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Expert on the persuasive power of the human voice


Lucy Cornell is an international keynote speaker on the innate persuasive power of the human voice. She has spoken in 18 countries to 1000's executives at over 300 events globally inspiring leaders to use their voice to change their world.

Imagine a business where all key people use their voice so powerfully that high-impact conversations convert.

From her 20 years of working with some of the world's most influential leaders and their teams, Lucy unequivocally knows that the single most neglected opportunity in business is in the voice of its people.

No matter what technical skills people have or training they have received, none of it matters if they can't express themselves and be heard. The voice is the last frontier to maximise results in business. And most other businesses don't even think about it.

Lucy's central premise is that when someone's voice can express their power, then you can fully unlock the intellectual capital of your people.

As an author, speaker, and CEO of The Voice Advisory Group, Lucy has been empowering business leaders globally for twenty years. As a keynote speaker, Lucy enables leaders to connect with and engage their audience with an authentic voice; one that demonstrates presence, credibility, persuasive power, confidence, and vision.

Current Work:

Lucy is one of 300 Linklater trained voice teachers in the world with his extensive academic and practical experience training with voice tutors from Royal Shakespeare Company (UK) and as an actor and teacher at Shakespeare and Company (USA). She also holds a Masters of Applied Science in Voice Research

(U. Sydney) and a Bachelor of Arts/Education (UNSW).

Lucy has been a specialist speaker for Young President's Organization (YPO) events globally for ten years in Istanbul, Barcelona, Miami, Pakistan, Dubai, Oman, southeast Asia, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Zealand. YPO members are all CEOs of high net-worth businesses whose expectation of education is high.

Lucy leads an international voice and performance coaching team for advocacy courses run by the Australian Bar Association and the General Council of the Bar of South Africa. She has worked in 6 common law jurisdictions globally (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England, Singapore, and Malaysia) and was invited to speak about performance skills for the International Advocacy Training Council's inaugural conference in Malaysia in 2015.

Lucy also takes her work with business leaders off-road as the Founder of The Echo Project, which supports silenced communities; women, domestic violence survivors, and the world of human trafficking. As a foil, Lucy helps business executives shed light on what a privilege it is to have a voice in the world and begs the question: You have the right to speak. What are you doing with it?

Lucy's corporate clientele range from CEOs and senior executives of blue-chip companies such as McKinsey, IBM, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank to politicians, barristers, and lawyers.

In Lucy's keynotes, participants will consider:

- how they rank as a voice of influence in their business using our online Voice of Influence Diagnostic tool

- what stops them from being a voice of influence

- why the voice is the key to unlocking the power of your people to affect change

- why we have the voice we have as adults

- knowing we are not bound to the limitations of our adult voice

- how the voice is innately persuasive

- the subtextual, emotional and primal layers underneath words as defined in the Cornell Communications Model

- our vocal rites of passage: from birth to corporate career

- the Cornell Voice Advisory process for a being heard and expressing your power: Arrive, Breathe, Vibrate, Speak

Talking Points

Voice of Influence

Imagine a business where all key people use their voice so powerfully that high-impact conversations convert.

Lucy Cornell is an international keynote speaker on the innate persuasive power of the human voice. She has spoken in 18 countries to 1000's of executives at over 300 events globally inspiring leaders to use their voice to change their world.

From her 20 years of working with some of the world's most influential leaders and their teams, Lucy knows that the single most neglected opportunity in business is in the voice of its people. No matter what technical skills people have or training they have received, none of it matters if they can't express themselves and be heard. The voice is the last frontier to maximize results in business. And most other businesses don't even think about it.
Lucy's central premise is that when someone's voice can express their power, then you can fully unlock the intellectual capital of your people.

In Lucy's keynotes, participants will consider:

- how they rank as a voice of influence in their business using our online Voice of Influence Diagnostic tool
- what stops them from being a voice of influence
- why the voice is the key to unlocking the power of your people to affect change
- why we have the voice we have as adults
- knowing we are not bound to the limitations of our adult voice
- how the voice is innately persuasive
- the subtextual, emotional and primal layers underneath words as defined in the Cornell Communications Model
- our vocal rites of passage: from birth to corporate career
- the Cornell Voice Advisory process for a being heard and expressing your power: Arrive, Breathe, Vibrate, Speak

Women Voice and Power A shared voice at the table

The world is changing. Inclusivity and shared voice is the global expectation in business, however as an international keynote speaker and CEO of Cornell Voice working with thousands of business professionals every year, Lucy Cornell can comfortably say that what might be stated on a business' mission about including diverse voices at the table is not always what happens in reality. Lucy Cornell has been empowering women's voices in business for 17 years. Although many organizations have women's initiatives, Lucy's experience is that women (and anyone outside the dominant code, in fact) are still battling to have their voice.

In business, the question of who gets the voice becomes one of positional power. Business cultures born from patriarchy tend to bias toward male styles of communication. In this, dominant and entitled voices have currency. Without the skills to understand and navigate this dominant style, talent is compromised and voices are lost.

This program will help businesses:

Understand how physiology and psychology influence voice
Understand the historical arc of voice and gender and how this plays out in modern business spoken communications
Bring consciousness to their own voice story
Shed light on the rules of voice in this particular business culture and industry
Understand how to navigate these rules
Stand strongly and calmly for the right to be a voice of influence when there is push back or pressure
Learn how to claim space, get air play and create cut through
Ensure intellectual capital and power is acknowledged and heard

Virtually Speaking Online Masterclass Series

Participants: Up to 60 people
Engage, inspire and revitalize your team

Coach: Lucy Cornell
The CEO of Cornell Voice Advisory

Access: Hosted virtually
Watch virtually with your colleagues

Format: 3 masterclasses + 30 Days
1 hour/week over 3 consecutive weeks


Session 1: Establishing your Online Presence
Why your voice matters
Diagnostic of your positional & literal voice
Set the rules of voice online to allow for shared voice and considerate air time
Your relationship with your right to speak

Session 2: Messaging and Positioning
Why are you speaking?
Why people listen
Create cut through
Look underneath words to determine intention and power play

Session 3: Holding Court
Skills to sound commanding
Have gravitas
Be heard
Develop true control
Speak into high stakes with ease using the Cornell Voice ABVS methodology for influence
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