relevant, she is best known on-stage and in the media for her in-the-moment, deeply insightful analysis and hilarious impersonations of world leaders.

Her skills in translating and articulating how leaders communicate creates a powerful world-class, incredibly engaging and interactive experience that delegates often say is “life-changing”. From Brisbane to Vienna and around the globe, Dr Louise Mahler has given voice a good name. She combines the skills gained from 15 years of an international opera-singing career, with insider knowledge of the corporate world and academic study, to help people from all walks of life express themselves through voice — to find their true, full voice and use it!

In her Resonate book, she demonstrates that your mind, body and voice are inextricably linked. By approaching voice through an understanding of the whole body, Louise explains how your state of mind determines the way you hold your body, how your feelings resonate through your voice and how this sequence ultimately influences the efficacy of your communication. She explains the most common ways people react to nerves or excitement, as well as how your listeners respond to your voice and gestures – and how to use these to communicate more powerfully.

Louise recently published her latest book, Gravitas: Timeless Skills to Communicate with Confidence and Build Trust. Whether you are in a one-on-one meeting or in front of a large crowd, how your message is received depends on how you present yourself, in both voice and manner. To do this, you need gravitas. Gravitas unpacks essential speaking skills, strategies and techniques that leaders can use to communicate effectively. It combines the wisdom of the ancients with modern leadership principles and Dr. Mahler’s experience of working with leaders and organisations around the world.

Talking Points

The Currency of Trust

Authenticity and trust are now inescapable. People demand them from financial institutions. From leaders. From everyday brands. They are fundamental to success.

Technology is helping, but also hindering. There is no replacement for interpersonal excellence.

In this presentation, Dr Mahler presents practical skills for building credence and restoring the building blocks of trust.


For Women in Business.

Diversity and inclusion are not achieved without encountering challenges. But in-visibility is a choice. You are responsible for your destiny.

This presentation is about breaking down the barriers, being clever about how you engage with hard conversations and giving of yourself without hesitation.

It's about the five key barriers to visibility and how you responsible for removing them.

Let's Get Going!

Welcome back! The world has been disrupted and not a soul has been left unaffected by the uncertainty of 2020, but, today is 2021! The time to refresh is now.

No more blank screens, scowling faces or zoom fatigue. The imperative to bring your whole self back into the arena in its full confident bloom is critical.

And studies show that simple techniques, such as smiling, are a natural drug to reignite and motivate. The simple act of smiling releases endorphins, natural painkillers, and serotonin and it's catching. Why not!
In this session we will release the smile, get your breath flowing, reawaken your arms and legs and release you from the tyranny of the screen. You will re-learn how to greet your fellow human in the flesh (safely), how to listen effectively, where to move your body for best effect to build relationships and how to re-engage your confident self.

Welcome back. We've missed you! Now, let's get going.

The Missing Ingredient of Leadership

Leaders must inspire and engage. That task is more complex than it has even been, a combination of interpersonal skills and the power to navigate today's communications ably.

Dr Mahler investigates the roles of body language, vocal psychology and patterns of conversation that control presence and influence. Her insight and experience will change the way you think, act and speak to achieve respect and authority.

Webinar: Staying Human in a Virtual World: Presence on-line

The time for intimacy and connection is here.

Video conferencing is a chance to really engage at a new and deeper level and, the rules have changed.
Louise will share what works and what doesn't in this new super-charged environment. You will discover the secrets of the television host, you will find your radio voice and develop skills to engage full attention by building your inclusion-muscle.

In this often hilarious, but scientifically researched session you will:
- Discover how spatial awareness is key
- Develop your tools and techniques to be inclusive
- Recognise the importance of what you do and say on the small screen
- Learn the dos and don't of engaging others

Webinar: Female Led Leadership

What is it that Jacinda Ardern, Angela Merkel, and Sanna Merin do that leads Forbes magazine to say that what countries with the best coronavirus responses have in common is Women Leaders?

How is it different from their male counterparts and it is unique to women? Dr Mahler will analyse their body language, vocal approach and conversational flow. She will model what is palpable for us all and show how this is the future direction of leadership, not necessarily, male or female.

In this provocative keynote, you will:

- Discover the skills of key international female leaders who are leading at these critical times
- Challenge classical techniques of power
- Learn new ways to build trust
- Establish skills that will result in newfound confidence

Webinar: The Voice of Leadership

In today's uncertain world we need to manage our new vital tool - the voice.
With video-conferencing in full swing, your voice takes pride of place in communicating your message. As we place added emphasis on the importance of voice, many realise their own inadequacy, feel helpless and are unaware of the susceptibility to further damage both vocally and psychologically.
In this on-line presentation, you will remove the barriers to self-expression through awareness, tools and techniques. You will learn how sound is actually made and what stops it being available under stress

In this highly interactive keynote you will:

- Build skills to get that voice working and develop a flow of sound that imbues trust and caring
- Learn methods for vocal engagement and authority
- Recognise the challenges, diagnose your own blockages and find simple ways to undo the patterns - fast under pressure.

On-line Leadership Communication Program: Presence and Influencing for Leaders

Dr Mahler presents leadership programs that combine instructional and interactive face-to-face or zoom webinars, clinics and masterminds to embed the learning for leaders and sales teams. These sessions impart the skills and processes to have gravitas and presence and apply them to tailored scenarios specific such as presentations, meetings or managing client and staff engagement, to gain maximum engagement and influence with confidence.

Dr Mahler's program includes theory and interaction, based around winning the hearts and minds of those around you with the following outcomes:

- Analysis of individual body, mind and voice patterns under stress
- Processes for handling the various communication opportunities
- Practice opportunities for individual change plans and transformation

Note: these programs can be tailored specifically for Women and Diversity programs.

Virtual Workshop: Hard Chat

Duration: 1 to 3 hours

The world has changed. Emotions are raw and tempers frayed, but, at the same time, like the Little Britain comedy where the Scottish waiter attempts to describe the menu through the medium of dance', we are struggling to handle ourselves through the virtual medium.
When it comes to difficulty, what words do you say and in what order? What words can't you use and what is the vocal tone and eye contact requirement to help get your communication across with empathy? Within all that, where is the room for creativity and authenticity?
Now is the time to really know what you are doing and, in this virtual exploration, you will learn the answers to all these questions using Dr Mahler's framework for Hard Chat, which PwC partners described as gold'.

Key takeaways from the must-have' session include:

¢ Learning the 5 Hard Chat levels of engagement
¢ Discover the non-verbal necessities to handle emotion
¢ Know the words to say and not say
¢ Piece together the 5 algorithms for performance that work first time every time and leave you free to be creative and professional in the moment

Workshop: Bringing your Team back to Work

Bringing your team back to work requires learning, engagement and positive motivation. Dr Louise Mahler provides all this and more.

Over the last year, we are not capturing our true energy and some say they are tired and we are boring each other to death with waffle.

So let's come together and re-energise with practical work on presence and influence for the virtual, face-to-face and hybrid worlds.

In these workshops, you will re-discover your physical energy, learn how to build relationships online and in-person and receive all the structure for presentation, difficult situations and feedback for maximum effect (and less waffle), while still bringing your sense of humour and creative essence.

Yes, its presentation skills, but it has more. Learn from the expert and bring your very best to the fore.

This half-day program can be enhanced by:
- ongoing masterclasses
- A Workbook
- Journal
- Videos
- Louise's book Resonate'

Overcoming Performance Stress/Towards the Light

Many of us are under stress and the old techniques are not serving us in a Covid-ravaged-world under the magnifying glass of the digital camera. Many struggle to speak, be heard and get the critical messages across succinctly.
Let's break the myth! Taking a deep breath and relaxing has not worked and in this presentation, we will re-think your patterns and processes in a highly interactive and fun engagement. Dr Mahler will share the 7 key physical and vocal skills and techniques to break your patterns of stress and discover that a framework is the key to feeling secure, sounding trustworthy and exuding professionalism with every word.
Still smiling after Louise's webinar, I absolutely loved it, really got me thinking a lot about my own voice and presentation to a level I had not considered before! The members found it a great experience too and would be very keen to hear (and see) Louise again. Exercise and Sport Science Australia

Testimonial from the flavour of the month Astrazeneca': "You brought smiles to our faces and taught us some extremely valuable and important skills at the same time! We ended up with 248 participants on the live webinar and I have just jumped off a Zoom with the entire Biopharmaceutical Business Unit management team, and you are still the talk of the town, with many saying they can't wait to watch the webinar again! Covid-19 lockdown was made enjoyable because of you Louise! You are a powerhouse and if I can just muster up a small amount of your gravitas, I will have achieved an element of greatness!

Sales Manager, Astrazeneca

Louise is a star that impacts positively on executive growth!

Melbourne Business School

The feedback I've received about your presentation today us outstanding. I can't thank you enough! Thank you for your intellect, playfulness and professionalism.


Louise was brilliant and it was one of the most useful learning events participants have attended in many years.


Louise excels at creating an environment where people can discover more about themselves, practise, learn and grow. She is a master at providing meaningful and direct feedback, all the while keeping it fun and highly entertaining.


Participants commented that the two days spent with Louise were the most valuable and productive two days they've spent at a sales/training meeting in 20+ years in the pharmaceutical industry


Louise's session today was absolutely outstanding...And we get a lot of great sessions.


In attending over 3-months-worth of Crotonville and other training sessions by GE, I have not seen a better trainer in action than Dr Mahler.


The real time coaching you provided for the selected participants is going back to the US to be incorporated as a method for their EP programs. You injected a lot of fun and really practical tips for the team when presenting which will stick.

Boston Scientific

Dr Mahler's session was a particular highlight. Both Board and Senior Executive Team were extremely well engaged with the coherence and presentation style. I congratulate Dr Mahler on her insightful and informative work.

Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network

The feedback is still coming in from yesterday and it's all glowing. We've had some inspirational speakers over the last year and you have topped the charts for the most captivating and insightful yet. People thoroughly enjoyed every single moment of Dr Mahler's talk. Thanks again for bringing such fabulous energy, humour and insight “ we all benefited enormously.


Wow - We could not have asked for a more perfect start to our Conference! I've never seen an audience participate with such enthusiasm and then carry on the techniques they learnt on day one throughout the entire conference! Thank you Louise, you are a true professional and a must-have on any conference stage

Australian Institute of Project Managers

Louise was inspirational, hilarious and so completely engaging that I lost track of time! She empowered all the women in the room and we all walked away that little bit better. I feel privileged to have been part of it.

Victoria Police

Dr Louise Mahler was the perfect opening keynote speaker for the conference and had the audience engaged from her opening comment. Every delegate who spoke to me for the next 2 days raved about her presentation.

Resources Training Council

Louise was out of control! She was loud, out there, hilarious and massively entertaining! A brilliant presenter with great messages who was very well received by our delegates. A highlight of the conference!

People's Choice Credit Union

Louise Mahler, Presenter, is that perfect cocktail of energy, humour, theatrics, audience engagement and highly relevant content. At The World Employment Conference Louise had our delegates from 27 different countries enthralled and chanting for more. Bravo Dr. Mahler Bravo.


The Washington DC presentation was one of the best sessions I've attended in my professional career. I absolutely love Louise's ability to use humor, compassion, practical exercises and theory to help people like myself to feel much comfortable and charismatic in front of people. Dr Louise Mahler you need to come to Paris and hold some seminars!


Amazing and outstanding. Dr Mahler's work is engaging, useful, practical and highly entertaining. Louise's goal is to embed positive change in the missing ingredients of leadership - our body, our voice and the processes we work with to express ourselves. These are often ignored, but critical to us all in our work interactions. Her expertise is unsurpassed worldwide and her skill to analyse in the moment is masterful. I believe this to be 'next-level' work ideal for executive and leadership teams. Highly recommended.

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